nazi germany

  1. M

    German VTOL saucer 1944 ?

    Hi everybody Long time ago I read a article about german saucers. The article was published in the german magazine "Luftfahrt History Nr.14." It was a preview article for the next issue. Sadly, they did not publish this next issue...
  2. J

    Messerschmitt Me P.1101

    P.1101 Post -1
  3. zerstorer1946

    German Attack helicopter WW2

    Hi, you guys may want to throw eggs at me for this one!. I am aware of the many german helicopter projects that went on during the years of the third reich..but a friend of mine insists there was an "attack helicopter" designed near the closing stages of the war- not like a...
  4. Grzesio

    Panzerblitz and Panzerschreck puzzle

    Germans fielded a number of airborne AT rockets in the winter of 1944/45. There were Panzerschreck 1 and 2 and Panzerblitz 1 and 2, while Panzerblitz 3 and 4 were in development. Sadly, there's an incredible mess in available books as far as details of these rockets are concerned - e.g. I...
  5. M

    Tiger with Flame Thrower

    Hi everybody Jagdtiger with flame thrower ! !!!!!! 200m range !!!!!! Many greetings
  6. M

    Unknown King-Tiger variant the "Small-Tiger"

    Hi everybody Here a very unknown Tiger II Project Panzerkampfwagen VI Ausf. B "Klein Tiger" - “Small Tiger” Maybe someone have a drawing of this tank ? Many greetings and...
  7. W

    German Independent Designers

    Hi guys :), I wonder if any of you knows more about those freelance engineers who presented their own designs to the competent authorities. The one depicted here, sent to me by Lark ( thanks again ;), Paul ) is from Wilhelm Hillmann, an engineer at Bremen. From "Die deutschen Flugboote...
  8. W

    Arado Designations

    Hello chaps, this is what I know on Arado manufacturer designations. If you know more, please fill the many gaps. Thanks. E 233 - Ar 430 amphibian transport 1940 E 300 - Ar 231 u-boat scout seaplane 1938 E 310 - project for a twin engined carrier torpedo bomber 1939/40 E 370 - Ar 234 with...
  9. M

    Junkers Ju 290 and 390 Variants

    Hi everybody. I am looking for informations, drawings etc. of the Junkers Ju-290E. I think it was a night-bomber-project with a internal bomb-bay. Maybe someone can help ? Thanks and Many greetings
  10. W

    Weserflug Projects

    Hi lads, Weserflug was incorporated in the mid 30`s, assuming the assets of the former Rohrbach works, and also fielding Dr. Adolf Rohrbach as chief designer. Take a look at this excellent site, unfortunatelly not updated for quite a long time...
  11. W

    German high-powered piston engined fighters

    Hi lads, I wonder if you could shed some light on this ones. Any hints? Enjoy. The first picture was sent to me by Justo some time ago. The second one is taken from Manfred Griehl`s "Deutsche Flugzeugbawaffnung bis 1945", Motorbuch verlag, which I strongly recommend.
  12. kiradog

    Blohm und Voss BV 238 Drawings

    Is anyone interested in the planned production versions of the BV 238? Gary Webster
  13. hesham

    Ago Ao.225

    Hi, the AGO Ao.225 mock-up.
  14. Michel Van

    Engelmann-Boot - Sub/Speedboat Hybrid - Germany WW2

    I found those picture in on-line magazine "EinesTages zeitgeschichten auf" label "Engelmann-Boot" Hybrid of Sub and Speedboat based on 1938 patent of German dentist from Berlin build Prototype around 1941 and tested after Author Richard Lakowski in "U-Boote Geheim". from...
  15. GTX

    Schützenpanzer Projects

    Folks, I recently stumbled across some references of a supposed projected German E-50 APC/IFV varient - the Schützenpanzer BÜFFEL (see bottom drawing): Does anyone know if this was a real proposal or simply a post war fictional creation? If real, does anyone have details? here are also...
  16. B

    Rheintochter anti-aircraft rockets

    Anyone know what the item is on the small grey trolley?! Regards, Barry
  17. A

    Krupp Räumer S

    take a look
  18. A

    kugelpanzer aka 'ball tank'

    more Nazi mythos?
  19. M

    German WW2 “SEEDRACHE“ Torpedoboat Project

    Hello everybody I'm searching for a 3view or drawing of the German “SEEDRACHE“ Torpedoboat Project It should be a catamaran like torpedoboat with two or four torpedoes and it is powered by a turbine or Pulsejet something like the Jumo004 or Argus As014! ((UP to 50 kts Speed!!!)) Thanks in advance
  20. M

    Heinkel He 177/277/274 Variants and Projects's me again asking about Mistel combinations..sorry for being a pain..:-) In the book " Mistel - German Composite Aircraft and Operations 1942-1945", by R. Forsyth, published by Classic Publications, on page 194 , there is a comment about a mistel combination that involved a Fw 190...
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