world war ii

  1. boxkite

    They Also Serve - RAF Reconnaissance and Support Projects Since 1945

    Have I missed something? Have I overlooked something? See Chris Gibson's (new?) Avatar ...
  2. F

    Degaussing WW-2 Submarines.

    Just finished the book "Thunder Below" by Admiral Gene Fluckey who commanded the USS Barb on 5 cruises during WW2. It was a Gato class submarine. They mentioned having to 'Degauss' the submarine right before leaving Midway (after fuel/torpedo reload) for the sea of Okhotsk. I knew degaussing was...
  3. ptdockyard

    Question on Italian 135mm and 65mm naval weapons

    The Navweps site on these two guns has some passing mentions that lead me to other questions: -135 mm/45 (5.3") Models 1937 and 1938: There is this statement: "A twin AA version for the Etna class cruisers and for the rebuild of the damaged battleship Conte Di Cavour were only in the...
  4. YourChair

    Italian 61200 ton CRDA battleship (4-16-16-40)

    Hello all, While browsing some old WoWS Reddit threads I found mention of a CRDA (assumedly Cantieri Riuniti dell'Adriatico, active 1930 to 1984) battleship design that was posted on the (now-defunct) WoWS forums. Apparently the known specifics are "61200 tons standard, 29 knots, 406mm belt...
  5. F

    Batignolles Chatillon DP or DP1

    i did a quick search of this site for the above mentioned vehicle and found nothing so if there is a preexisting topic i am sorry for failing to discover its thread i was looking for any info and/ or pics about this vehicle or these vehicles ( i know of the DP-2 ( the one which almost...
  6. H

    Did the Spanish have any plans on replacing Dedalo I?

    As we know, Dedalo was a German merchant ship confiscated during WW1 and converted by the Spanish into a seaplane tender in 1922. Dedalo well demonstrated the utility of an aircraft capable ship by supporting the Spanish-French landings at Alhucemas during the Rif War in Morrocco in 1925. In...
  7. Ekrub

    Japanese Heavy Bombs WW2

    Are there any Japanese WW2 projects for bombs in the 2000+ kilogram range? The British, Americans, Germans, and Soviets all had various large conventional bombs in the 2000 - 20000 kilogram range, but I have not come across anything (in my limited research) of a similar weight class for Japan...
  8. J

    CA-12 Boomerang Evolution

    In July 1940 the hounded British government warns the Australians of an imminent embargo of any aviation materials. On 10 December 1941 the capital ships of the Royal Navy H.M.S. Prince of Wales and H.M.S. Repulse are sunk by Japanese airplanes. On 21 December of the same month, the firm...
  9. U

    Alternative Royal Navy during the Interwar period

    If you could redesign the Royal Navy at that time, what would you do?
  10. C

    Ironhorse Artificial Harbor | Operation Coronet, circa March 1946 | U.S. Planned Invasion of Honshu

    SOURCE: Giangreco, D. M. (2009). Hell to Pay: Operation Downfall and the Invasion of Japan, 1945-1947. Naval Institute Press.
  11. C

    Lend-Lease M1 Garand Tested in the Soviet Union, circa 1943

    According to a translated article by firearms enthusiast and historian Andrey Ulanov, the Soviet Union acquired a single M1 Garand rifle through Lend-Lease and tested it in 1943. Lend-Lease shipment records showed that the United States did send a single M1 Garand rifle to the USSR (below...
  12. U

    What's the situation of the Royal Navy if the WW2 broke out in 1944, not 1939?

    When I was surfing the Internet, I saw a post on the World of Warship Forum( that an article assuming World War II would have broken out in 1944. And after reading that, I wondered what would...
  13. R

    Projects of artillery pieces 1919-1990

    I'll start the topic with an experienced Finnish infantry gun 76 PK 27/38 1943-1944.
  14. C


    Hi all, Recently joined I'm interested in WW2 German secret or advanced weapons and aircraft. Have read abit about Foo-fighters spotted by both sides during WW2, but wondered if these were simply advanced AAA weapons? Any links to info would be great. Cheers
  15. Boxman

    Film: "Job 99 - 'PLUTO' - The Development and Production of the 'HAMEL' Pipelines by Stewarts & Lloyds, Ltd."

    I think it is fair to say that most of those participating in this forum are aware of "Operation PLUTO" ("Pipeline Under the Ocean" or "Pipeline Underwater Transportation of Oil"), the creation and laying down of pipelines under the English Channel to transport fuel to the Allies on the...
  16. F

    1936 Cierva-FW and alternative helicopter history

    Starting point Juan de la Cierva had already decided to continue his work motorizing the gyroplane's rotor. He misses his flight at Croydon which crashes in December 1936 because his car has a flat tire. He travels on the next flight, meets with Focke, and together they design and develop two...
  17. L

    F6F Hellcat initial projects?

    Just realized that i have never seen any drawings of interim projects that eventually led to the G-50/F6F. There was an G-33 based on the XF4F-2 but with R-2600 engine, and as i understand initial G-50 projects had still much in common with the F4F (mid-wing, fuselage landing gear etc.). Are...
  18. airman

    history of sinking shinano carrier

    View: Great small documentary of Historigraph with English subtitles
  19. uk 75

    Lists of Unbuilt Royal Navy and British Export Ships

    One of my continuing interests and a strength of this site is information about Royal Navy ships that never left the drawing board. Recently.not so much has been published about these designs so I thought I would start this thread. Many projects have there own threads and are well known to...
  20. B

    What if: a de Havilland single seat, single piston engine fighter for World War II

    I'll open this up initially for the forum to chime in with what their ideas on what this could've been like, though I do have to provide my broad idea for it. I do imagine at the basic, fundamental level, it's probably be like half a Hornet (half the size, half the power), and powered by at...
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