united states marine corps

  1. R

    Iron Dome

    I was somewhat surprised to see no thread on the Iron Dome system, particularly after its success against the recent Hamas rockets fired against Israel. Does anybody have any information on the system?
  2. Triton

    Unrealized versions of LAV

    USMC LAV-H High Capacity datasheet found on eBay. Source: http://www.ebay.com/itm/LAV-H-HIGH-CAPACITY-FOR-THE-USMC-DATA-SHEET-/160549782365?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item256183435d
  3. uk 75

    What is your favourite 70s 80s Harrier replacement/alternative?

    One of the joys of this site is the quantity of info available on unbuilt aircraft projects. Particularly tantalising are the various projects in the 70s and 80s for a supersonic VSTOL to replace the Harrier. The Bae 1216 has been the best covered thanks to Michael Pryce. Various US designs...
  4. Mike Pryce

    Harrier Projects (Future title)

    The next PTP I am writing, on Harrier Projects, is about 50% written. It will feature some things already known about, but tell their full story, such as: as well as revealing wholly new stories, such as the full saga of the Harrier III, the proposed Sea Harrier FRS.3 and some weird and...
  5. I

    McDonnel F2H Banshee

    Hello everybody,J look to archive to find cutaway of this magnificent aircraft,does somebody have cutaway of any version,Thanks in advance
  6. cluttonfred

    Alternatives to USMC Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle (EFV)?

    SecDef Gates and the MC Commandant (some say under orders) recommended in budget hearings last month that the Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle (EFV) program be cancelled in favor of a cheaper alternative. That may not be the end of the story as General Dynamics is lobbying hard that it would...
  7. Mike Pryce

    50 years of the Harrier

    Today it is 50 years since the first Hawker P.1127 hovered, on 21st of October 1960. Despite the recent news that the UK is retiring its fleet the US Marine Corps, Spanish Navy, Italian Navy and Indian Navy continue to operate it, and it is likely that the Harrier will still be in service for...
  8. Mike Pryce

    UK Harrier retirement & sale to US Marine Corps

    Leaks reported on SDSR were accurate. Harrier and current carriers to be retired, in 2011 for Harrier. 1 CVF to get cats and traps and F-35C from 2020. Other CVF to be mothballed. Nimrod MRA.4 cancelled, new 'low cost frigates' to join escort force numbering 19. Reduced Tornado fleet retained...
  9. RyanC

    US Navy/USMC/US Army Sea Basing Concepts

    Fun. I liek the C-5A for scale. Clearly we need a folding wing C-5C to fit below decks. ;D
  10. Triton

    Lockheed Martin Gibbs amphibious vehicle concepts

    Model of Lockheed Martin and Gibbs Technologies Ltd. Amphibious Combat Craft/Expeditionary (ACC/E) vehicle on display at the Association of the United States Army (AUSA) Winter Symposium and Exhibition 2007. NOTE: Original images reduced in size. Source...
  11. Michel Van

    XM-759 MTV Tank

    i found this Picture of Tank called "XM-759 MTV" very unusual track design. source http://www.ljplus.ru/img4/m/r/mrbolshevik/proto.jpg
  12. Triton

    US Navy Transformation Craft (T-Craft)

    Transformation Craft (T-Craft) Concept Study by Cynthia Marks et al., NAVAL SURFACE WARFARE CENTER CARDEROCK DIV BETHESDA MD SHIP SYSTEMS INTEGRATION AND DESIGN DEPARTMENT (Aug 2007) Abstract: Handle / proxy Url: http://handle.dtic.mil/100.2/ADA488102
  13. Triton

    US Navy Submerged Tank Landing Ship (LSST)

    The submerged tank landing ship (LSST) was sketched in 1955 by the United States Navy's Bureau of Ships (BuShips) for its "dream book." Powered by an S5W nuclear reactor, it would have attained 16 knots in landing trim and 12 knots submerged. It would have carried 500 troops and 500 tons of...
  14. luedo34

    Information and questions about the MV-22 / CV-22 Osprey

    Help! I am confused! What is the difference between the different "Blocks" of MV-22 and CV-22? Are there any visible differences on thew outside of the aircraft? And are Block A, B and C (MV-22) just other names for Block 10, 20, 25, 30 (CV-22)? Anybody who could help` Thanks a lot!
  15. R

    The STAMP (Small tactical aerial mobility platform) Program

    The Garrett Systems STAMP. Does anybody have any information about it?
  16. cluttonfred

    M50 Ontos variants

    The M50 Ontos is an odd vehicle with an interesting story, a problem child that the U.S. Army ended up rejecting but the U.S. Marine Corps ended using to good effect, though in small numbers and for infantry support, not as a tank hunter. There are links to more resources in the Wikipedia...
  17. K

    McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II

    From numerous sources, it would seem the F-4 Phantom had a somewhat heavily-loaded wing (medium, medium-heavy). I'm not saying I dispute this as the F-4's performance obviously reflects it, but I am wondering how an aircraft with such large wings, which appear to be substantially cambered...
  18. Abraham Gubler

    Alvis Sagiter

    Here is some data on an interesting British program from the early 1980s. The following information has been copied from Jane’s Light Tanks and Armoured Cars 1984 by Christopher F. Foss. It is posted here for educational purposes. Alvis Sagitar Alvis Limited has submitted three studies to the...
  19. S

    Bell AH-1 Cobra

    Is this AH-1Z a newer version of the AH-1 Cobra gunship? The designation is the same, but i don't know if the helicopter is the same.
  20. R

    M1 Abrams MBT Replacement

    My first post, I think. Bear with me... I've tried several times now to find more info on this Abrams CATTB (Component Advanced Technology TestBed), but Google and co lead me to VERY limited information. Text in the pic tell you all I know. Does Anyone know if Jane's International Defence...
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