world war ii

  1. uk 75

    Tiger class cruisers opinions

    The three Tiger class cruisers arouse strong opinions. As the only major non-carrier RN warships built after WW2 they mark the transition of the RN from a force built round its battleships' big guns to a missile dominated navy. The 6" and 3" guns fitted to them were supposed to be a new approach...
  2. Grey Havoc

    80th Anniversary of Operation Market Garden (2024)
  3. blockhaj

    Lieutenant Norman Samuels' "super-heavy tank"

    So a dude on the War Thunder forums, "Whelmy", found some docs on this Canadian "super heavy tank" a number of years back, designed by a Canadian dude named (lieutenant) Norman Samuels. Unfortunately i only saved one of the documents from his posts, but he did publish a number of them back in...
  4. ArmchairSamurai


    Hello all, been a minute I am not sure where to post this, but has anyone heard of the Welbum? It's in the same league as the Welrod, Welwand, Welfreighter, and Welman when it comes to British convert R&D at Station IX in WW2. I saw the name pop up while reading about the Welwand and I...
  5. W

    Remote-controlled 5cm FlaK 41 battery

    In the late-war period a battery of the ill-fated 5cm FlaK 41 was directed by a remote controlled system, overcoming it`s manual traverse problems and testing what would be the Gerät 58 5,5cm control system. Does anyone know about this development?
  6. W

    Flotten-UBoot Typ XII

    The Bundesarchiv/Militäraarchiv listened to my prayers and made available the plans for a German fleet submarine project I was looking after since I bought Eberhardt Rössler`s "Geschichte des Deutschen Ubootbaus", in the early1990`s. All we had was a cross section and the general specifications...
  7. J

    Henschel Zitterrochen

    Henschel Zitterrochen The Messerschmitt P 1111 (January 15,1945 jet fighter project) was fast, climbed very fast and high, manoeuvred exceedingly well at low speed, had enough room to transport a lot of fuel and armament, could be built in wood and was surprisingly small and nice to look at...
  8. R

    Pinnacle of Piston fighter: Last US piston fighters vs Spiteful Mk XVI?

    Due to the jet age, various super props never go to production despite their high performance. Among those, it can be said that XP-72 and Spiteful F.16 were the most high capable design. So let say if these prototype got to production stage, which would be the ultimate piston fighter? XP-72...
  9. barbara_em

    Kitbash: German jet seaplane

    I found this photograph on, a website that covers militaria and sundries. The entry and caption were for a Curtis SC Seahawk. Obviously, this ain’t it, but what is it? I did a cursory look at Luft’46 didn’t come up with anything that looks like this seaplane. The tail looks like it came...
  10. J

    Royal Thai Air Force

    Royal Thai Air Force for modelers Coinciding with the attack on Pearl Harbour, 100,000 troops of the Imperial Japanese Army crossed the border into Thailand from newly acquired bases in southern Indo-China. The 15th Army needed to pass over the Bangkok plain to attack Burma and the 25th Army...
  11. A

    Hawker-PAC Sea Fury FB.61 "Turbo Fury"

    Excerpt from i need to get pictures, real pictures of this beauty
  12. Z

    WW2 German Gyro to ID

    So, I’ve acquired this WW2 German Gyro. I would appreciate any information on what it was used in. It’s about 400mm long and 100mm diameter.
  13. M

    Tufi airfield in New Guinea?

    I am reading an article on the LW/AW radar set designed in Australia. It states the first production unit went into full operation at Tufi in November 1942. When I google Tufi airfield, all I find is this web page, which claims it was built in the 1960s...
  14. W

    3cm Flakvierling 103/38 Flakpanzer

    This, the last Flakpanzer designed by Rheinmetall-Borsig from late 1944, was incited by the SS-Führungshauptamt and fathered by SS-Hauptsturmführer Wabnitz. It proceeded to the last days of WW2, and not just a wooden mockup was made since metal was cut. All the plans were destroyed in a air...
  15. W

    Belyayev pusher fighter?

    A German report on Allied aircraft discovered by Gregory D. Heuer at NARA and published at the Luft46 Facebook public group,, showing what I believe is a Soviet Belyayev design, sharing many "EOI" or "PBI" features. Comments are...
  16. E

    French antitank weapon projects before June 1940

    Hi everyone, Just like my previous threads in the same section, talking about French antitank weapon projects in development in the interwar period or up to 1940 that didn't get to enter service, based on my archive findings. I'm gonna start with the ones that caught me completetely off-guard...
  17. CJGibson

    RAF Historical Society seminar - Normandy

    The RAF Historical Society is holding a seminar on Air Power and Normandy/Overlord at RAF Museum Midlands (Cosford to you and me) on 18th September 2024. Tickers and details are available here: Chris
  18. A

    WW2 War-Winning Kit.

    Himself a crucial Allied asset (imposing Jointery, heedless of uniform colour) SACEUR Ike's Memoir (Crusade in Europe) gave 5 “pieces of eqpt (we) came to regard as among the most vital (to) success” (in his ETO: doubtless a Macarthur Pacific list would differ). Published in 1948 he disclosed no...
  19. K

    Centurion Mark IV with 95 mm QF howitzer

    Are there any images of the Centurion Mark IV with 95 mm QF howitzer?
  20. S

    British hybrid battleships: projects and proposals

    the richelieu hybrid: (in french)
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