nuclear battlefield

  1. overscan (PaulMM)

    Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion Program: Manned Aircraft Progress Report 1956-1958 (video)

    View: View: This is an excellent video with lots of information on the...
  2. Grey Havoc

    Beijing Military City
  3. M

    T95 tank w. nuclear cannon

  4. A

    Why no Western TEL ICBMs?

    Ok I'd like to ask a few questions. When in 1974 the Soviets started putting IRBMs and ICBMs on trains and trucks (from memory: SS-16, SS-20, SS-24 later) why no symmetrical answer from the USA ? -was it just a matter of wrong timing - after Minuteman production run, before MX ? -what were the...
  5. T

    The Swedish connection instead of French/'Euro NATO' connection for the UK?

    IOW - earlier & greater cooperation with SAAB and the British companies, while the cooperation between the later and the French and other European NATO is much smaller? Draken was powered by the British engine, Viggen was supposed to be powered by the Medway, while the Gripen should've been just...
  6. uk 75

    Air Defence of Great Britain

    Ever since the first Zeppelin raids in World War 1 the vulnerability of the civilian population of the UK to attack from the air has been a major factor in shaping our armed forces. The tile "Air Defence of Great Britain" comes from the organisation set up to meet the only air threat imagined in...
  7. K

    Iraqi arms acquisition plans before 1990 and 2003

    What if Saddam never invaded Kuwait and never being throw up??? What would be the state of Ba'ath Iraqi armed forces?
  8. R

    Longer B-58 Hustler service?

    I saw a B58 Hustler for the first time the other day, I was surprised by how small it was. I also finally understand what the combination fuel-weapon store is and does. Was the design too specific and limited to remain in service beyond 1969? Could it have carried SRAMs or other advanced...
  9. R

    Does 'Flexible Response' NEED 'massive Retaliation' first?

    The 'Massive Retaliation' era ~1957-1967 appears to have skewed Defence Projects and Procurement compared to what occurred previously and what occurred in the 'Flexible Response' era where conventional forces were given much greater priority compared to nuclear forces. This made me think that if...
  10. hesham

    French New Interceptor Competition of 1953 & Its contenders

    I know we already discussed that in this topic, But I want to split this subject in another thread,the tenders of that contest are, - Nord N-1540,N.1541,N.2540,N.3540,N.3541 & N.5010 Harpon - SNCASE SE.5020 &...
  11. uk 75

    Royal Space Force

    Apart from on the pages of Eagle comic there is no such thing as the Royal Space Force. 1957 ;saw not just the infamous Sandys White Paper but also the launch of Sputnik by the Soviet Union. PM Macmillan and Defence Secretary Sandys realise how vulnerable this makes the West and Britain in...
  12. Gentleman’s Astronautics

    Flashpoint - Cold War gone hot, 1948

    Just came across Operation Downfall, and was pondering. What might be the political situation that would warrant the plan coming to fruition? What projects would be pursued and put into production, and what wouldn't? Who would win the war? Perhaps the 3rd world war would be caused by a...
  13. uk 75

    UK Air Defence

    Nothing in military history has given the RAF such a hold on the public imagination as the gallant Spitfire and Hurricane pilots of the Battle of Britain. Sadly in the postwar nuclear world their successors have only been tasked with wartime defence of key military infrastructure in the UK. It...
  14. R

    WI West Germany buys British?

    The fledgling Lufftwaffe and Marineflieger appeared to be interesting in buying British in their earliest days. Of course this was the worst possible time to deal with the British, so every effort fell over. Wiki referencing Wood. The German Defence Ministry first expressed interest in the...
  15. uk 75

    US cruisers after 1991

    The US Navy in the 1980s deployed an impressive range of non-AEGIS cruisers. Long Beach was the largest and oldest of the nuclear ships and the only one to start life as a cruiser. The remainder started as frigates then became DLGNs. Bainbridge and Truxtun were one-offs followed in the 70s by 2...
  16. L

    Bristol 204 Underwing Pods

    I have the Lost British Projects 1/72 scale resin model of the Bristol 204 which includes two small underwing pods which are shown in the drawings to be found on this esteemed site - but what are they?
  17. quellish

    Sandia Extended Range Bomb (ERB) concept

    In the late 1970s Sandia explored the design of a maneuvering glide bomb, the Extended Range Bomb: "Aerodynamic Design of an Extended Range Bomb" "TIGER -- A technology to improve the delivery capability of nuclear bombs and the survivability of the...
  18. bercr

    AJ SAVAGE IN ACTION - David Doyle
  19. R

    WI more Canberra's replaced by Valiants?

    In 1960 some 64 Canberra B2 & B6 in 4 sqns based in Britain and assigned to SACEUR were replaced by 24 Valiants in 3 sqns. Despite the significant decrease in numbers this was considered a net benefit because of the Valiant's all weather capabilities. By 1964 the RAF still had 9 sqns of Canberra...
  20. G

    DARPA APO Next Generation Responsive Strike (NextRS)

    DARPA NextRS "Y-plane" hypersonic strike concept: 30,000-38,000 lbf TBCC Conventional fuel Metallic construction (May be paywalled.)
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