
  1. overscan (PaulMM)

    Vickers Versatile Aircraft Carrier and 1983 Light Fleet Carrier

    Displacing 13,200 tons, space for 16 aircraft. 15deg ski jump. For peacetime operations a helicopter operates from the rear deck, in wartime the rear deck would be built up with containers to lengthen the flight deck. Length 604 ft. Source: Flight International, 12 Jan 1980.
  2. overscan (PaulMM)

    1960s Focke-Wulf FW 260 and FW 300 VTOL jet airliners

    Fw 260 medium range and Fw 300 short range transports Source: Flying Review International Vol 18, Issue 11
  3. hesham

    Hawker Siddeley HS.133 VTOL Airliner

    Hi, who knows this VTOL airliner aircraft Project ?. http://www.flightglobal.com/PDFArchive/View/1969/1969%20-%203287.html
  4. hesham

    Dornier LSK (Leichtes Schwebefähiges Kampfflugzeug) (Lightweight Hoverable Fighter) (1972)

    Hi, the Dornier sutdied in 1972 to develope an aircraft which was based on or looks like the SAAB-37 Viggen,and also designed a very beautiful lightweight V/STOL fighter,I never heard about them before. http://www.flightglobal.com/FlightPDFArchive/1972/1972%20-%202852.pdf
  5. uk 75

    Fairchild-Republic FR-150 Sea Control Ship (SCS) fighter

    Reading the chapter in TB's new American Secret Projects book on the contenders for the VSTOL USN fighter in the 70s I was fascinated by the lengthy narrative on the Fairchild Republic proposal. No pictures appear, but it seems to resmble a smaller updated version of the company's proposal for...
  6. P

    Stretched Type 82

    In Rebuilding the RN Brown notes 'In 1967 consideration was given to a stretched Type 82 to replace the Tiger class as helicopter ships' (DEFE 16/617 (PRO)) Were any drawings made?
  7. hesham

    Hawker Siddeley VTOL/STOL Concepts

    My dear Jemiba, can I ask you if there was a project to Hawker called HS-810 VTOL transport aircraft or not ?.
  8. hesham

    Various Japanese civilian aircraft designs

    Hi, The Japanese company NAMC YS-12 was developed from YS-11 but powered by two Rolls Royce dart RDa 10s ,YS-31 was with two RDa 7s and the YS-12-4 was with four RDa 10 engines. http://www.flightglobal.com/pdfarchive/view/1959/1959%20-%203097.html?search=ys-12
  9. hesham

    Rolls Royce VTOL Projects

    Hi, Does anyone know those VTO projects to Rolls Royce ?. Source,flightglobal.
  10. hesham

    Jean Bertin Projects

    Hi, The Bertin HB-12 was a project of large version of HB-11 powered by three General Electric J85 engines.
  11. hesham

    Heinkel He 212 / VFW VC-400 tandem tiltwing

    My dear Jemiba, Did you hear about the Heinkel He 212 army reconnaissance tilt propeller aircraft project ? thanks in advance.
  12. A

    Rolls-Royce Liftjets from RB82 to XJ-99

    Thread to discuss this family of lift engines, and aircrafts related. I've gathered some infos on the subject... Le Fana de l'aviation, october 1997. Article on the Mirage IIIV. "Circa 1967 RB-162 were to be replaced by RB-189, product of a join program between RR and Allison. Thrust was 2700...
  13. MIRAGE 4000

    Dassault projects - Cavalier

    I find in my archives the Dassault MD 630 Cavalier project drawing. I could post it if y are interesting. I propose to start a "Dassault projects" Topic Now, the Calavier projects
  14. EEP1A

    Teledyne Ryan VTOL/VSTOL/STOL projects (NOT liftfan/Fan-In-Wing)

    Ryan VTOL fighter project of the late 1950's. From Japanese Magazine "The Aviation Magazine" September 1958.
  15. Mike Pryce

    Harrier Carriers

    Over the years the STOVL ability of the Harrier has led to various proposals for ships for it to operate from. First was the VT Harrier Carrier concept of the mid-1970s. 8,000 tons, c. 400ft length at WL, 420 ft flight deck with ski-jump. Electric propulsion powered by 9x5000 hp gas turbine...
  16. Jemiba

    Shorts Vertical Take-off aircraft

    In the RAF Flying Review 3/62 I've found a model photo of a Shorts VTOL project, principally similar to the german VJ-101, with to swivelling nacelles and two vertically installed RB.162 engines. Anybody, who knows the designation or furhter details ?
  17. richard

    Heinkel Postwar Fighters

    Who could post a picture of the 1957 Heinkel He 012 ( or 021 ? ) fighter project ? Thanks a lot for the help ! Richard
  18. GTX

    British Carriers Commando Ships and Escort Cruisers 1963 to 1968

    Hi Folks, I am interested in information on the cancelled British CVA-01 carrier design. Any assistance would be appreciated. Thankyou in advance. Regards, Greg
  19. Thorvic

    EWR VJ-101A/B/C/D/E VTOL fighter projects

    Following on from UK75's Post on a VTOL Lutwaffe 1975 i was wondering if anybody had the dimensions for the VJ-101 D ?. I can find stuff on-line for the B, C and E but not for the D >:(
  20. overscan (PaulMM)

    Westland VTOL convertiplane projects

    Flying Review International, July 1970
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