Over the years NASA has run various systems engineering courses with universities around the United States. In the mid-1970 a group associated with Rice University was asked to design a Dual-Mode rover for use in the 1980's.
The selected design was for a two man, tracked rover.
Th N1 rocketwas built back in the 60's by the USSR to put a man on the Moon, but I have read that it also had the goal of launching heavy military space hardware, including space stations, and putting it in Earth orbit. I konow the Almaz project and the Polyus satellite, but the former were...
Concerned about the cost of Viking 1 & 2, NASA looked at lower cost alternatives for the 1977 & 1979 Mars launch opportunities . One of the proposed missions was to use a modified version of the Pioneer Venus Orbiter to carry six RTG powered penetrators to Mars.
Once the spacecraft entered...
cold war
hughes aircraft company
jet propulsion laboratory
sandia laboratories
sandia national laboratories
space age
united states
During the 1960's one proposal for the Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV) was make it so that after the manned mission was over it could be used as an unmanned rover for further exploration. Here is the final presentation report for the Bendix Version...
apollo program
bendix aerospace systems division
bendix corporation
cold war
general motors
lunar robots
lunar rover
lunar roving vehicle
nuclear powered vehicles
optionally manned
space age
Just uploaded to the NTRS, a rather interesting study from the late 1960's
The Aerospike Engine. Concept, Performance, Design & Operational Data. Liquid Hydrogen Propellants 250-500 KBLF Thrust Class
Preliminary Mission Study of a Single-Launch Manned Venus Flyby with Extended Apollo Hardware, MSC Internal Note No. 67-FM-25, Jack Funk and James J. Taylor, Advanced Mission Design Branch, Mission Planning and Analysis Division, NASA Manned Spacecraft Center, Houston, Texas, February 13, 1967...
The Lockheed Emergency Earth Orbital Escape Device (EEOD) was a concept for a small capsule launched from a Titan/Agena booster or Saturn V that could be used to rescue the crew from an Apollo Applications Program (AAP)-based space station in Earth orbit, or permanently attached to such a...
Why USAF not consider to use Apollo hardware for MOL?
The military-spy station could be launched by Saturn IB ,or more large, by Saturn V.
A MOL-Skylab type of station would be the advantage to be reusable for more that one mission.
Instead of Gemini-B,the crew could be on Apollo capsule (with...
From the June 1959 edition of Popular Science, an article on the Martin Company's USAF Lunar Simulator project, basically intended to simulate conditions inside a long-term manned installation on the Moon. Among it's interesting features was the plan to eventually have it house it's own...
Sea Dragon Concept, Volume III, Aerojet-General Corporation, February 12, 1963
The hunt is on to find Volume I and Volume II!
From here: http://up-ship.com/blog/?p=8110
Showing the radiation levels around a NERVA. Note that the magnitudes (ten-to-the-holycrap power) are shown as faint large background numerals.
Dear Boys and Girls; please don't ask as I really don't know. Here is an article in French of the General Electric MOOSE (Manned Orbital Operations Safety Equipment) "project" (which could even be a "concept") for an orbital emergency descent system; whereby the Astronaut appears to be encased...
This is a thread for any information or images in regards to the large scale plan developed from the 70's through 80's in regards to the STS (Space Transportation System) being used to build the massive space stations in orbit attached to the...
Of mild interest to those of us in the UK is that Space Cargo modified C-5C 80216 arrived at Mildenhall yesterday.
The aircraft (along with 80213) has been subject to a degree of interest over the years in connection with various projects, alleged Boscombe Down debris retrieval etc and rarely...
cold war
national reconnaissance office
post-cold war
space container transportation system
spaceracespace shuttle
space transportation system
united states
united states air force
yes the DoD used Shuttle for several Mission like:
(STS-4, STS-51-C, STS-51-J, STS-27, STS-28, STS-33, STS-36, STS-38, STS-39)
but there was more
at Vandenberg Air Force Base, they build a Shuttle launch pad on Space Launch Complex 6
and the north runway and overruns were lengthened for...
In this months Spaceflight, there is an article on Starships of the Future (mostly Daedalus and Icarus) that mentions a suggestion by G H Stein published in Analog, October 1973 called "A Program for Star Flight".
'A full program of exploration was proposed which would utilise a fleet of no...
Back in 1968 TRW proposed that the last spacecraft in the series Pioneer A-E be modified so that it could be used as the first Venus Orbiter. Mission objectives included a study of the solar winds interaction with the Venusian environment...
cold war
early 1970s
inner solar system
late 1960s
pioneer program
pioneer series probes (nasa)
planetary science
space age
space probes
spaceracespace weather
study of extraterrestrial atmospheres
united states
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