
  1. Grey Havoc

    JCII Camera Museum

    https://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/14724794 A few photos at the link.
  2. Grey Havoc

    JGSDF Infantry Combat Vehicle ICV / Mortar Mobile Combat Vehicle MMCV programs

    Some quick background on this, in particular the ICV, via an old post in another thread (note that the info on the Type 16 MCV procurement & deployment may be out of date, there seems to be still some momentum within the MOD/JGSDF on replacing proper tanks on active duty with MCVs according to...
  3. Grey Havoc

    Shoichi Yokoi memorial museum closes

  4. Grey Havoc

    Japan MOD/JSDF 'Attack Drone' project

    ORIGINAL CAPTION: An illustration of a small attack drone (Provided by Defense Ministry) Defense Ministry is asking for attack drones in 2023 budget (The Asahi Shimbun)
  5. Tiger2

    Strange model fighter jet in Mitsubishi Museum

    I haven't made a post on here in ages but today I stumbled upon something very strange and interesting only the people here might know of to find. I was going on a romp around Japan in Google Maps looking at aviation museums and such and I came across a museum near Nagoya Airport owned by...
  6. I

    JMSDF - CVH Next (Izumo Class Follow-on)

    I'm tracking the multi-phase conversions of the Izumo Class to operate the F-35B and V-22. What will Japan build next to provide fixed-wing capability for its fleet? Sometime in the 2030's (if not sooner) the JMSDF will build another class of carriers. These will either replace the smaller...
  7. K

    F-4EJ 301 Prototype Camera equipment

    The ADTW F-4EJ Kai Unit 301 has some unique cockpit controls exclusive to it relating to Camera and optical pod operation. From what I know all the camera pods used by RF-4EJs and F-4EJs used film based cameras that didn't give any video feed into the cockpit. It seems that the this unit...
  8. E

    IREX 2022 - Japan's largest robot exhibition

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2AiYirZPwIs
  9. Grey Havoc

    JMSDF next-generation Offshore Patrol Vessel

    This 2019 brainstorm from the Acquisition, Technology, & Logistics Agency seems to be still moving ahead, and is a bit odd even for that ill-starred front for the Finance Ministry (ostensible status as a MOD agency notwithstanding!). Apparently the idea was/is to enable the MSDF to be able to...
  10. Hood

    What If, Japanese Post-War Military Exports

    I don't usually post what-if scenarios but we've had a few what-ifs for smaller nations like Italy etc. So I was thinking the other day, what if Japan had been able to constitutionally export weapons in the post-war period? General Hackett in his The Third World War has Japan by the 1970s...
  11. Grey Havoc

    Ocean Artemis collision

  12. Grey Havoc

    IJN Type 93 Long Lance torpedo

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kb5F5s2F3mA
  13. beatlesbeetles

    Type 96 APC air defense system

    It is supposedly a short range air defense missile system built on the Type 96 APC chassis. I tried Googling, but I couldn't find anything on it. The only thing I found was the source I found it from. Any help would be appreciated, thanks. Here is the source I got it from...
  14. N

    Japanese Jet Engines of WWII

    Ah okay, that makes more sense. It seems the original description was incorrect. Justo, do you know where I can find more information regarding Japanese centrifugal-type jet engines? I’m curious how they compare to the axial series. and thanks for the amazing images and information, as always
  15. F

    European Railgun

    Budget is a whopping 1.5 million Euro so I'm not sure where they are going with this. The picture accompanying the article even has a Zumwalt type ship firing the railgun. I guess for 1.5 million Euro you don't want to waste money on artwork...
  16. Grey Havoc

    Nihon Hikoki X1G3

  17. T

    Survivability Standards and Korea and Japan

    The Koreans and Japanese (not to mention the Chinese) are able to churn out warships by the dozen more cheaply than what the US yards can. The 30DX and Daegu frigates, especially come to mind compared to the FFG(X). Most people attribute to this to Koreans and Japanese building to commercial...
  18. L

    Wind Challenger

    http://wind.k.u-tokyo.ac.jp/index_en.html https://gcaptain.com/wind-challenger-next-generation-bulk-carrier/ They haven't kept their website up to date. They were supposed to do some more tests by 2017 - does anyone know of recent research papers or other info on the project?
  19. Grey Havoc

    Unmanned Diving Machine program (Japan)

    Not much in the way of details yet. Apparently in the same class as the USN's XLUUV program, though requirements haven't been nailed down yet. Presumably will be operated by the MSDF, that is, if it ever manages to emerge from the unholy mess that is the Acquisition Technology and Logistics...
  20. snark

    R.I.P. James F. Lansdale

    Posted in J-Aircraft.com yesterday: Dear Members of J-Aircraft.com, Once again, I am afraid it is my sad duty to inform you of the saddest news of all in this dark year of devastating loss for the aviation history fraternity. After a 22 year battle with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, our dear friend...
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