post-cold war

  1. G

    Flywheels to power laser systems? (Also: ICBM plug blocking systems)

    Guys, I am not certain exactly as to where to place this news item, but the actual article is about the plugs that block the top parts of the Minuteman 3 siloes. But...
  2. Flyaway

    Nuclear Fusion

    AI will help solve problems with nuclear fusion or so at least the US Federal government seems to believe.
  3. Y

    Cancelled UK smart anti-tank munition

    I've been researching flight trials of a doppler-sharpened millimetric radar which took place in early 1990s (possibly 1990-4). I've been informed (by an ex-project member) that: Trial was in connection with a smart "fire-and-forget" UK anti-tank munition. Used a dual-mode...
  4. flateric

    Mikoyan MiG 602

    However what exactly? This is quite old generic in-house TsAGI WT model. It _probably_ has its roots in MiG '602' fighter studies from late 90s.
  5. Flyaway

    Minotaur Launches

    Not surprising there isn’t a thread for this launcher as it isn’t exactly used that often. The next launch is for the NRO.
  6. uk 75

    US Command Flagships

    The two USN Command ships Blue Ridge and Mount Whitney were mentioned in another thread. They seem to have been very good value. Originally designed to control amphibious...
  7. S

    Leopard 2 Tank Developments

    Hello, Do we have any info on these 2 tank? Maybe I don't know were to look but I can't find that much information on them: for those who are interested in the model :
  8. R

    Tanks converted to APCs?

    How many countries converted turreted tanks to Armoured Personnel Carriers? We know about the Canadian "Kangaroos" made from de-frocked M7 Priests and Ram tanks during the summer of 1944. Many Rams were also converted to "Wombat" ammo carriers. Post WW2, Sweden converted a Czech 38T light tanks...
  9. overscan (PaulMM)

    SAAB JAS-39 Gripen Avionics & Swedish Datalinks

    A thread to discuss the avionics of the very interesting JAS-39 Gripen. I will post some information from the Aerofax book shortly.
  10. shin_getter

    Seaplane (aerial refueling) tankers:

    In the immediate post war era there were interest in improving the flying boats and seaplanes and a number of seaplane aerial refueling tankers were proposed, however they were not competitive with carrier and land aviation. In a era where Carriers and airfields are at risk from missile...
  11. blockhaj

    SAAB, Svenska Aeroplanaktiebolaget, Svenska Aeroplan AB, Saab AB aircraft list.

    Note: I know there already exists a thread about SAAB designations etc but that thread also includes other companies besides SAAB. Link to thread. While i understand why those companies were included i personally think we should have a thread dedicated to each of them separately as they designed...
  12. S

    International Defense Review, Jane's IDR, Wehrtechnik, and some other magazines For some time during last year and earlier this year I was visiting Russian State Library, and had an opportunity to make photos of pages of several military-related magazines from 1950s-2010s stored there, such as Interavia's IDR predecessor - five...
  13. I

    Unbuilt PLA Navy projects

    Hi! Here is an unbuilt early design of Type 054 frigate. Using 3K95 Klinok short range surface to air missile.
  14. B

    Panavia Tornado

    Hi all, A thread to discuss Tornado (Panavia) stories etc. Mods if you feel this should be in the bar instead please move.
  15. Flyaway

    Hubble Space Telescope

  16. uk 75

    Trigat missile family

    Back in the Cold War the France, Germsny and the UK embarked on an ambitious programne to produce a family of third generation anti tank missiles. The only survivor is the long range helicopter launched version Like the SP70 gun and RS80 (described in...
  17. uk 75

    Replacing the M113 and FV432

    At the end of the Cold War it looked as if the M113 and FV432 would leave service either not to be replaced or to be replaced by more suitable vehicles. Thirty years later, they still serve in many forms and much refurbished. A bit like a London Taxi the simple box on tracks is right for the...
  18. uk 75

    Countries with no Fighter aircraft

    Apart from trainers, Ireland did not operate any fighters to defend its neutral airspace during the Cold War and still does not. New Zealand has also given up its old A4 Skyhawks and had no air defence patrol aircraft. Within NATO, Luxembourg and the Baltic States rely on other members to defend...
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