popular culture

  1. T

    Popular singer and respected aviation writer Herbert Leonard passes at age 80

    Beloved singer and unparalleled French aerospace historian/writer died yesterday, the 2nd of March 2025, at 80 after a long battle with cancer: For those that are unfamiliar with his top selling history of Soviet and German aircraft, might you find in the below titles a glimpse of what was his...
  2. Grey Havoc

    Halloween Space Horror

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Gxk6V50xx8 View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6uLAi-Y1XrI
  3. Grey Havoc

    Event Horizon (1997)

    An appropriate subject for the night that is in it, methinks. View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVlnER8SxfQ View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRjmQXDhyps
  4. Grey Havoc

    World of Tanks - Best Replay Ever (and also the worst) [The Mighty Jingles]

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4ISSBaXSyc
  5. C

    70th Anniversary of Gojira or Godzilla (October 27, 2024)

    Sunday, October 27, 2024 marked the 70th Anniversary of the theatrical premiere of Gojira or Godzilla in Nagoya, Japan on October 27, 1954.
  6. Grey Havoc

    Chief John Taggart (John Ashton) has fought his final shootout

    Yet again, another great actor passed away a few days ago, somehow I missed it at the time: https://apnews.com/article/john-ashton-taggart-beverly-hills-cop-obit-7cf9cabad9d315a303fa01a0eecb2a94...
  7. klem

    The Stooges "Thingy" vehicle 1962

    The "Thingy", a flying sub-tank from "The Three Stooges in Orbit (1962)". Just funny.- (https://clip.cafe/the-three-stooges-in-orbit-1962/oh-no-not-disneyland/)
  8. E

    ‘Robocop’ TV Series Inches Closer to Reality at Amazon

  9. The K2

    David Graham passes away

    The voice of Parker has passed on. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cgj463gx8gyo
  10. fightingirish

    RIP James Earl Jones (1931–2024)

    The American actor James Earl Jones has passed away at the age of 93.:( Sources: View: https://x.com/MarkHamill/status/1833246565168803985?t=LueMXnGSz9YOgdYQm5MREw&s=19 View: https://x.com/NavalInstitute/status/1833252640303812795?t=JDH7l0xIMSO8egcIt5_x_g&s=19
  11. uk 75


    While visiting the Fireball XL5 thread on Facebook I have the BBC Radio news trying to explain what is happening to get two astronauts down from the International Space Station. Flipping to an old episode of Stargate SG1 I listen to the USAF heroes explaining to a bemusec Extra Terrestrial ally...
  12. Michel Van

    The Nostromo Filming Model from 1979 ALIEN

    A detail look on piece of film history View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NojWAMpHHPs
  13. J

    New Tintin book La face cachée d'Objectif Lune

    There is a new project underway to publish the book, I just received two cover designs by Harry Edwood
  14. Rhinocrates

    Really alien aliens

    Martin Bayer, he did say of a painting of an alien that looked like a baby elephant: Clinically, it's called intellectual laziness. Yes, and the bumps-on-their-foreheads kind who talk about honour/logic/profit/petunias are even worse. So then, what are the genuinely interesting and deeply...
  15. Michel Van

    Derek Meddings - master director of special effects

    Since we have some fans of Gerry Anderson and Derek Meddings and his Team Here some Tribute to them View: https://youtu.be/zOdjmWw2a5g
  16. fightingirish

    RIP Donald Sutherland 1935 - 2024

    The Canadian actor Donald Sutherland has passed away. May he rest in peace. :( Here a few of my favourite movies with him as an actor: The Dirty Dozen (1967) M*A*S*H (1970) The Eagle has Landed (1976) Eye of the Needle (1981) JFK (1991) Space Cowboys (2000) Sources...
  17. flateric

    Space Models Ltd Story

    https://www.facebook.com/spacemodelsltdstory/ From https://rochesteravionicarchives.co.uk/organisations/space-models Space Models Ltd was located in Feltham Greater London. The company was founded in 1964 and was recognized as one of the UK's two leading companies in the production of...
  18. E

    Beatles’ 1970 ‘Let It Be’ Documentary, Out of Circulation for Four Decades, Headed to Disney+ After Restoration by Peter Jackson’s Team

  19. E

    RIP John M. Burns

  20. Richard N

    Long-lost Star Wars X-Wing model to be auctioned, bids starting at $400,000

    https://www.theguardian.com/film/2023/sep/11/star-wars-x-wing-model-rare-found-auction-heritage-auctions "A long-lost model of an X-Wing Fighter that was used in the climactic battle in the original Star Wars film has been put up for auction, with bids starting at US$400,000 (£320,000...
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