
  1. ar020

    Shenyang 'J-50' impression by Ar020

    Still a work in progress so bear with me. Renders coming this week. These are based on the limited pictures that have been released.
  2. W

    History of Stealth

    First, I want to thank the many authors and researchers that are present on this forum. Your hard work is much appreciated! A few of your names can be found on my book shelves! The many forum topics and the many works of the many authors here have got me thinking about attempting to form a...

    Stealthy attack aircraft

    I have a question, is there any stealthy aircraft projects that operate in CAS?

    Stealth fighter bomber

    I was thinking what if there was a stealth fighter bomber to replace the fb-111.
  5. S

    Senior Peg

    I can't find much info on Senior Peg here or on the internet. I have even read Ben Rich's book in it, and have found nothing of use from it. I was wondering if anyone had info on it.
  6. C

    Lockheed Skunk Works 'Active Sonar Stealth Submarine' ca.1980 Neat little article i found, I'm curious how much it would have effected things if it had been built, al lest one as a prototype.
  7. Siberia

    A Low(er) Observable Eurofighter?

    Whilst certain aspects of the Typhoon were designed and built with a nod towards creating a lower radar cross-section (RCS) it was never a 'stealth' aircraft. Both German and British companies worked on low observable technology in the 1980s and '90s seeming to make decent headway which suggests...
  8. C

    Intake design and general stealth discussions

    Serpentine intake ducts do not let radar waves travel a straight path to and from the fan or compressor blades of the jet engine. But as far as I can tell, there is nothing in the S-intake that is designed to specifically reflect radar waves back in specific directions aligned with the rest of...
  9. overscan (PaulMM)

    Chengdu J-20 news and analysis Part III

    Part 3 of the J-20 topic starts here. Part 2 was here Interesting close-up pic posted on CDF by Deino...
  10. W

    Early Stealth? 'Means for altering the reflection of radar waves' (US 2436578)

    Just further to the possible early stealth patents in this thread here:,3583.60.html Arthur Korn (et al), 'Means for altering the reflection of radar waves' (US 2436578). Filed March 4th 1944,
  11. TomS

    Northrop Grumman B-21 Raider (LRS-B)

    Created as a holding place for the actual announcement due later today. It seems logical to separate this from the long-running thread on the Next Generation Bomber Studies. If the moderators disagree, we can merge it back. Here's the announcement of the announcement, including a link to the...
  12. Triton

    Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter (JSF)

    "New secretariat urges a complete restart of Canada's F-35 buy" By Dave Majumdar on May 1, 2012 4:45 PM | Permalink | Comments (20) | TrackBacks (0) Source: Canada's Globe and Mail is reporting that a new secretariat within the Canadian...
  13. Orionblamblam

    Boeing "Quiet Bird" 1962 Stealth project

    Huh? Huh? Who says I never deliver up something y'all haven't seen before...
  14. hesham

    Dassault LOGIDUC program

  15. flateric

    Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor

    This is how it looks like
  16. W

    “Invisible” Aircraft (Stealth: The Early Years)

    Hi folks, Hope this isn't all old news, but after Bill Gunston's 'Back to Balloons and Gliders?' ('Air International', May 1986, Vol. 30, No. 5, pp. 228-9), here are references to (alleged) early 'stealths' (reduced optical/radar signature): 1) Professor S. G. Kozlov's 'Nyevidimyi Samolyet'...
  17. flateric

    Lockheed pre-ATF & ATF studies

    "Clearly, ATF was going to be superstealth and not a cousin of YF-12 or SR-71," explains Osborne. "I stopped the YF-12 derivative effort, and we started working on an F-117 derivative for ATF." The design submitted in the Lockheed proposal looked like a larger and elongated F-117 with some...
  18. overscan (PaulMM)

    US NAVY ATA (Advanced Tactical Aircraft) program: A-12 Avenger II & its rivals

    A-12 press pack, courtesy of flateric
  19. overscan (PaulMM)

    Faceting for stealth shown in open literature before F-117 unveiling

    Found in an AIAA paper on advanced engine technology from 1981.... looks like faceting to me?
  20. Skybolt

    McDonnell / Teledyne Ryan Model 268 XST & Ryan's Stealth UAVs

    Teledyne-Ryan stealth... applause please.. 8)
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