nuclear power

  1. G

    William Anders dead; killed in plane crash; was 90

    News just came over the transom to me.
  2. Voltzz

    Autonomous Marine Power Source (AMPS)

    I found short article in MILTECH on the AMPS, a Canadian project for a small scale nuclear reactor for use as air-independent-propulsion in submarines. Further research turned up a couple of interesting studies, which i attached to this post. THE AMPS 1000: AN ADVANCED REACTOR DESIGN FOR MARINE...
  3. Z

    Should Australia get The Bomb?

    In the title and best kept as theory. But at least worth exploring this. Certainly we have a AH history option which above all shows Australia doesn't lack the theoretical capacity to achieve this. But in terms of operations, it would seem best for them to either build silos or road train...
  4. uk 75

    Australian Nuclear Weapons

    Anyone interested in Australian attitudes to getting nuclear weapons should start with this thread that explains how difficult it is and the US role. The UK experience with the US would be similar for Australia.
  5. Flyaway

    Small Modular Reactors (SMRs)

    Good explainer about SMRs one of the most important answers in looking for non-carbon power generation.
  6. A Tentative Fleet Plan

    Construction of the Dounreay Fast Reactor

  7. Grey Havoc

    Taishan Nuclear Incident (ongoing)
  8. Grey Havoc

    35th anniversary of the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster
  9. QuadroFX

    Russian nuclear propulsion spacecraft "Nuklon"

    Nuclear propulsion spacecraft "Nuklon" / "Нуклон" / "Nucleon" also known as TEM / ТЭМ ( Transport and Energy Module ) / Транспортно-Энергетический Модуль / Transportno-Energeticheskiy Modul' The assembly process has started! :cool...
  10. Flyaway

    Nuclear Fusion

    AI will help solve problems with nuclear fusion or so at least the US Federal government seems to believe.
  11. panzerfeist1

    Interplanetary Travel Besides the Moon Projects

    Roscosmos sets task of drafting Venus exploration program "KHIMKI, January 31. /TASS/. Roscosmos has set a task of drafting a Venus exploration program similar in scale to Russia’s lunar program. The new program will incorporate the project Venera-D, the leading designer of the...
  12. V

    Giant Soviet nuclear powered flying boat

    In an interview with Discovery aired on the Planes That Never Flew episode about the WS-125, George Kerevan mentioned that the Soviet Union came up with a proposal for a nuclear-powered flying boat weighing 1,000 tons. The 1,000 ton flying boat had a wingspan over over 420 feet and four...
  13. E

    SNAP (Systems for Nuclear, Auxiliary Power)!48185!US!-1
  14. Grey Havoc

    Nuclear Research Submarine (U.S. Department of the Interior, early 1970s)

    H/t moin1900:
  15. Grey Havoc

    ANPP redux?
  16. Brickmuppet

    9M730 Burevestnik (SSC-X-9 Skyfall) cruise nuclear-powered missile

    Putin announcerd that the Russians are developing a nuclear powered strategic cruise missile. Presumably it would be armed with a nuclear warhead since flying an open cycle reactor over anyone would probably be a nuclear attack anyway...
  17. Flyaway

    NASA Keeping Nuclear-thermal Option Open For Mars

    Couldn't find an existing thread for this.
  18. D

    Pre Enterprise and Long Beach Nuclear Surface Combatants?

    The first commercial nuclear reactor in the United States, Shippingport, was derived from a reactor originally designed for a cancelled nuclear powered aircraft carrier. I haven't been able to find any information on this aircraft carrier, and I don't think the Shippingport reactor is related to...
  19. Grey Havoc

    Submarine projects for planetary exploration
  20. C

    An Atomic Empire

    If I may put in a shameless self plug for a moment: I have finished a companion volume to 'A Vertical Empire' called 'An Atomic Empire'. This deals with the British atomic programme from Windscale onwards, dealing with not only Windscale but the atomic weapons programme and the nuclear power...
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