nuclear battlefield

  1. C

    USAF Weapon System 302A Tactical Bomber Competition

    Let's start with the Douglas Model 1364 (January, 1956), which was studied at the Douglas plant in Long Beach, California. The proposal model was made at the manufacturer's in-house model shop (Santa Monica Plant). Shown here when the design was first revealed (B&W photo), and as it survives...
  2. C

    An Atomic Empire

    If I may put in a shameless self plug for a moment: I have finished a companion volume to 'A Vertical Empire' called 'An Atomic Empire'. This deals with the British atomic programme from Windscale onwards, dealing with not only Windscale but the atomic weapons programme and the nuclear power...
  3. Grey Havoc

    MX-767 Banshee

    Has anyone come across any info on this project? This is what I have from the Missile Scrapbook over in
  4. D

    US speculation on a rudimentary Indian nuclear bomber force in 1972

    In 1972 the US speculated that if India had gone nuclear at that time, India could "use aircraft in its current inventory such as Canberras or reconfigured Boeing 707's or 747's, as delivery vehicles, but these would be a rudimentary affair, essentially for one-way missions."...
  5. sferrin

    Bendix « Talos Land System » as possible ICBM interceptor

    Ideas? (I know what it is but the site I got it from is a rare treat. Just wondering if anybody else had seen it. :-) )
  6. RyanC

    Douglas Missile (DM) List

    Very sketchy and incomplete! DM-14 - Nike-Hercules DM-15 -- Nike Zeus A? (sketchy) DM-15S --NIKE-ZEUS ASAT DM-15X2 -- Nike-EX. On 1 JAN 1967, was redesignated SPARTAN. DM-18 -- Thor DM-18A -- Thor Agena A? DM-19 -- Thor Delta? DM-20 -- Skybolt DM-21 -- Thor Agena B?
  7. M

    Talos, the SPG-56 and the SPG-61

    Over the course of the life of the Talos system in the USN, the SPG-56 and SPG-61 Missile Fire Control radars were developed to replace the SPG-49 used to guide the Talos missile. Prototypes of each were built but these radars were never introduced into service. Either one would have, no doubt...
  8. Steve Pace

    Boeing B-47 Stratojet

    The only picture I've ever seen of XB-47 number two (46-066) - Life magazine.
  9. bobbymike

    Current Nuclear Weapons Development

    More Than 23,000 Nukes Found in 14 Nations, Report Says Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2009 There are an estimated 23,360 nuclear weapons stockpiled in 14 nations, with the great majority held by Russia and the United States, two nonproliferation experts said in a report issued this week (see GSN, Oct...
  10. Triton

    NATO Multilateral Force (MLF) Polaris ships and submarines

    In the early 1960s, the Eisenhower and Kennedy administrations offered the European NATO partners participation in a Multilateral Force (MLF) of Polaris-armed warships that would include surface ships, including disguised merchant vesels, and submarines. The proposal was inspired by the...
  11. M

    Convair "Sky Scorcher" nuclear air-to-air missile

    Hi everybody Here the Convair "Sky Scorcher" Air-to-Air Missile with a 2 megaton warhead I have not found any other informations or drawings of this crazy project ! Maybe someone...
  12. shadowcat48li

    Project Orion / Project Daedalus

    I am looking for information on Project Orion/Daedalus[British name for roughly the same thing] this was an early nuclear powered spacecraft that used focused nuclear explosions for thrust.
  13. S

    Hades IRBM (France)

    Would anyone possibly possess illustrations of the TEL for this missile, which was supposed to replace Pluton? Thanks.
  14. R

    North American XB-70 Valkyrie

    I hadn't seen this posted here before and so I thought I'd post it for the benefit of anyone who hadn't seen it before. Volume I Volume II Volume III Volume IV Not having the benefit of an education in aerospace, what is the meaning of the V Limit Design and V Max Design lines on the first...
  15. SOC

    Nuclear AIM-54

    There has been a little speculation about a nuclear-armed version of the AIM-54. When studying the WSO's instrument panel in the F-111B looking for evidence that a weapon other than the AIM-54 was to be carried, I came across an interesting panel. There are four indicators above the AIM-54...
  16. overscan (PaulMM)

    BAC TSR2

    Flight's 9 April 1964 was a TSR.2 special issue, with lots of adverts and one of the first in depth articles. Front page Article through to...
  17. uk 75

    Blue Water: More sources of info

    Just to follow up the earlier thread on Blue Water I can point you to couple of sources which should be available in old libraries and Amazon. A book published in the 60s in two separate editions, one in about 1962-3 and the other in about 1967 called British Army Vehicles and Equipment...
  18. sferrin

    Nike Zeus and Derivatives

    Just some pictures. Any information on it would be greatly appreciated. (That is, beyond what's on Andreas' site ;) ) Had some computer problems. Got to reformat my C drive yesterday so it'll probably be tomorrow or the next day before I get the pics up.
  19. overscan (PaulMM)

    Convair F-106 Projects

    F-106 "Fighter Bomber" One proposal based on two seat F-106B with 3 x KA-8 cameras and ECM pods. F-106A "Economy Fighter Bomber" New search and bombing radar and nuclear capability. IFR socket in front of windshield. MTOW limited to 40,000lb to remain compatible with existing landing gear...
  20. Skybolt

    Martin Model 316: XB-68 Tactical Bomber

    As you all know, in the unbuilt projects research business, squeezing stone sometimes gives intriguing info... Looking last night to the Martin projects list at the end of Narkiewicz/Thompson (publisher) book, I suddenly realized that the XB-68 bomber bore the 302A project number, BUT the...
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