russian federation

  1. hesham


    Hi, The Russian Federal Space Agency (FSA) is developing the Kliper,a reusable manned spacecraft.
  2. JAZZ

    Russian and Soviet Aircraft Carriers

    The Soviets had a number of stilborn aircraft carrier projects from the 1930's all the way through to the 1990's. One of the most studied was Project-72 dating back to WW-II (1943) I think. Other projects include Project-69A, Project-85 and Project 1123 (Moskova concepts) before getting to the...
  3. flateric

    Tupolev 'Article 80' PAK DA bomber (Poslannik / Envoy)

    First published by RIAN on April 24
  4. A

    Various Sukhoi projects and unknown designs

    Before Sukhoi got the nod to build the Russian Regional Jet, I remember seeing a photo in Air International from somebody/something called Irkutsk that was offering a lifting-body short haul jet. Any body have any info?
  5. hesham

    Various Soviet & Russian VTOL Projects

    Big surprise, anther mystery project to me,and I think most of the members don't know it, it was Biesnovat 6 ;an unmanned supersonic aircraft which fitted with U-400-10 engine,it was under construction in 1946.
  6. Sentinel Chicken

    Raduga Kh-101 Cruise Missile

    Interesting. I seem to recall there was a proposed Russian cruise missile design that also used a propfan. The ol' memory is a bit fuzzy on the details, but I seem to recall some sort of mid-fuselage mounted prop.........
  7. hesham

    Ilyushin Unbuilt Projects

    Dear Overscan, by the way the Ilyushin Il-74 and Il-27 were mentioned in english site,
  8. GTX

    Tupolev Tu-204 Projects

    There was/is a maritime patrol version of the Tupolev Tu-204-200 - the Tu-204P. I believe it may even have included provision for a Cannon-pod. It was to replace the IL-38 amongst others. Not sure if it is still an active project or whether it died for lack of funds. Regards, Greg
  9. overscan (PaulMM)

    Mikoyan MiG-31 Projects

    The 1968 decree authorised the development of 3 versions of the Ye-155M program, Ye-155MP interceptor, Ye-155MF frontal bomber and Ye-155MR reconnaissance. Ye-155MF frontal bomber...
  10. Tuomasn

    Soviet/Russian UAV and UCAV projects

    A few Yakovlev UAV designs. Originally posted by overscan to the Key forums.
  11. TinWing

    Sukhoi S-54/S-55/S-56 Design Progression

    The first S-54 configuration apparently featured an afterburning R-195 turbojet and a ventral intake. In the second phase, a shift was made to side intake, and the wing area increased. Additionally, the cutaway profile seems to depict a R-195 without an afterburner? The cutaway is to scale...
  12. M

    Tupolev Tu-160 Avionics

    I am new, and an fan of airplanes since I was a little child. First of all congratulations to everybody for the great posted subjects. Now I would like to open a new topic to discuss about the following: Thread to discuss Tu-160 avionics. I am particularly keen to learn about navigation and...
  13. Tuomasn

    MDP program - the Mikoyan Product 701

    Mikoyan Product 701 Crew: 2 Wingspan: 19 m Length: 31 m Height: 7 m Wing Area: 130 m2 Empty Weight: 35,000 kg Maximum TO Weight: 65,000 kg Cruise Speed: 2,500 km/h Ceiling: 17,000 m Subsonic Range: 11,000 km Supersonic Range: 7,000 km Engines: Two turbofans of 200 kN each Armament: 4 x R-72...
  14. Tuomasn

    UTS trainer competition: Yak-130, MiG-AT, Sukhoi S-54, Myasishchev M-200

    Thread to discuss the various proposals to the Soviet UTS (Uchebno-Trenirovochnyi Samolyot) trainer competition launched in January 1991 - the Yak-130, MiG-AT, Sukhoi S-54 and Myasishchev M-200.
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