
  1. Grey Havoc

    GSDF Maneuver Combat Vehicle (formerly known as the Mobile Combat Vehicle)

    [IMAGE CREDIT: MoD (Japan)/TRDI] The new name seems to have been adopted sometime later on in 2011, as can be seen in this TRDI pamphlet (page 8 [pdf pg 9]).
  2. Triton

    Kawasaki UH-2

    Artist's impression of Kawasaki UH-X. Source: http://www.helihub.com/2012/03/30/kawasaki-announce-initial-order-for-uh-x/
  3. Grey Havoc

    PAC-3s to Okinawa?

    Govt may send PAC-3s to Okinawa / SDF readying for launch of DPRK rocket The Yomiuri Shimbun The government is considering a plan to deploy Patriot Advanced Capability 3 (PAC-3) missiles in Okinawa Prefecture for the possible interception of a rocket that North Korea will launch next month...
  4. Triton

    Debt-riddled Japan relaxes decades-old arms exports ban

    Debt-riddled Japan relaxes decades-old arms exports ban Source: http://news.yahoo.com/debt-riddled-japan-relaxes-decades-old-arms-exports-090832091.html TOKYO (Reuters) - Debt-riddled Japan Tuesday relaxed its self-imposed decades-old ban on military equipment exports in a move that will open...
  5. Triton

    Izumo Conversion to a Full Scale Carrier

    Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) 22DDH helicopter destroyer. Source: http://snafu-solomon.blogspot.com/2010/06/22ddh-japans-next-helicopter-carrier.html http://www.strategypage.com/militaryforums/6-62389.aspx http://oursogo.com/thread-1155047-1-1.html
  6. Hood

    Shin Meiwa Amphibious Air Transport System

    Shin Meiwa developed the Amphibious Air Transport System during the late 1980s/early 1990s and was looking for partners to complete development as late as 1999. The aircraft was a 30/50-seat airliner powered by two wing-mounted turbofans with upper surface blowing. Range would be between 500nm...
  7. Grey Havoc

    Godzilla V the JSDF: a historical snapshot

    Here's a bit of light relief, courtesy of JAPAN SECURITY WATCH, but it is also an interesting snapshot of the various SDFs as they existed (as the Coastal Safety Force in the case of the MSDF) in 1954, prior to the passage of that year's Self-Defense Forces Law...
  8. bobbymike

    Robotics - General News

    Video at this link - http://www.hizook.com/blog/2009/08/03/high-speed-robot-hand-demonstrates-dexterity-and-skillful-manipulation Think of the military applications for robotic technologies able to be this dexterous and this fast. Humans can think awfully fast but are limited by our physical...
  9. hesham

    Japanese Shuttle, Space Plane & other Projects

    Hi, the Japanese Hope-X is unmanned spaceplane. http://www.flightglobal.com/pdfarchive/view/2003/2003%20-%201081.html
  10. hesham


    Hi, Please see the Honda aircraft projects. http://www.google.com/patents?id=zH0oAAAAEBAJ&printsec=abstract&zoom=4&dq=HFB+aircraft#PPP1,M1 http://www.google.com/patents?id=cIApAAAAEBAJ&printsec=abstract&zoom=4&dq=HFB+aircraft
  11. bobbymike

    Japanese next generation fighter studies (aka i3, F-3)

    Japanese technologists are committed to including a pilot in their proposed i3 sixth-generation fighter, regarding the need for onboard decision-making as indispensable in a combat aircraft for at least the next three decades. Among the range of technologies intended for pre-development for the...
  12. Triton

    Lockheed Martin/Mitsubishi F-2 Super Kai

    Model of Lockheed Martin/Mitsubishi F-2 Super Kai proposal circa 2005. Sources: http://www.f-16.net/f-16_forum_viewtopic-t-3264.html http://www.zonamilitar.com.ar/foros/tecnologia-y-armamento-aereo/1019-mitsubishi-f-2-super-kai.html
  13. XP67_Moonbat

    Japanese future space projects

    http://www.aiaa.org/pdf/conferences/Maita.pdf Heres a JAXA brief regarding future hypersonic and space launch projects.
  14. Triton

    Shin Meiwa “GS”

    Shin Meiwa, now ShinMaywa, “GS” (for Giant Seaplane) from 1977. The GS was an amphibian airliner designed to carry 1,200-passengers on three decks. 344 passengers on its upper deck, 626 on the main deck, and 230 on the lower deck. Payload was estimated at 120 tons. Designed for transoceanic...
  15. bring_it_on

    Japanese Missiles

    Just from a mission planning perspective. The current Anti Ship weapon planned for B-1 has a range that could be 2 to 3 times of this weapon (which iirc is 100-150nm class). This means the B-1s would need to get closer to a potential target, and also mean that you will need more aircraft to...
  16. hesham

    Kawasaki Air-Cushion Boat

    Hi, the Kawasaki ram-wing twin boom craft or vehicle,it was powered by one 80 hp Mercedes and had estimatd speed of 68 mph. http://www.flightglobal.com/PDFArchive/View/1962/1962%20-%202749.html?search=campini%20aircraft
  17. hesham

    Japanese NAL hypersonic spaceplane

    Hi, the NAL designed in 1990 a hypersonic spaceplane,it was look like some USA hypersonic aircraft. http://www.flightglobal.com/PDFArchive/View/1990/1990%20-%201252.html
  18. Maveric

    Mitsubishi MRJ

    Hi all, also Mitsubishi has projected a new regional jet in two versions MRJ.70 with 70 seats and the MRJ.90 with 96 seats. ( Source: FliegerRevue ) Servus Maveric
  19. hesham

    Japanese SST

    Hi, The Japanese companies had many SST projects,some of it in; http://www.flightglobal.com/FlightPDFArchive/1998/1998%20-%203450.pdf I have many other Japanese SST projects,but I will try to send it.
  20. hesham

    Various Japanese civilian aircraft designs

    Hi, The Japanese company NAMC YS-12 was developed from YS-11 but powered by two Rolls Royce dart RDa 10s ,YS-31 was with two RDa 7s and the YS-12-4 was with four RDa 10 engines. http://www.flightglobal.com/pdfarchive/view/1959/1959%20-%203097.html?search=ys-12
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