soviet union

  1. P

    Soviet 2S2 Airborne SPH?

    G'day gents I stumbled across this Soviet prototype 2S2 (122mm I assume!) airborne SPH design, which looks like it is based on the BMD-1 chassis Does anyone have any more info (specifications/drawings/pics) on this design? Also does anyone know why it didn't it enter service? Looking...
  2. Triton

    Mir 1 & 2

    Mir-2 Source:
  3. Matej

    Mi-4 with the turboshaft engine

    I am looking for the any photo (of the model) of the turboshaft powered Mi-4 - the variant, that was the first iteration, that led to the Mi-8. I also found that at least one chinese Mi-4/Z-5 was equipped with the Pratt & Whitney PT6T-6 Turbo Twin-Pac turboshaft engine and flew in 1979. Do we...
  4. flateric

    OKB-155 (Mikoyan) ASAT

    R-7 launched ASAT system (ca.1958-1959) from MiG museum. Photos (1,2) (c) Vadim Lukashevich (, (3,4) (c) Sergey Kuznetcov aka Pilot (
  5. W

    Antonov An-2A GENETRIX Balloon Attacker

    Found a website sometime ago about a variant of the AN-2 that was designed to shoot down U.S. GENETRIX Spy balloons. It had a turbo or supercharger to fly at high altitude. A rear turret was added with a gun. Website had some great side views. Don't think it was ever built.
  6. Triton

    "Wings of Russia"

    Wings of Russia Studio has created a fascinating 18-part, so far, documentary series titled Wings of Russia that documents the history of Russian and Soviet aviation. The episodes are available on DVD in the Russian and English languages. Alas, it is only seems to be available for order in the...
  7. Triton

    Moskalyev GSB strategic jet bomber of 1954

    Model of Leningrad Air Force Academy GSB strategic seaplane bomber from USSR-Russian Aviation & Space Collectibles (Alex Panchenko). Description: Source:
  8. Triton

    E. Grotte 1000-ton tank

    Via Google Translate, Yahoo! Babelfish, and my re-writing and editing: In March 1930, foreign specialists were invited to provide technical assistance to the Soviet Union. Among these foreign specialists was a German engineer named Edward Grotte. Under his leadership, in the fall of 1931 at the...
  9. flateric

    Belka&Strelka - 50!

  10. Deino

    The early MiG's in China - MiG-9, MiG-15 and MiG-15UTI

    Deino once again with a silly or maybe even stupid question … this time regarding on old type (in fact not my personal darling … I don’t like these old-barrel-type fighters!), the MiG-15 and MiG-15UTI in China. Fact is that that in early 1950, with China entering the war in Koreas, MANY...
  11. Triton

    A-90 Orlyonok atop Antonov An-225

    Model of deployment concept of A-90 Orlyonok atop Antonov An-225 Mriya for rapid response search and rescue to disasters at sea or the arctic. Description: Source:
  12. Triton

    Tupolev Tu-304

    Three-view drawing of Tupolev Tu-304. Source:
  13. Mr London 24/7

    'Tracked' Mini Submarines in Swedish waters - 1980's

    In the Eighties there was an infamous spate of submarine incidents in Swedish waters, apparently involving mini submarines penetrating close to shore (and even inside harbour areas). From the reports at least some of these would appear to have been fitted with Caterpillar/Tank style Tracks...
  14. B

    Gribovskiy aircraft

    Special for Maveric (sorry about the long wait)(( V.Shavrov Gribovskiy G-1 - glider, 1924, Gribovskiy G-2 - record glider, 1927, G-2 bis, 1928-1935 as a training glider built serially Gribovskiy G-3 - four set, twin-fuselage, transport glider, 1924, only project...
  15. hesham

    Kharkov Aviation Institute (KhAI) "Aviavnito" Projects

    Hi, the Kharkov Aviavnito-8 was a Project of 1937 for 11-passenger transport aircraft developed from KhAI-3,powered by one M-11 engine,bur never flown.The Aviavnito-9 was fast passenger transport aircraft of 1934 powered by one M-34 engine,but was never built.
  16. Michel Van

    An-22PLO (nuclear powert ?)

    i found this on German Wikipedia An-22PLO in October 1965 experiments start for a nuclear power An-22 Build aircraft 01-06 was used for radiation shield test Build aircraft 01-07 had the Reactor on board in September 1972 01-07 began 23 test flights near Semipalatinsk under codename "Stork"...
  17. Stargazer

    Sukhoi S- Designations

    Interesting. A little technical correction here: this was S-80 — not Su- for Sukhoi but S- for Simonov. Sukhoi model numbers are not allocated to all the designs, only those that get to the production stage.
  18. XP67_Moonbat

    Energia-M Drawings "NPO Energiya 1991 drawings of Energiya-M
  19. Triton

    Sukhoi S-80 design concepts

    Models of Sukhoi S-80 design concepts prior to 1993. Source:
  20. magnus_z

    Soviet space art (1963)
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