marine nationale

  1. Jemiba

    Dassault Etendard Prototypes and Projects

    Only a question, I just came along : There were, planned or actually built, twin seat versions of the Ouragan, the Mystere, Mystere II and IV, the Breguet 1003 Taon and, of course, of the Mirage series, III to 2000, some intended as trainers, others as night/all-weather fighters. But still...
  2. Jemiba

    french hydrofoil missile boat

    Just found today in Icaré 1971 issue,french project for a hydrofoil missile boat. As it's desigantion is SA-850, I think it had been a project of the naval branch (?) od Sud-Aviation ? Nevertheless, maybe it's interesting for you ... displacement : 75 t, speed 48 knots, armament 4 x Exocet and...
  3. hesham

    Gourdou-Leseurre Prototypes & Projects

    Little known aircraft: Gourdou G-490 :two seat dive-bomber aircraft ,was not completed. Gourdou G-120 HY:light two seat shipboard reconnaissance seaplane. Gourdou-Leseurre GL-710: 10-passenger flying boat. Gourdou-Lesuerre GL-391 :rengined LGL-32 aircraft with a 575 hp...
  4. JAZZ

    Horizon AAW concepts

    Early UK concept and French concept.
  5. hesham

    Bréguet Combat Projects and Prototypes

    Hi, the Breguet Br.600 was a twin engined amphibian seaplane Project,intended for A46 competition with Br.790.
  6. Jemiba

    Arsenal de l'aéronautique: built prototypes and unbuilt projects

    Arsenal VB.15 ( a version of hte VB.10 powered by two Arsenal 12H engines, french versions of the Jumo 213), this is a post war type. For the Payen pre-war types and projects I would recommend, but you'll probably find out, that especially informations...
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