united states navy

  1. Grey Havoc

    Non-carrier uses of Essex class carriers in their later years

  2. A

    VSS - VSTOL Support Ship - exotic air group

    Zumwalt forgotten offspring - smaller Sea Control Ship and much larger CVV are far well known. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VSTOL_Support_Ship https://www.secretprojects.co.uk/threads/sea-control-ship-scs-and-vstol-support-ship-vss.7635/ Whatif VSS happened to be the right size and cost -...
  3. Grey Havoc

    WWII USN Torpedo Scandal

    https://www.wearethemighty.com/history/ww2-navy-torpedo-problems-mk14?rebelltitem=3#rebelltitem3 https://www.defensemedianetwork.com/stories/torpedo-scandal-rear-adm-charles-lockwood-the-mark-14-and-the-bureau-of-ordnance/...
  4. Grey Havoc

    Kirk Douglas passes away at the age of 103

    https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/kirk-douglas-dies-spartacus-670526 A life well lived. Rest In Peace. :(
  5. P


    From wiki https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_Missile Common Missile was an intercontinental ballistic missile project, developed to satisfy U.S. Navy and U.S. Air Force operational system requirements for both SLBM and silo-launched ICBM, defined in the 1978 commonality study. Description...
  6. L

    Ticonderoga and Arleigh Burke

    If an Arleigh Burke had the same autonomy, the same firepower, the length of the hull and the same radars, would it itself be a destroyer? I remember reading about former naval officers who had written that the Burke of Ticonderoga was better, and that the former could do the same job as the...
  7. A Tentative Fleet Plan

    Hip Pocket I & II

    From Norman Friedman's US Naval Weapons (1983) p161-162. Hip Pocket I was authorized on the 30th of August, and evaluated from February-June 1972 The DDG-4 Lawrence was modernised with the following: Chapparel Redeye an IR Search and Track system a CW threat warning radar (sharing the SPS-10...
  8. Grey Havoc

    Medium Unmanned Surface Vehicle (MUSV), U.S. Navy

  9. Avimimus

    Kaiser Wilhelm II's Homunculus (and torpedo battleships generally)

    "Next in the starry procession came the officers, at their head the Generals and Admirals, all with the watchword: Obedience. The Emperor devises an ideal battleship, impregnably iron-clad, rapid, and armed with torpedo-tubes, which would take the place of the torpedo-boats.... The construction...
  10. Grey Havoc

    USN 'Ghost Fleet' Large Unmanned Surface Vessel (LUSV)

    First directly mentioned on SPF back in 2017: Most recent development: https://news.usni.org/2019/03/13/navy-wants-ten-ship-3b-unmanned-experimental-ghost-fleet Likely related in some way to the CARACaS program.
  11. sferrin

    USN Large Surface Combatant - Delayed

  12. Flyaway

    Boeing Orca Extra-Large Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (XLUUV)

  13. C

    "Ultimate battleship" designs

    Hello all, I'm searching infos regarding real (albeit conceptual only) battleship projects distinguishing themselves for extraordinary caliber of main guns and/or number of main guns and displacement. I'm aware of the following, some yet briefly discussed in other topics: -Tillman maximum...
  14. C

    Grumman / Shin Meiwa ASR-544-4

    Something different for today ... a collaborative project between Grumman and Shin Meiwa in Japan. Note wing engines can tilt up a few degrees (it's described on another page). Also, there is heavy reliance on active boundary layer control via twin turbines behind the rear pressure bulkhead...
  15. Stargazer

    FIGAT (FIberGlass Aerial Target) USAF and USN tow targets

    I recently happened on a photo of a U.S. Navy tow target which I hadn't previously seen. Linked from the VC-2 squadron page of the A-4 Skyhawk Association website, it was accompanied by no explanatory text, only a short caption saying "1974: Ed Jennings tells us about the "FIGAT". As I was...
  16. S

    Sea Dragon anti-ship missile

    Of particular concern is information related to the Sea Dragon anti-ship missile program, a project of the Pentagon’s Strategic Capabilities Office that was being developed by submarine builder General Dynamics Electric Boat...
  17. bring_it_on

    USMC Next Generation Armored Reconnaissance Vehicle (ARV)

    Armored Reconnaissance Vehicle (ARV) Advanced Technology Development Future Naval Capability (FNC) Program Science and Technology Brief to Industry https://www.scribd.com/document/369430054/ONR-Armored-Reconnaissance-Vehicle
  18. covert_shores

    British and American advanced. sub designs c1945?

    I am reasonably familiar with axis submarine projects, built and unbuilt, c1945. We're there any interesting British or American projects at this time beyond the typical A-Class and Fleet Boats? From what I've read it seems that the allies were content to build large numbers of relatively...
  19. Orionblamblam

    Douglas D-852 VAX - Light Attack Aircraft

    Rather nice and terribly expensive wind tunnel model set... http://www.ebay.com/itm/Douglas-Aircraft-Co-D852-Model-Assembly-Jet-Airplane-No-5818084-US-Military-/292256244471 Any guesses?
  20. S

    Navy Unveils 3D-Printed SEAL Sub

    ;D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKP7eEJxwb8 Navy Unveils 3D-Printed SEAL Sub Jul 24, 2017 The U.S. Navy recently unveiled the military's first 3D-printed submarine hull. Printed on the Big Area Additive Manufacturing (BAAM) machine at Oak Ridge National Laboratory's (ORNL) Manufacturing...
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