world war ii

  1. Flyaway

    The Last Zeppelin Raid 1939

    Actually an early example of a signals intelligence mission: View:
  2. blackkite

    Boulton Paul P.105 and P.107

    Hi! "Late in the Second World War, the Royal Naval Air Arm began seeking out an aircraft design that would be able to fill both the fighter and bomber roles. Having one aircraft perform multiple roles would eliminate the specialization...
  3. T

    Impregnated plywood

    Anyone know any sources discussing "shpon" the Soviet impregnated plywood and American Duraloid and Duramold?
  4. T

    Alpha Jet

    While some weird dudes are celebrating the epitomized image of an autocrat*, the french AdlAE discretely commemorates one of its hero pilot (Poet and novelist), Mr Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Free French air Force pilot, Croix de Guerre with palms, MIA, with the birth of its most famous...
  5. Tonton-42

    Short S.31 Stirling

    The Stirling is a rather poorly documented plane in France (less than the Halifax or the Lancaster which served under our cockades). On the other hand I like this big, low-performance thing but rather pleasant to drive delivers my manual interpretation that I made of it. If some...
  6. Tzoli

    The Mysterious 1944-45 Gibbs & Cox Battleship

    I've post here as well in hope we can find more info on this! Some time ago I've stumbled upon a discussion and a historical document between Fleet Admiral Ernest Joseph King and then Secretary of the Navy James Vincent Forrestal in 1945 January for the fleet building programme and mentioning a...
  7. F

    A rare bird from Gravenhurst, Ontario

    Even though the elementary flying training schools of the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) flew Fleet Finches and de Havilland Tiger Moths for a good part of the Second World War, the RCAF realised even before the end of 1940 that these biplanes no longer had much in common with the combat...
  8. Grey Havoc

    Geddes Liner, aka the Whale Ocean Liner

    Yes, that Norman Bel Geddes. The yacht mentioned in the reddit post is the Wenner-Gren Yacht design of 1934, with a both a naval yacht and a naval patrol vessel derived from it proposed for the United States Navy in 1939 at the outset of WWII (see JaySea article). View...
  9. Grey Havoc

    TOG series tanks

    Sometimes referred to as T.O.G. View:
  10. Flyaway

    Prince Philip has died at the age of 99
  11. SSgtC

    USS Johnston Found in the Philippine Sea

    Saw this article earlier. The USS Johnston DD-557, has been discovered at a depth of over 21,000 feet. As many know, she was part of Taffy 3 during the Battle of Samar. Her officers and crew showed insane amounts of courage in fighting off Kurita's much larger force before being sunk.
  12. Tzoli

    Royal Navy Big Cruiser Designs

    For these cruisers I got most of my data from Norman Friedman's British Cruisers Two World War and After as well as from the forum member Smurf and parts from his book: A Directory of British Cruiser Designs. In case of Friedman's book it wasn't always clear what data was connected to what...
  13. Grey Havoc

    Commander Seamus Ó Muiris, INS

  14. XoXSciFiGuy

    The Mystery of U-530

    At the end of World War 2, the U-boat U-530 surrendered at Buenos Aires, Argentina. At the time, it was commanded by a very young lieutenant in the Kreigsmarine. The problem was this U-boat took far longer to reach Argentina than it should have, and when it finally arrived in July 1945, the...
  15. Dilandu

    Italian Fotobomba (AH, 1945)

    This concept is from my AH project "Savioe Cross". In short - in 1943, Mussolini was a bit quicker, and managed to broker peace with Allies before the Victor Emmanuel III. Italy managed to came out of Axis more orderly, and successfully repel (with Allied help, of course), German invasion. But...
  16. blockhaj

    Early Swiss aircraft rockets? (Pre 8 cm Oerlikon)

    So it has come to my attention that the Swiss developed some type of airborne attack rocket during WWII, however finding information, let alone pictures of it has proven impossible for me. Does anyone here happen to have more information on the subject? I do know that the Swiss had some type of...
  17. ArmchairSamurai

    Panzer IV & T-60 crossbred abomination

    Hello all. This first came to my attention via an April Fools article: The photo that was provided though seemed too good to be a photoshop, so I did a little digging and found myself on a Russian forum page...
  18. C

    Any WW2 italian gas turbine?

    In a topic in the "early projects" section, I've seen a reference to a R-2000 Italian turboprop of WW2 vintage. That mention arouse in me a question: why Italy was the first to actively research some kind of jet engine but at the same time the only great power apparently not having some research...
  19. T

    Report at NAA about German Rocket Development

    Here a report at the National Archives of Australia on Armament Research & Development Rocket Projectiles. German Development Some images taken from the doc:
  20. T

    Jeffery Land Torpedo

    Hi, I found a big document (297 pages, 72 MBytes) about the Jeffery Land Torpedo, developed in 1941-1943 (i did not read every page...). Copy-pasteing the link from National Archives of Australia does not work (i.e. the pasted link points to a "session expired" page), so below there is the link...
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