This. The Hercules legacy is far stronger than any additional performance brought by A400M. Plus C-17 and C-5, adding a fourth large transport to the U.S military fleet would be overkill and wasteful. Lockheed lobbyists would also hit the roof.
Airbus rough field trials at Woodbridge back in 2016The RAF has proved the Atlas's rough field ability. Initial RAF trials were back in 2018 IIRC with Airbus themselves carrying out beach and rough grass field tests prior to that. Back in 2023 there was as well publicised RAF training session on Pembrey Beach in South Wales.
Unlike it's older siblings the J variant's short / rough field performance is actually pretty poor, a problem that has been continuously kicked down the road for a long time I believe.C-130J
The older ones certainly. The KC-130J is another matter I fear.And don't tell me the KC-130 is not "able to refuel at med to low alt and can land on dirt strip".