marine nationale

  1. I

    Dassault Mirage MD.800

    Does anybody have information about this plane, maybe AF VG project, or information about Mirage G3,G5,G6, fiction projects or true. Thanks in advance
  2. C

    SNCAO designations (CAO-)

    SNCAO was a short-lived company originating from the nationalization of Loire-Nieuport and Breguet factories. It had design studies in Issy-les-Moulineaux (former Nieuport), using even numbers (200, 400...), and in Saint-Nazaire (former Loire), using odd numbers. - CAO.200 fighter, 1 built -...
  3. J

    Verdun French Aircraft Carrier (images)

    I have been looking for some drawings or pictures of the unbuilt Verdun aircraft carrier that the French government ordered at the end of the 1950s, but I've been unable to find any. According to wiki, it would have had size and displacement similar to today's Marine Nationale CDG, albeit with a...
  4. Triton

    Dassault Rafale NEWS ONLY

    "Rafale: Now Drawing Fire At Home" Posted by Robert Wall at 12/8/2011 5:19 AM CST It is certainly Rafale's time in the crosshairs. The French government is adding to the already huge pressure on Dassault to secure an export deal, warning the long-term prospects of the twin-engine fighter...
  5. Triton

    DCNS Barracuda class attack submarine

    Cutaway drawing of DCNS Barracuda-class nuclear-powered attack submarine. The first submarine will be named Suffren, and will be followed by the Duguay-Trouin, Dupetit-Thouars, Duquesne, Tourville and De Grasse, the build order of these five following submarines being subject to change. Source...
  6. Triton

    French frigates from the late 1980s

    From Matt at the archived Shipbucket forums: Source:
  7. S

    German Navalized ROLAND-II SAM system

    In the early to mid 1970's the German navy was experimenting with the navalization of both the Gepard SPAA gun system and the ROLAND-II surface to air missile system. I was wondering does anyone know if these systems were ever tested successfully and ever used? I remember seeing them in a old...
  8. hesham

    Bréguet 760 Transport Project of 1936

  9. Triton

    French nuclear-powered amphibious assault ship (PH 75/PA 75)

    PH 75/PA 75 was a military development program in France aimed at designing a nuclear-powered amphibious assault ship during the 1970s for the French Navy (Marine Nationale). Two ships were planned. Design work was never completed by the time the project was canceled. Source: ALL THE WORLD’S...
  10. S

    Javelot (?) French air defence system

    Many years ago I read about this project (end of 70s or early 80s). It was a short-range small caliber rocket launcher, destroying low flying targets by salvo of unguided rockets. A box with 48 tubes was installed in the turret similar to the turrets of modern AA guns, with integral radar system...
  11. JAZZ

    Charles de Gaulle Class Unbuilt Sister Ship

    follow on nuclear powered sister ship to Charles de Gaulle, was slightly larger. Would like further details if anyone has them.
  12. JAZZ

    Ader Clement CV

    French concept for an aircraft carrier put forward in 1985 - 24,000 tonnes overall length 220m and beam of 60m. Have this interesting drawing, I am looking for an artists impression of this concept. Two centre catapults are 75m long and can launch 22t aircraft, less powerful ones either side can...
  13. sferrin

    Aérospatiale / MBDA EUROSAM Aster missile family

    Here's an early Aster test vehicle.
  14. sferrin

    ANS French/German supersonic antiship missile.

    A picture from an 80's military advertisement lead to these other two images. Interesting similiarities between the 25 year old ANS test vehicle and Taiwan's recent supersonic cruise missile. ;) (The ad is aerospatiale.)
  15. J

    Big Wing Jaguar

    I read in numerous sources that their were proposals for a Big Wing version of Jaguar, but have never seen any details or any images. Anyone help? Regards.
  16. P

    BAC Jaguar Projects

    In his BSP book, Tony Buttler has a chapter called 'Strike Trainers' which describes the background to what became the Jaguar. In it he mentions the Folland Fo.147 and 148, the BAC (Vickers) Type 593, the BAC (English Electric) P45 (fixed and variable wing), and the Hawker Siddeley HS.1170B and...
  17. MIRAGE 4000

    Dassault projects - Cavalier

    I find in my archives the Dassault MD 630 Cavalier project drawing. I could post it if y are interesting. I propose to start a "Dassault projects" Topic Now, the Calavier projects
  18. S

    Bréguet flying boat projects and prototypes

    Jemiba, is there any designs by Breguet?
  19. F

    Future French Naval Concept: the Swordship

    Obviously, this concept by French company DCN is aimed to rival the Zumwaalt class of future destroyers that are being developped ( not without problems, so it seems) by the US Navy. Trimaran design, a proposed armament of a single three gun turret ( 155mm). One single launch module for 48...
  20. A

    PA.28, first Clemenceau carrier.

    You all know that the name "clemenceau" apply to an old french carrier, now dismantled in France (after some, eeerhm, humiliating atempts to scrap it overseas). building of this ship started in 1954, the hull was laid down in 1957, and the ship entered service in 1961. It was withdrawn in...
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