soviet union

  1. A

    Yakovlev VVP-6 flying platform

    has this been discussed before?
  2. boxkite

    Chelomey / NPO Mashinostroyeniya LKS

    Maybe Chelomei’s space interceptor ... ?
  3. hesham

    Yakovlev Yak-60

    Hi, the Yak-60 was a big helicopter project and it a tandem rotor,it would have used two Mi-6 rotors,each driven by a pairs of 6,500shp D-25VF engines, its rotor diameter 35m,length 46m and weight 42 tonnes.
  4. Tuomasn

    Ajax (Ayaks) hypersonic vehicles with MHD propulsion

    Development of the "Ajax" and "Neva" hypersonic flight vehicles with MHD (Magneto-Hydrodynamic) propulsion was initiated at the Leninets design bureau in late 1980s. There were apparently several configurations, some for hypersonic atmospheric flight, some for space launch. I have found some...
  5. E

    Sukhoi T-4/T-4M/T-4MS bombers

    These drawings were obtained from a book I ordered several years ago from Avia Press. Sorry, I can't identify specific sourse. They were shown in a book on the T-4 Sotka, and only shpwed the over head view.Thw book was in Russian so I can't give any details. I would like to know if these are...
  6. kampfflieger

    TsAGI helicopters and autogyros

    This is prototype of fighter autogyro built by TsAGI in 1936. Armament is 1 ShKAS 7,62 MG. Top speed is 245 km/h.
  7. Woody

    Mikoyan Ye-8

    Was the YE-8 related?, another cool single engined MIG. Cheers, Woody
  8. Merv_P

    Mikoyan/Gurevich MiG Ye-150/-152('E-166')/-152A

    I hadn't heard of this aircraft until a couple of weeks ago and I haven't found more than a passing mention of it on this forum, so I thought I'd post some info. It's clearly a Mig-21 derivative, but apparently a new airframe, not a modification. From what I've read, it served partly as Mig-25...
  9. Matej

    Yakovlev Yak-44E

    ASW and AWACS navy project. Related aircrafts are here:,353.0.html
  10. E

    Russian DPLA Tupolev Voron

    Hi Friends, I am search Photos, pictures and tecnical pecifications the Russian DPLA Tupolev Voron. Thank you in advance. Edgar812
  11. L

    Mikhail Sukhanov Projects

    Is there anyone of the memebers who ever have seen information or illustrations of the Shukanov " Koltseplan". This was a single engined V-STOL fighter ? project of 1943 with a ring wing (not a disc). Models should have been tested in the MAI windtunnel.
  12. Jemiba

    ICBM carrier

    Well known as a proposed ICBM carrier is the Boeing 747. Nevertheless Boeing also promoted some different designs during the 1970s, e.g. purely land based four and six engined aircraft, with a maximum take-off weight of up to 680.000 kg and 24 hours loitering time, with a 180.000 kg payload...
  13. JAZZ

    Russian and Soviet Aircraft Carriers

    The Soviets had a number of stilborn aircraft carrier projects from the 1930's all the way through to the 1990's. One of the most studied was Project-72 dating back to WW-II (1943) I think. Other projects include Project-69A, Project-85 and Project 1123 (Moskova concepts) before getting to the...
  14. S

    US Aircraft in Communist Hands

    We know that the US has been flying covertly obtained Russian (and possibly Chinese) military aircraft at locations like Groom Lake since the 1950s, but does anyone have any information about US aircraft recovered by the Russians? I know the Russians obtained several intact examples of the F-86...
  15. A

    Various Sukhoi projects and unknown designs

    Before Sukhoi got the nod to build the Russian Regional Jet, I remember seeing a photo in Air International from somebody/something called Irkutsk that was offering a lifting-body short haul jet. Any body have any info?
  16. Hood

    Cold War DoD Artists Impressions

    I've always been interested in the US DoD impressions, mostly paintings during the Cold War, of Soviet aircraft, ships and land-based systems. Often they weren't far off the mark but other times they were widely inaccurate, sometimes for political reasons to justify the DoDs expenditure. The...
  17. hesham

    Antonov Projects

    Hi, Antonov SKV VTOL aircraft project which led to develope An-14;
  18. Merv_P

    Evolution of the Mikoyan MiG-29

    It's been great to browse Paralay's new site and be able to pick up things so quickly and easily. This caught my eye; it's half of an image showing preliminary designs for the MiG-29 from 1971 and 1972. Are there any any other sources for these? The clear progression from a -25 to a -29-style...
  19. hesham

    Various Soviet & Russian VTOL Projects

    Big surprise, anther mystery project to me,and I think most of the members don't know it, it was Biesnovat 6 ;an unmanned supersonic aircraft which fitted with U-400-10 engine,it was under construction in 1946.
  20. A

    Soviet Cruiser Projects

    Hi, somebody have information about this ship. Project 11990 test ship and Project 13040 Anchor. will be escort of nuclear power carrier.
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