nuclear power

  1. Michel Van

    General Electric Mars Mission Study July 19, 1967.

    better know as Mission Engineering Study of Electrically Propelled Manned Planetary Vehicles GE began the study for MSFC in July 1966. they proposed to uses both nuclear-thermal and nuclear-electric propulsion. Nuclear ionengine give mission flexibility also for unfavorable opportunities and...
  2. M

    Nuclear Powered Locomotives

    Hi everybody I am searching for pictures or drawings of the Krauss-Maffei "Atomlok" . It is a german postwar project for a nuclear powered locomotive ! Data: Lenght 35m, wide 3m, weight 185 t, Power 5916 hp Here I have found some websites with pictures of nuclear powered locomotives ...
  3. A

    Early european rocketry projects

    title says all. It seems that Tony Buttler did it again! Along the mythical Avro 732 "supersonic Vulcan" he mention a Vulcan with a Diamant rocket under wing. (I've seen a pic, but I won't post it here) More info on the context and specs of this project ? I've checked Diamant A/B/BP-4 at...
  4. A

    nukes- Naah not really

    well Gentlemen , after having been instrumental in getting two threads locked .. i am hopefully not going to achieve a hattrick. well here are some of my favourite things and I would be glad if others found this interesting as well.
  5. Antonio

    Nuclear Powered Spacecraft

    Found this article at Flight archive. A nuclear Saturn V is illustrated
  6. hesham

    Bell Nuclear Powered Helicopter

    Hi, the Bell Helicoptere Corporation designed a new concept for atomic-powered VTOL transport helicopter,it had 300 ft length,500,000 1b weight and estimated speed of 200 mph, it was look like to me as flying ship.
  7. A

    Aerospaceplane (1958-1963)

    Atempt to make a SSTO with a LACE system. air coming from the intake was pumped in tanks, oxygen was separated from the rest of the air, then went to fuel the engine (burning with hydrogen). First atempt at LACE / ACES long before HOTOL. I would...
  8. A

    Soviet Cruiser Projects

    Hi, somebody have information about this ship. Project 11990 test ship and Project 13040 Anchor. will be escort of nuclear power carrier.
  9. Antonio

    Nuclear powered tanks

    I read on whatifmodelers forum (I think from an uk75 post) that there were some studies for nuclear powered tanks in the US in the 50's. I would like to learn more about this designs and see drawings if it is possible ::)
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