post-cold war

  1. Flyaway

    Proton rocket to cease flying
  2. uk 75

    British Ships Taken Up from Trade (STUFT) other than Falklands

    The names of the ships from trade involved in the Falklands operation are well documented. However, as someone interested in merchant ships I was wondering if a) anyone has records of STUFT in operations post WW2 from Korea through Suez to the Gulf Wars b) the Falklands STUFT seemed to be well...
  3. GTX

    AIDC F-CK-1 Ching-kuo Projects & Derivatives

    Hi folks, Couldn't find a thread dedicated to this one so though I would start one. To begin with, I note on wikipedia (yeah I know...) it is mentioned that "In 2001, it was reported that development of a new "stealth" variant with more power engines and improved fire-control system would...
  4. Apophenia

    Fokker Alpha-Numeric Aircraft Designations

    Fokker Designation Style First World War Fokker Aircraft Designations While in Germany, Anthony Fokker's various corporate entities applied internal designations to aircraft designs. This early designation series began with 'M' for 'Militär' followed by an individual type number in Arabic...
  5. A

    GA-ASI MQ-1 Predator

    Okay Gentlemen, can anyone tell me why the Predator B (Reaper) has it's tail up while its smaller predecessor is tail down?
  6. R

    140mm smoothbore gun

    In the late 1980s, research started on the new next-generation tank gun. It was quickly determined that it needed to be 140mm calibre. Initially it was to fire the same projectiles as the 120mm gun but at a higher velocity from a similar smoothbore barrel. My question - what was the British...
  7. CJGibson

    The Admiralty and the Helicopter

    Blue Envoy Press are pleased to announce The Admiralty and the Helicopter by James Jackson. A companion volume to The Air Staff and the Helicopter, this latest addition to the Project Tech Profile series charts the development of the Admiralty’s pioneering requirements and the numerous...
  8. Grey Havoc

    Common Vertical Lift Support Platform & (USAF) follow on

    Thought we had a topic for the CVLSP but I can't find it for love or money, so I'll create this new one for the moment. The USAF's CVLSP replacement effort is not doing so well, not surprising given that at least some of the companies vying for the contract are still obsessed with 'continuum of...
  9. P

    Italian Submarines 1895-Present

    What can the dozens of experts tell me about Italian designed and built submarines?
  10. P

    Transfield Shipbuilding 'Joint Patrol Vessel' design proposal of 1990's

    G'day gents I'm looking for information, drawings, pictures of models..... of the Tranfield Shipbuilding 'Joint Patrol Vessel' design submission for the Joint Australian/Malaysian program of the 1990's. The program originally entailed the need for 27 vessels for Malaysia and 12 vessels for...
  11. Sundog

    Northrop F-23 by Sundog (Updated 16-11-03)

    Updated This is updated artwork for the F-23A illustrations I did for Scott Lowther's APR article. Ogami mushashi had noticed some errors in the top view of the F-23A, so I finally got around to updating it. All views were updated. I'll probably do some updates for the NATF as well. I added...
  12. Grey Havoc

    From Scimitar to FRES to Ajax (Think Defence)
  13. helmutkohl

    How do the next generation of Asian tanks compare?

    I'd post this in Tank-net, but for the past few months my browser and anti-virus considered the site a phishing/attack site for some reason. so I stopped. I like to follow armor news but I'm not too well informed of details so would like to ask the members here How do the: Indian Arjun (I...
  14. Stargazer

    Argentine F.M.A./DINFIA/FAdeA designations

    We have topics on several of the aircraft in this list, and attempts at identifying missing numbers in places, but no complete list in one single topic, so I thought this could be a good idea. Since it's the "Designations" section here, I'm only giving the basic info for identification purposes...
  15. Stargazer

    Little known Lithuanian aircraft

    I am by no means conversant with the aviation of Baltic countries, but I have a handful of Lithuanian aircraft on my HD, all from the 1980s... perhaps these may be of interest to some? Maybe some more light could be shed upon them? Kyansgayl Aushra Kizhis Varnye Konchus Antis Vaineikis Exzotica
  16. yasotay

    The last American helicopter pioneer takes off 270

    From the American Helicopter Website. Glidden (Glid) Sweet Doman, a pioneer in the helicopter industry, died Monday, June 6, 2016. He was an Emeritus Member of AHS International, having joined the then-American Helicopter Society in 1945. Doman was born in Syracuse, NY in 1921. In his teens...
  17. P

    On Atlas' Shoulders: RAF Transport Aircraft Projects Since 1945

    . Found this on ; On Atlas' Shoulders: RAF Transport Aircraft Projects Since 1945 by Chris Gibson (Author) Hardcover – 31 Oct 2016 Hardcover: 176 pages Publisher: Hikoki Publications (31 Oct. 2016) ISBN-10: 1902109511 ISBN-13: 978-1902109510
  18. Flyaway

    KH-11 KENNEN

    New article from AW, including an image captioned 'This accurate model show the original KH-11 design that, like Hubble, carried about a 8-ft. mirror but with a shorter instrument base section.' Just looks like an image of Hubble to me & it would be a first for an image of it to be reproduced of...
  19. Grey Havoc

    ESA Ariane 6 ("Ariane 64" seems to be a typo.)
  20. Apophenia

    Brditschka/HB-Flugtechnik Designations

    Brditschka, HB-Flugtechnik, and HB-Aircraft The Brditschka corporate history is somewhat confused because of two separate lines of interest. Heinrich Wenzel Brditschka (born 1930) was interested in jewellery but was also an amateur aircraft builder. The first company was HW Brditschka OHG which...
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