russian federation

  1. L

    Captured western armoured vehicles displayed in Russia

    Thought would be of interest to have a topic on this subject, rather than keep spreading such stuff in various threads. Among the big ticket items are Leopard, possibly Abrams tanks, Bradley IFV, and a variety of other stuff. Feel free to add anything else of interest that was/is/will be shown...
  2. Flyaway

    "Destabilising" Russian Space Threat

    The headline is a bit misleading as the article talks in terms of anti-satellite weapon not a weapon to drop onto the planet.
  3. B

    RIP Mikhail Maslov

    On December 8, 2022, at the age of 68, Soviet / Russian aviation historian Mikhail Alexandrovich Maslov passed away.
  4. Grey Havoc

    Crimea bridge: How Russia is rebuilding its vital link (BBC)
  5. Orionblamblam

    Russian Luch Korsar UCAV Drone

    Coming soon to eBay? View:
  6. Grey Havoc

    Russian jet fired missile 'in vicinity of' RAF spy plane (The Daily Telegraph) Apparently a genuine malfunction, but the incident hasn't helped present tensions any.
  7. Orionblamblam

    UK Limited Nuclear War Target List

    If things get more interesting, what targets in the UK might Putin nuke? An interesting video, and some backup data: UK Limited Nuclear War Target List View:
  8. Grey Havoc

    Project 10570 nuclear powered multipurpose icebreaking vessel

  9. Grey Havoc

    Valery Polyakov RIP (20th September, 2022)

    Thought there was a thread on this already, my apologies for the belated post.
  10. Sineva

    Iranian Shahed-136 drones

    First images of an iranian Shahed-136 kamikaze drone/loitering munition in ukraine,tho interestingly now with the russian name Geranium-2,tho whether this is just a local in service renaming of a foreign procured weapons system,or evidence of actual licensed production in russia is unknown at...
  11. sferrin

    Kh-22 in Ukraine.

    Saw a video a while back that caught the missile just before impact. Thought, "that's a Kitchen" but never heard any mention of it. Then this pops up: View: Hadn't heard anybody mention it so I thought I'd post it. (This one blew up...
  12. Sineva

    Brahmos missile

    Heres an interesting one,an indian Bahmos missile that seems to have got lost and crashed in pakistan. Not the sort of thing that you really want to have happen between two nuclear armed nations with a history of conflict.
  13. haavarla

    Il-76(476) and VDV theater capabilities

    View: Looks like the Russian Airforce has got their VDV concept up and Running. Bet they learned a lot from Syria theater. And its funny how JANES again got things wrong..
  14. Grey Havoc

    L-410 plane crashes in the Tatarstan region of Russia
  15. T

    UZGA UTS-800 turboprop trainer

    Considering at least a full-scale mock-up if not prototype (shades of Checkmate) was presented at the Army-2021 exhibition, mods feel free to move this to Aerospace if that is felt to be more appropriate! Looks like the Yak-152 (powered by the 500hp RED A03 V12 diesel) has some competition - I...
  16. yasotay

    Other MAKS 2021 news

    I was shocked to find out other things were happening at an airshow in Russia.
  17. U

    Open Source military technology research risk in Russia, implications for SPF Russia's FSB (Federal Security Service, roughly responsible for domestic and sometimes "near abroad" intelligence and state security) has announced that Russian citizens who collect non-classified military or technological information pertaining to...
  18. overscan (PaulMM)

    MAKS 2021 Airshow General News Topic

    Placeholder for general news and pics from MAKS 2021 that don't deserve a topic. Specific topics: UAC/Sukhoi "Checkmate" UAC/MiG Projects...
  19. G

    3 new Mikoyan combat aircraft models shown at MAKS 2021

    Welcome, shipborne MiG!!!!!!!!
  20. tequilashooter

    Kh-59MKM ASM

    Well I guess this still counts to include here I suppose as air to ground weapon options for this aircraft. new kh-59mkm, in back mini kh-35 with an electro-optical homing head.
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