popular culture

  1. uk 75

    Craziest idea for a military vehicle

    As a kid in the 60s I remember being fascinated by the guest vehicle in the second THUNDERBIRDS episode Pit of Peril The walking US army vehicle also appeared in annuals and TV21 comic and a porcelain replica appeared a few years back. Watching the video again it would make David A furious but...
  2. uk 75

    Hollywood Magic: Oxford and Heathrow Airport

    Playing with you tub and two of my favourite movies. First up is my home town of Oxford. Never heard of the books until I saw the Polar Bear ad for the film Golden Compass. Like the film for the Polar Bear but had to laugh at Hollywood's images of Oxford in the "real" as opposed to the world...
  3. uk 75

    Fictional Warships in Movies & TV

    I am too lazy to start a new thread but here are some phonecaptures from youtub of the Royal Navy in the 1997 Bond Film "Tomorrow Never Dies". First up is HMS Chester. Using her Harpoon launcher to fire a Cruise Missile at some bad guys Next we have HMS Devonshire, which gets sunk by the bad...
  4. Michel Van

    50 years 2001: A Space Odyssey

    On 2 april, 1968 premier Stanley Kubrick masterpiece 4 years earlier he decided to make The "Perfect" Movie and he succeeded 50 years later 2001: A Space Odyssey has nothing lost of its Magic, its mysteries Its Space Hardware still looks realistic, even timeless Allot of Sci-Fi Movies made...
  5. uk 75

    Fireflash airliner from original TV Thunderbirds TV 21 artwork

    The Thunderbirds series from the 1960s featured in its first episode a wonderful airliner called Fireflash, which was totally improbable but looked very cool. In the series it crops up in a few episodes in the livery of "Air Terrainean", a sort of mixture of Pan American and BOAC. However, in...
  6. Graham1973

    Ever wondered where those plastic spacemen on your birthday cake came from...?

    Just found an interesting time-waster of a site devoted to plastic spacemen toys, specifically the ones sold by Tri-ang in the early 70s under the SpaceX (UK) and Golden Astronaut (US) line http://www.triangspacextoys.info/index.html But where it gets really interesting is that at least one...
  7. M

    r/c model of the USSOS SEAVIEW

    Running an r/c model submarine, the SEAVIEW. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxfA5d2L0BA
  8. R

    Fictional Aircraft from TV and Movies

    This is a suggestion to the administrator. How about a thread or threads of fictional TV and movie spacecraft and aircraft?
  9. Boxman

    Movie "Strategic Air Command" (1955) Coming to Blu-Ray FINALLY! October 2016

    Just learned that the movie "Strategic Air Command" (1955), which starred Jimmy Stewart, June Allyson and the Convair B-36 (not necessarily in that order) is finally to be released in High-Definition (1080P) Blu-Ray format on 18 October 2016 While I cannot vouch for the quality of the...
  10. O

    Song video using Apollo footage

    Discovered this today.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vaIS-tY57Zg Chris Staples "Dark Side of the Moon".. First, its not the Pink Floyd song, so don't be surprised. Second, great set decoration making the ultimate late 60's apartment. Third, I'm curious about the clip at 3:15 showing the...
  11. uk 75

    European War 2028

    In the 1960s children's comic TV21 Alan Fennell enlarged on the puppet shows of Gerry Anderson by creating a fictional world of 2065. He even provided a back history in which a limited nuclear in Europe had been started by an accident in 2028. A Prime Minister talking to an Air General (sic)...
  12. XP67_Moonbat

    R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy

    For any of you fellow Trekkies on here. A great loss indeed. :'( http://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/27/arts/television/leonard-nimoy-spock-of-star-trek-dies-at-83.html?ref=arts&_r=2
  13. Grey Havoc

    Massive sand dunes threaten to consume fictional Star Wars town

  14. Hood

    Did George Orwell invent the Helicopter Gunship?

    Did George Orwell invent the concept of the helicopter gunship in his novel 'Nineteen Eighty-Four' which he wrote in 1947? "April 4th, 1984. Last night to the flicks. All war films. One very good one of a ship full of refugees being bombed somewhere in the Mediterranean. Audience much amused...
  15. O

    Fictional (But Realistic) Spacecraft

    There are always tons of spacecraft in the world of science fiction but I am always especially looking out for ones that look plausible and could be built today or in the near future. First are some sketches and designs for various vehicles shown in the Japanese animated series "Gundam" (Set in...
  16. fightingirish

    "The Plane Makers"

    "The Plane Makers" is a British television series between 1963 and 1965. More info about the series at Wikipedia. The "Scott Furlong Predator" is a fictional prototype of a VTOL fighter, built for that TV series. It looks very like the real French VTOL fighters e.g Dassault Balzac V or Mirage...
  17. Triton

    "2010: The Year We Make Contact" (1984)

    Production design from the MGM motion picture 2010: The Year We Make Contact by Syd Mead. The film, written and directed by Peter Hyams, is based on the novel 2010: Odyssey Two by Arthur C Clarke.
  18. Michel Van

    is this a Russian Spacecraft or Sci-fi from Russia ?

    I found this picture here http://helgas-galaktische-funkbude.blogspot.com/2009/05/der-russisch-kommunistische-kugelraumer.html See picture all i know is from 1960's but is this Sci-Fi Illustration or "real" Project ?
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