popular culture

  1. njiiaf

    Little Johnny Jet cartoon (1953)

    Was wondering if anyone else remembered this little Tex Avery short from their childhood.
  2. Flyaway

    Amazing 3D Billboards

    The fact these things still look impressive even on a 2D screen means they must look truly incredible in real life. View: https://youtu.be/GqDBWIu3k7E View: https://youtu.be/kA5uf2_9ixY View: https://youtu.be/j6OFS3DCmmA
  3. Grey Havoc

    Greg Bear RIP

    https://news.slashdot.org/story/22/11/20/1558240/hard-science-fiction-master-greg-bear-dies-at-age-71 Rest In Peace. :(
  4. Grey Havoc

    Inspiration for the 2004 movie, 'The Terminal', passes away

    https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-63612017 :( RIP.
  5. Orionblamblam

    A 20-pound Enterprise 1/350 scale model

    Tomy is crowdfunding a 20-pound lighted 1/350-scale die-cast replica of the starship Enterprise, NCC-1701. The goal is to get 5,000 backers at $599 each. That sounds like a lot, but when Quantum Mechanics did some 1/350 lighted ships a decade-ish ago, they were in the area of five or ten grand...
  6. T

    Vangelis died yesterday, May 17th 2022

    Sadly, Vangelis passed away yesterday in France: https://apnews.com/article/vangelis-dead-chariots-of-fire-b7a98666ff96ca049dbe7964da98d44d My guess is that a bit of all of us went with him. View: https://youtu.be/uPe27x0_W2M Rip in the new eden world.
  7. uk 75

    Fictional Firearms

    Most TV and Film productions use real weapons or modify them like the Sterling SMGs in Star Wars. Now and again, however, a show decides to make its own props. In 1970 Gerry Anderson released his live action series "UFO" set in a fictional 1980 where a secret organisation called SHADO battled...
  8. E

    'Dune' Gets a Sequel

  9. uk 75

    The world of James Bond

    As the movie industry wheels out yet another Bond film I prefer to return to the world of the original, in the pages of Ian Fleming's novels. For those who do not know what Britain was like for most ordinary families in the 50s and 60s, the glamour of the world described by Fleming in his books...
  10. Michel Van

    Space: 1999: Moonbase Alpha Technical Operations Manual

    Jamie Anderson will release new Technical Hand book about Moonbase Alpha feature new Data and allot stuff from Old Series over 250 illustration on 300 pages Pre Order start on 13th September 2021 on Official Anderson Shop webpage https://shop.gerryanderson.com Jamie Anderson on book...
  11. jeffb

    Would the Captain Scarlet Angel interceptor have worked in real life?

  12. Flyaway

    Indiana Jones 5

    Picture of Harrison Ford in full Indie costume on the set of this film. View: https://mobile.twitter.com/IndianaJones_ch/status/1401984794259566594
  13. J

    MiG-19 - Fake

    MiG-19 Fake
  14. Grey Havoc

    RIP Dr. Kananga (Yaphet Kotto)

    https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-56412867 Once again, yet another great gone. Rest In Peace :( View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLkkPzJzMPY View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rIbIiFRpL5Y View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpBIUb1AQG8 View...
  15. Moose

    Cliff Simon (Stargate SG-1's Ba'al) has passed

    This is very sad, RIP to a man who was immensely entertaining on SG-1. https://bleedingcool.com/tv/stargate-sg-1-veteran-tv-actor-cliff-simon-passes-away-age-58/
  16. uk 75

    Favourite Movie and TV show

    A little bit of fun for these Winter nights, and I dont think we have done it in this form. My favourite film is The Italian Job original version from the 60s My favourite TV show is Top Cat (US original cartoon series from the 60s) Both always cheer me up and I have seen them many times...
  17. Antonio

    David Prowse RIP

    2020:what a nefarious year https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Prowse
  18. G

    RIP 007

  19. fightingirish

    Ron Cobb 1937 - 2020

    The artist Ron Cobb, known for his work for many science fiction movies and TV series, has passed away. :( Source : View: https://twitter.com/TheSpaceshipper/status/1308071692296740864?
  20. Grey Havoc

    M590 exo-assault rifle (Space: Above and Beyond)

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