space race

  1. bercr

    Space Shuttle Orbiter OV-101 Enterprise - Flickr album - About 300 Hi-Res period photographs
  2. Flyaway

    Gemini Lost and Found

    Gemini Lost and Found View:
  3. Michel Van

    Derek Meddings - master director of special effects

    Since we have some fans of Gerry Anderson and Derek Meddings and his Team Here some Tribute to them View:
  4. F

    Martin Marietta SSTO ( Space Shuttle Competitor)

    I am doing research regarding Martin Marietta Single stage to Orbit vehicle. I have not found much information online and was wondering if anyone had any information. All I have found is the NASA Contractor report. Thank you
  5. G

    William Anders dead; killed in plane crash; was 90

    News just came over the transom to me.
  6. E

    Challenger: A True Story of Heroism and Disaster on the Edge of Space

    Available now.
  7. LoveFromRussia

    The Russian Sputnik 2 in an interpretation of the French magazine Science et Vie 1957.

    Science et Vie - Science and Life - 1957. The cover and pages 38-39 depict our first Soviet Sputnik 2.
  8. Grey Havoc

    Soviet Venus probes

  9. B

    Bölkow BORAS

    Space Transporter concept "BORAS" – Bolkow Raum Transporter. Bolkow Developments KG Two stage space transporter with horizontal take-off. First stage uses 8 high – pressure ejector rocket engines. Each engine has 248 kN thrust. Upper stage has 2 rocket engines and a payload of 3 t. Launcher mass...
  10. B

    MBB Lifting Body Capsule

    Anyone fancy translating.
  11. B

    Ambulance Capsule

    Anyone have time to translate?
  12. newsdeskdan

    HOTOL: Britain's Spaceplane by Dan Sharp

    HOTOL: Britain’s Spaceplane by Dan Sharp Now available for pre-order here: HOTOL: Britain's Spaceplane Tempest Books ISBN: 9781911704294 Format: Hardback Pages: 300 The start of Space Shuttle operations in 1981 marked a new era in spaceflight – with the five orbiters launching numerous...
  13. Michel Van

    NEXT Lunar Colonisation Program

    This for Alternate history Story i work on. and i need advice and help on some details. NEXT is Lunar Colonisation Program It reuse the entire Launch rocket and Lunar lander And orbital refuel for second stage for Lunar Trajectory Injection To bring 60 metric tons lander to Lunar surface...
  14. Gentleman’s Astronautics

    Man in space

    Hey fellas, I'm (planning) on making a video game, set in the late 1950s, where Britain, the USSR and the USA each have their own space programmes, the US having Von Brauns ferry rocket and space lift ops, and the Brits having the BIS', now formed as the British Interplanetary Commission...
  15. Flyaway

    Apollo 17 50th Anniversary

    New video from NASA to mark the fiftieth anniversary of the mission. View:
  16. thatdronedude

    Laser Battle Station Model Kit Inspiration

    I recently bought a NIB copy of the Revell "Laser Battle Stations" model kit from 1984. There were a number of other kits released at the same time that all have connections to reports and concepts (see images) but these "laser battle stations" are a bit hard to place. They appear to be modeled...
  17. Grey Havoc

    Lunar Hilton (late 1960s)

  18. Flyaway

    Mariner 4

    New Scott Manley video. Computers Were So Slow Scientists 'Painted' The First Close Up Image Of Mars View:
  19. Orionblamblam

    Martin EGRESS

    I'm stunned to find out that, unless several searches failed to work properly, there is no thread for the Martin "EGRESS" (EMERGENCY GLOBAL RESCUE, ESCAPE, AND SURVIVAL SYSTEM) capsule. This was a modification of the ejection capsule used on the B-58... fitted with a heat shield, de-orbit motor...
  20. flateric

    NPO Energiya Pody'om (Lift-off) system - pre-Energiya-Buran
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