strategic air command

  1. M

    Talos, the SPG-56 and the SPG-61

    Over the course of the life of the Talos system in the USN, the SPG-56 and SPG-61 Missile Fire Control radars were developed to replace the SPG-49 used to guide the Talos missile. Prototypes of each were built but these radars were never introduced into service. Either one would have, no doubt...
  2. Steve Pace

    Boeing B-47 Stratojet

    The only picture I've ever seen of XB-47 number two (46-066) - Life magazine.
  3. convairxf92

    Early F-101 Voodoo designs - mockups and models

    Does anyone have a photo of the McDonnell F-101 Mockup, model 36W? I'd like to build a 1/144 scale version of the plane and, despite the fact that I've got five different Voodoo books as well as Steve Pace's XF-88 book, I cannot find a drawing or a pic of it. Thanks. - Jim Kelsey
  4. Orionblamblam

    Project Orion's "Landing Boat"

    The single known image of the design meant to shuttle crews to and from the Orion "Battleship." Further discussion and reconstruction:
  5. flateric

    Early Maneuverable Reentry Vehicle studies

    from The Common Aero Vehicle: Space Delivery System Of The Future George Richie, ANSER AIAA Space Technology Conference & Exposition 28-30 Sept. 1999 Albuquerque, NM from A Common Aero Vehicle (CAV) - Model, Description, and Employment Guide Terry H Phillips, Schafer Corporation
  6. RyanC

    Early ALCM studies - ZAGM-86A and AGM-86B

    The Midget ALCM and the one we know and love!
  7. F

    Lockheed C-5A Galaxy Variants ans Proposals

    does anyone have any three views and cross sections views of the C-5
  8. XP67_Moonbat

    Ares ICBM

    This is a new one for me. Anyone else heard of it?
  9. C

    Boeing "Big Bird" ICBM Launcher Aircraft (MX Airborne Carrier)

    Hi Everyone! I'm looking for information (3-views, artists conceptions, etc.) of a certain aircraft design I recall seeing in Aviation Week in the late 70's to early 80's. I believe it was a design for an ICBM (MX) airborne launcher. It was a large, propeller-driven aircraft, with a wingspan...
  10. C

    Lockheed CL400 Suntan

    My biggest question regarding the Lockheed Suntan program is why they bothered investigating hydrogen turbojets in the first place. The best advantage I can think of was the ability to achieve the desired speed and range with an airframe that was much lighter than anything else in its size...
  11. RyanC

    Development of Airborne Armament 1910-1961

    I finally got the microfilm in the mail of all four volumes of this study; and had them scanned by a local company. First up, the magnificient maidien known as the Valkyrie: Reading further; North American was very dead set against Active Defense in any form for the B-70; which isn't that...
  12. XP67_Moonbat

    XB-70: Use As A First-Stage

    Some time ago, one of the threads on here delved into the topic of the XB-70 used as a recoverable booster (a.k.a.-the RBSS) On that thread a link provides has an image of the XB-70 RBSS: So a few weeks ago I see Valkyrie, by Dennis...
  13. overscan (PaulMM)

    Boeing Supersonic Intercontinental Cruise Missile project

    From Unnumbered study for an intercontinental range cruise missile designed for Mach 3.5 @ 80,000ft.
  14. M

    MRV, MIRV, MARV, and FOBS Projects

    Hi everybody Chevaline MRV and Polaris Poseidon and Trident with 14 MIRVs ICBM-X with 20 MIRVs or more ...
  15. shadowcat48li

    Project Orion / Project Daedalus

    I am looking for information on Project Orion/Daedalus[British name for roughly the same thing] this was an early nuclear powered spacecraft that used focused nuclear explosions for thrust.
  16. DarkLord

    X-11, X-12, Atlas missile forerunners

    I am researching the Atlas missile forerunners for a model project. I have some illustrations of the X-12 "Atlas", which had 4 boost engines plus the central sustainer engine; plus a diameter of 12 feet as opposed to the final atlas of 10 feet: but I would like some dimensioned drawings or any...
  17. Orionblamblam

    The memo that killed Orion

    Project Orion died a slow death over a period of years, but this was pretty much that last nail.
  18. R

    North American XB-70 Valkyrie

    I hadn't seen this posted here before and so I thought I'd post it for the benefit of anyone who hadn't seen it before. Volume I Volume II Volume III Volume IV Not having the benefit of an education in aerospace, what is the meaning of the V Limit Design and V Max Design lines on the first...
  19. flateric

    Full-scale B-1A '2D Mock-up'

    Quite a little known fact that in order to save money and meantime to demonstrate its proposal to Air Force Source Selection Board members, NAR has built full-scale B-1A '2D Mockup' (with a significant use of Kodak equipment). Mock-up was completed just in 3 days. Source: Kodak Studio Light...
  20. Michel Van

    Convair B-58 Projects

    strange in this forum is almost no info about B-58 version ! B-58 A the SAC bomber version we know B-58 B improved version - kingfish launch platform B-58 C Enlarged version and J-58 jetengine (for mach 3 ?) B-58 D long range interceptor B-58 E tactical strike aircraft and strategic bomber...
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