world war ii

  1. hesham

    Fieseler Projects

    Hi, here is a Fieseler P.29,P.30 and Fi.333,also P.35; P.29 was a military transport Project,intended to compete Arado Ar.232,led to develop Fi.333 P.30 was an unconventional military transport Project,later became Fi.333 P.35 was initial design for Fi.103...
  2. L

    RK1 - RK 800

    Grigorii Ivanovich Bakshayev was interested in the concept of variable geometry aircraft, where the size and/or shape of wings are altered according to the stage of flight, or desired characteristics. There are many methods of achieving this but one of the simplest is the telescopic wing, where...
  3. W

    Heinkel P1078c

    Hello everyone, In the Dan Sharp magazine on 'Luftwaffe, secret jets of the third reich' there is a picture of the original drawing of the Heinkel 1078 entry for the report compiled in advance of the 1-TL Jager meeting of february 27-28, 1945. I bought a copy of the magazine. Really nice. Just...
  4. Jason Dykstra (Wyvern)

    RAF Bomber Command Memorial service

    Today, at 11am GMT, a memorial service for RAF Bomber Command is being held. I shall post a link, just in case you wish to join: View:
  5. Flyaway

    Applied witchcraft: American communications intelligence satellites during the 1960s

    Another cracking article from Mr Day.
  6. Grey Havoc

    McKinley Climatic Laboratory

  7. T

    Cultivator Number 6

    Hi, I searched the entire forum, but I did not find a thread about the Cultivator Number 6, a projected trenching machine; maybe it is well known to some of the readers, but I think it need a thread due to its particularity. Here the Cultivator as described by Winston Churchill in his book...
  8. T

    Boulton Paul P.101. Weapon options.

    How can 3 40-mm Type S guns be mounted on Boulton Paul P.101? P.S. I ask you about location of 3 guns on the plane.
  9. F

    French Aircraft Carrier Never-Were Designs and Proposals

    Hello there! I've been trying to find data on French aircraft carrier designs between the Joffre and the Clemenceau (PA-54). I've found plenty of data on the PA-28, but I'm very interested in the supposed PA-25 design from Vichy France and the PA-27, PA-29, PA-31 designs from 1945 onwards...
  10. Z

    The U.K. develops the gas turbine significantly quicker

    Inspired by the “What if the gas turbine hadn’t happened“ I always thought of a different angle. This considers what would have happened if just two men had a different mindset at just one meeting? Ref “Genesis of the Jet” John Golley. This book documents Frank Whittle struggle to develop the...
  11. R

    USAAC limited to Ford Tri-Motor until 1941?

    What if the United States Army Air Corps was limited to Ford Tri-Motor transports until the onset of World War 2? For the purposes of debate, Bill Stout is allowed to update the basic Ford airframe to 23,000 pound gross weight and up to 725 horsepower per engine, but is still limited to the...
  12. Hood

    Soviet Maritime Project Numbers

    Good listings of Soviet naval project numbers are difficult to find. Some were published in books following the events of 1991 and of course Globalsecurity published a list in the late 1990s. No details at all were released of merchant vessels, so about two years I set out to complete a list and...
  13. L

    Blohm & Voss 143 ancestor of the Sea Skimmer

    I would like to present my following book to you: It is the whole story of the first Sea Skimmer. Even before WW II began, the Reichsluftfahrtministerium thought about development of guided missiles. Besides the well known Henschel Missiles (Hs 293 etc.), also Blohm & Voss worked on a guided...
  14. T

    Japanese aviation paintings during WW2

    I like japanese paintings, and I like WW2 aviation too, so what is better of japanese paintings about aircraft, painted during WW2? After a little search, I found the following, some taken from here: Zero fighter ready to take off from an aircraft carrier. It is also on the cover of this book...
  15. Hood

    Air Radio Installation Numbers

    The British Air Ministry created a designation system for the installations of radio equipment in the late 1930s, each number reflected the standardised installation of a particular radio transmitter or receiver and all the various elements including power units, aerial connections, and control...
  16. hesham

    RAF Suicide Fighter of 1939

    Hi, here is an idea for suicide fighter Project of 1939,displayed by British military magazine "The R.A.F., Quaterly,that as I translate by google,did we talk about it before ?. Ailes 1939
  17. Grey Havoc

    Howie Belly-Flopper

    One of the ancestors of the Willys Jeep. Formally known as the Howie machine gun carrier, the belly flopper was also known as the Howie-Wiley. View:
  18. hesham

    Bellanca Prototypes & Projects

    Hi, here is a Bellanca Miscellaneous Handwritten Notes and Sketches, Large Transport, 1948-1950,
  19. N

    Japanese Jet Engines of WWII

    Ah okay, that makes more sense. It seems the original description was incorrect. Justo, do you know where I can find more information regarding Japanese centrifugal-type jet engines? I’m curious how they compare to the axial series. and thanks for the amazing images and information, as always
  20. J

    Junkers EF-130 speculative drawings

    - Junkers / DFS EF-130 A four engine heavy bomber of ‘Uralbomber’ class designed in the autumn of 1944 to compete against the Arado E-555, the BMW ‘Strahlbomber Projekt II’, the Horten Projekt 18 (23/2/1945) and the Messerschmitt P.1108. It had a pressurised cockpit for a crew of three...
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