united states navy

  1. Boxman

    CAPT. DALE “SNORT” SNODGRASS (USN, RET) Killed in Plane Crash

    Just crushing news. R.I.P. Snort. The Aviation Geek Club: Dale “Snort” Snodgrass, legendary US Navy F-14 Tomcat pilot, killed in in the crash of a SIAI-Marchetti SM.1019 July 25, 2021 Full article hyperlinked at title.
  2. X

    WINGS at SEA, Landing a Pusher-Prop on a Postage Stamp....

    A knotty design conundrum! Using some 'imagineering', what if the Curtis XP55 'Ascender' and the Kyushu J7W 'Shinden' went into production and both spawned navalised variants for carrier deployment. The thorny issue of deck landing arises; 3-point tricycle landing gear means the awkward...
  3. trajan

    a question about DL1 Nofork's weapon

    Does 3"/70 (7.62 cm) Mark 37 have the potential to shoot at the sea. Just like British 3"/70 (7.62 cm) Mark VI? DL1 NOFORK known as a destoryer killer(ddk)and it has four mountings of this type,but i can't find any ammo about this gun that can attack sea target. so how NOFORK anti ships?
  4. Grey Havoc

    4th of July dinner menu, 1946, USS Mission Bay (CVE-59)

    View: https://www.reddit.com/r/WarshipPorn/comments/odiwra/fourth_of_july_dinner_menu_aboard_escort_aircraft/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Mission_Bay On a side note: https://www.reddit.com/r/VintageMenus/
  5. Grey Havoc

    Ford 'Big Red'

    Meant to create a topic on this after creating the one on the Kenworth-Boeing gas-powered turbine truck earlier in the year. Like that program this one had its origins in an USN requirement, albeit a later one. View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tODsl0-oW0Q View...
  6. uk 75

    Alt 60s US Navy

    The Royal Navy in the 1960s has been the place for many alternative history threads helped by the excellent books on the subject and the enthusiasm of Brits like me for CVA01 and co. The US Navy offers even more scope for programmes that could have been. Some thoughts to kick things off...
  7. Grey Havoc

    Lacoste Brakes

    View: https://old.reddit.com/r/WarshipPorn/comments/aiywtl/it_turns_out_the_us_navy_experimented_with_ship/
  8. helmutkohl

    What if the US Navy chose the Vought designs V-1600/1602

    Vought took General Dynamics design and offered the V-1600, 1601 and 1602 McDonnel Douglas took Northrops design and transformed the YF-17 to what would become the F-18 and won However in this scenario, lets say one of Vought's design won. At that time Sec Def, Schlesinger was heavily pushing...
  9. overscan (PaulMM)

    The (rigged?) ACEVAL/AIMEVAL air combat evaluations 1975 -1978

    There's a lot of conflicting information on the ACEVAL and AIMEVAL programs in published accounts. ACEVAL was focused on the relative effects of force size with a red force of F-5s versus blue force F-14 and F-15s. It was limited to visual engagements only and the AIM-54 was prohibited...
  10. that_person

    Battle Force Combatant and other SC-21 COEA Studies

    Hi. I'm looking for information on the SC-21 COEA studies, particularly the Battle Force Combatant (BFC). I did some digging around on the web, and it was supposed to replace all the Knox and Perry-class frigates, and according to an FAS page, this meant an estimated 104 of them would be built...
  11. helmutkohl

    What if, Grumman went with a fixed wing for the Tomcat

    One of the designs for the Tomcat replaced the swing wings with a fixed wing. Such as the 303F What if, in this alternate history.. Grumman decided to go with a fixed wing instead of a swing wing. Then the question becomes How would its performance characteristics be like with a fixed wing...
  12. helmutkohl

    Alternate history: Boeing won JSF

    Boeing and Lockheed beat out McDs, GD, and some other companies to become the two finalists for JSF. Boeing went with a somewhat more conventional engine arrangement, but an unconventional shape Lockheed was opposite and chose a more novel engine arrangement, but had a shape more similar to the...
  13. Tzoli

    The Mysterious 1944-45 Gibbs & Cox Battleship

    I've post here as well in hope we can find more info on this! Some time ago I've stumbled upon a discussion and a historical document between Fleet Admiral Ernest Joseph King and then Secretary of the Navy James Vincent Forrestal in 1945 January for the fleet building programme and mentioning a...
  14. Forest Green

    Kratos XQ-58A Valkyrie

    View: https://twitter.com/Aviation_Intel/status/1379231583492710402?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1379231583492710402%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.strategicfront.org%2Fforums%2Fthreads%2Fus-military-technology.2769%2Fpage-11
  15. Grey Havoc

    Kenworth-Boeing gas-powered turbine truck

    Apparently the gas turbine in question (Model 502) was originally developed in response to a USN requirement, presumably on behalf of the USMC. I wonder what the intended vehicle was? https://www.hemmings.com/stories/2011/05/09/turbine-powered-oddities-no-466-the-see-through-kenworth-boeing...
  16. SSgtC

    USS Johnston Found in the Philippine Sea

    Saw this article earlier. The USS Johnston DD-557, has been discovered at a depth of over 21,000 feet. As many know, she was part of Taffy 3 during the Battle of Samar. Her officers and crew showed insane amounts of courage in fighting off Kurita's much larger force before being sunk.
  17. JFC Fuller

    D1W Surface Ship Reactor

    I have found three readily available sources referencing this reactor, either directly or indirectly: Rickover and the Nuclear Navy, Francis Duncan, 1990 American destroyers and Frigates, Norman Friedman, 1982 Deciding to Buy: Civil-military Relations and Major Weapons Programs, Quentin E...
  18. overscan (PaulMM)

    R G Smith - one of the greatest aviation artists of all time

    Mike Machat shows some of R G Smith's incredible artwork on his Youtube channel. View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2S4R4B3GxD4
  19. Bill S

    Boeing Model 468

    From Boeing Report D-8172 [NARA II] The Model 468 informal proposal was based on conversations between Boeing and BuAero in January 1947. The proposed airplane was a semi-expendable antiaircraft gunnery target. It was to operated at 450mph at altitudes between sea level and 20,000 ft. Two...
  20. Grey Havoc

    Wave Glider USV in USN service?

    From last October: https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidhambling/2020/10/07/mystery-deepens-around-unmanned-spy-boat-washed-up-in-scotland/?sh=c25f756541f3 https://ukdefencejournal.org.uk/unmanned-spy-vessel-washes-up-in-scotland/
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