united states air force

  1. overscan (PaulMM)

    Spyflights & Overflights : Cold War Aerial Reconnaissance

    Nice-looking new title from Crecy/Hikoki from RC-135-pilot-turned-historian Robert S Hopkins III. Spyflights & Overflights Cold War Aerial Reconnaissance RRP: £29.95 Few aviation subjects have been shrouded in more secrecy or been more controversial than cold war aerial reconnaissance. Former...
  2. Flyaway

    KH-11 KENNEN

    New article from AW, including an image captioned 'This accurate model show the original KH-11 design that, like Hubble, carried about a 8-ft. mirror but with a shorter instrument base section.' Just looks like an image of Hubble to me & it would be a first for an image of it to be reproduced of...
  3. RavenOne

    A-X all over again - USAF pushes for A-10 replacement

    http://www.defensenews.com/story/defense/air-space/2016/04/07/air-force-moving-forward--10-replacement/82746220/ WASHINGTON — The Air Force is moving forward with a key step in developing a dedicated close-air support plane to replace the A-10 Warthog, a top general said Thursday. “My...
  4. D

    Boom Supersonic Overture M1.8 SST

    Story hit Bloomberg yesterday. Former Computer Science guy wants to build a 40 seat Concorde, more at the link: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-03-21/this-aerospace-company-wants-to-bring-supersonic-civilian-travel-back It is notable that the design shows minimal concern for noise...
  5. V

    Ehricke Space Lifeboat model

    Hi, here is my card model by Arnold Ehricke dubbed "Space Lifeboat" http://www.fiddlersgreen.net/models/Aircraft/Space-Lifeboat.html Mayby for some one it will be interesting! P.S. many thanks for Justo Miranda! http://www.secretprojects.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=3531.0
  6. G

    The Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker: More Than a Tanker

    An enlarged update of Robert Hopkins' 1998 Aerofax book, already a pretty good tome: http://www.amazon.com/Boeing-KC-135-Stratotanker-Robert-Hopkins/dp/1910809012/
  7. hesham

    Fairchild C-119 Pick-A-Back with Sikorsky S-51 Helicopter

    Hi, http://archive.aviationweek.com/image/spread/19550221/21/2/zoom
  8. RAP

    General Dynamics Convair Division Boost-Glide Vehicle (BGV)

    Interesting model. Also has pics of other models that look will be up for auction soon. http://www.ebay.com/itm/RESIN-BOOST-GLYDE-VEHICLE-and-metal-MINUTEMAN-3-BOOSTERS-/201483158527?hash=item2ee95503ff:g:nikAAOSwnH1Wauuj
  9. TomS

    Northrop Grumman B-21 Raider (LRS-B)

    Created as a holding place for the actual announcement due later today. It seems logical to separate this from the long-running thread on the Next Generation Bomber Studies. If the moderators disagree, we can merge it back. Here's the announcement of the announcement, including a link to the...
  10. T

    Lockheed F-12B; new & improved???

    This document has already been referenced in this forum, but I will include the link anyway because it is a very concise summary of the Air Force's search for a truly new advanced fighter: Lyons, Major Robert P. Jr. (3 April 1986) "The Search for an Advanced Fighter: A History from the XF-108...
  11. Orionblamblam

    Evolution of the B-52

    Might maybe be of interest... US Bomber Projects #16 is an extra-sized volume covering the evolution of the B-52. Designs covered include: Boeing Model 444 A: A late war turboprop heavy bomber Boeing Model 461: An early postwar turboprop heavy bomber Boeing Model 462: A large six-turboprop...
  12. Flyaway

    New 'Penetrating ISR' aircraft?

    Mostly about the history and future of the U-2 and RQ-4, but this article ends with this rather odd statement. Anyone have an idea what the author is on about here, or is this unsubstantiated speculation...
  13. C

    Davis Monthan AFB Interactive Imaging

    High-resolution interactive megapixel satellite imaging of Davis-Monthan Air Force Base and the adjacent reclamation center ('boneyard'). +/- for zoom, arrow keys for navigation, etc. See if you can spot the Lockheed D-21 drones, F-105 Wild Weasel and other Cold War goodies. Click HERE. If...
  14. sferrin

    Genie vs AIM-26 Falcon question.

    With the AIM-26 using the same warhead as Genie, being guided, having longer range, and a quarter of the weight, why did Genie stay in service longer than the AIM-26? And why was Genie used on the F-106 with the guided AIM-26 being used on the earlier F-102? Anybody have any insight into this...
  15. A

    General Dynamics F-16/79

    I like this bird nice colors. i think that this rare bird should have topic. Do sombadey know performernce charts or something beyond wikipedia . Did this stuff realy work i meam with F-4 nations.Two fighter one engine. Is this bird that bad.
  16. Orionblamblam

    US Launch Vehicle Projects

    Issue #01 of US Launch Vehicle Projects has just come out: http://www.aerospaceprojectsreview.com/blog/?p=2103 Pre-Saturn Phase III Vehicles: 1958 concept for clustered Atlas boosters Boeing “Big Onion”: an SSTO to launch SPS Northrop TAV: an in-flight propellant transfer spaceplane Martin...
  17. hesham

    Randolph S. Rae Hydrogen-Powered Spyplane Project of 1950s

    Hi, the Britsih engineering Randolph S. Rae which worked for USAF,and invented the REX,it was a hydrogen powered engine with new system,for recce and spy aircraft, and that was in 1954. The Aviation Historian 08
  18. hesham

    Janus Manned Orbital Spacecraft with Stage Re-Entry

    Hi, the Janus was created by TRW Space Technology Laboratories,Redondo Beach,California in USA,and it was a manned orbital spacecraft with a delta wing stage as a re-entry vehicle. http://arc.aiaa.org/doi/abs/10.2514/3.28224 Anyone wants this file,please send to me a private massage with...
  19. Boxman

    Gizmodo Showcase of Aerospace Artists -Hejja, Fjeld, McCall, Meltzer

    As per this item today (10-Nov-2014), Gizmodo is starting a series of posts "showcasing the work of some of the most noted aerospace artists." They start today with Attila Héjja (Hejja): The Hungarian-Born Painter Who Immortalized America's Space Program by Atilla Nagy, Gizmodo - 10-Nov-2014 **...
  20. Triton

    A Look Back at the Black Hawk

    Published on Oct 30, 2014 BLACK HAWK helicopters continue to be the work horse for the U.S. Army. Forty military and civil organizations around the world use this helicopter or one of its derivative models. View: http://youtu.be/BBk1sTWPKI8
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