space race

  1. T

    An amphibian veichle to recover the Mercury capsule

    I just found this picture in an old Italian magazine: The caption says it is a special amphibian veichle to recover the Mercury capsule. The picture was taken during an exercise, using a mockup of the Mercury, with the same dimensions and mass.
  2. K

    Soviet space dogs

    On this day in 1951, the Soviet Union launched the R-1 rocket into space with two dogs. The names of the dogs were Dezik and Cigan the flight lasted 20 minutes and the rocket reached an altitude of 110 km these were the first living beings to leave the earth
  3. E

    NASA and Apollo items coming to auction
  4. archipeppe

    Sword and shield: defending against an American anti-satellite weapon during the Cold War

    A really interesting article appeared yesterday on TSR by our Dwayne A. Day:
  5. A

    Project NEPTUN - 1967 German RLV study

    Hi. Found on the bay a (yet undocumented here) 1967 report authored by H.H. Koelle (Institute of space Technology / Berlin Technical University). The "student" study report might bear some interest today. Enjoy. A.
  6. Grey Havoc

    Biak Launch Center (Late '70s, 1980s)

    According to Wikipedia there was an attempt to revive the project in the late 2000s (from 2006 onwards, and possibly into the early 2010s) in co-operation with the Russians. Initially at least this version of the plan included an air launch element. It appears to have been at this time when the...
  7. fightingirish

    Soviet space-to-space guided missile

    The Russian military has finally revealed the rocket-propelled grenade weapon system developed for the Almaz space station project in the 1970s. Links: :eek: :cool: View...
  8. Flyaway

    The 60th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin’s historic flight

    The 12th April is the 60th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin being the first man in space. Here’s this weeks Archive on 4 about that historic trip.
  9. Grey Havoc

    Luna 4
  10. A

    Dark Moon Rising: Archibald space TL

    As said in the tin. I've worked on this huge thing since February 2008 when I joined, first, and Took me a decade and 2019 to get a stronger focus and backstory. Now the POD is clearer. In August 1967 at a crucial juncture in NASA history the last Lunar Orbiter...
  11. Grey Havoc

    Able-1 / Able-2 (Thor-Able moonshot project)

    From the ever interesting Scott Manley: View: Able-2 of course was later retroactively renamed to Pioneer 1.
  12. Grey Havoc

    Tekoi Test Range

    View: View: View: View:
  13. P

    1963 Grumman LEM

  14. J

    Disney-von Braun XR-1 spaceplane

    Disney-von Braun XR-1 spaceplane
  15. J

    von Braun retriever rocket

    von Braun retriever rocket
  16. J

    TWA Moonliner

    TWA Moonliner
  17. S

    Space Board Game Liftoff! 2.0

    Hi I really love this web site it has so much fantastic info on the hidden or forgotten space projects. Sadly, I don’t visit this website enough due to my projects. In 1989 I had my old boardgame Liftoff! Race to the Moon published; a simulation for four players with alternate proposed ways of...
  18. T

    USA ASAT merging Sparrow and Polaris

    In the document below, at page 23 there is the following sentence: "During the early 1960s, the U.S. Navy was also researching possible ASAT capabilities. Early efforts focused on matching a Navy Sparrow anti-aircraft missile with a Polaris Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missile (SLBM) but these...
  19. A

    JPL "spare" planetary program, in the 70's.

    As said in the title... all the robotic planetary missions launched in the 70's left a spare spacecraft on the ground (and later, at the NASM aerospace museum). There were good reasons for that - providing spares - ground testing - backup in case of failures (Mariner 8...) Soooo 1978...
  20. A Tentative Fleet Plan

    Air Staff Target 9003 Photo-Reconaissance Satellite (Early 1960s)

    Source: Norman Friedman's Seapower and Space p365-366. AST.9003 envisaged satellites orbiting at 200 miles in 97 degree (sun-synchronous) orbits carrying two cameras with television readout, and an ELINT Antenna. Resolution of the cameras would be 25 and 5 yards with swath widths of 45 and 7...
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