
  1. Grey Havoc

    High Speed Landing Craft (JSDF)

    https://www.navalnews.com/naval-news/2025/02/bmt-and-jmu-awarded-landing-craft-contract-by-japans-atla/ Not sure if this planned new class will be operated by the recently established Japan Self-Defense Forces (JSDF) Maritime Transport Group triservice unit or by the JMSDF. This article from...
  2. C

    70th Anniversary of Gojira or Godzilla (October 27, 2024)

    Sunday, October 27, 2024 marked the 70th Anniversary of the theatrical premiere of Gojira or Godzilla in Nagoya, Japan on October 27, 1954.
  3. Grey Havoc

    Type 61 Special Transport Vehicle (JGSDF, late 1950s / early 1960s)

    Has anyone by any chance come across photos of this project, intended for mountain warfare units? Initially known as the Type 56 Trial Special Transport Vehicle, the first two prototypes, the RZ-1 and the SZ-2, were wheeled and tracked respectively, with four more wheeled prototypes being...
  4. R

    EC-121 Proliferation?

    The USN acquired 142 Lockheed EC121s in the early 50s to mount long-range early warning barrier patrols in the Atlantic and Pacific. The main strength was 5 sqns for each ocean with various cats and dogs supporting units. The barrier patrol lasted until 1965 and afterwards the USN transferred 30...
  5. A

    JMSDF "UD-2" project

    Hi all, I've seen a couple passing mentions of a supposed JMSDF destroyer design from the direct postwar period. This design, called "UD-2", was apparently a 3100t design with 3x2 10cm/65 and 2x5 533mm torpedo launchers. The primary documentation about this design is meant to be at the Yamato...
  6. XM28

    JGSDF "Anti-Neutron Shield"

    While looking for a new armor model kit I found a NBC variant of the JGSDF Type 82 command vehicle that had what the box termed as a "anti-neutron shield". Curious, I then found other images from the early 2000s of it on the vehicle. I'm curious if anyone has any further information on the how's...
  7. F.L.

    American identification book for German and Japanese submarines

    Interesting documents : https://maritime.org/doc/id/oni220-german-japan-subs/index.php#toc
  8. GTX

    Japanese Extra-large unmanned underwater vehicle (XLUUV)

  9. M

    Japan's new net-zero airliner programme

    https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20240327/k10014404261000.html https://asia.nikkei.com/Business/Aerospace-Defense-Industries/Japan-to-take-another-shot-at-a-homegrown-airliner-eyeing-hydrogen Just one year after the official end to the failure that was MRJ, Japan is trying to start another...
  10. K

    Japanese Domestic Military UAV Projects

    I am just trying to compile all domestic Japanese UAV programs in one place. Maybe I will add a bit more info on each as time goes on. I know for a fact I'm missing a lot of the early cold war programs, so any help there would be appreciated. FUJI/SUBARU Fuji-Vigilant 5000...
  11. N

    Information on the Ta-Ha SPAAG?

    https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E8%A9%A6%E8%A3%BD%E5%AF%BE%E7%A9%BA%E6%88%A6%E8%BB%8A_%E3%82%BF%E3%83%8F I found some information here on Wikipedia, and received some information on how it may have looked on another thread...
  12. M

    Canon Nanoimprint Lithography (NIL) - possible future major player in the lithography market?

    https://global.canon/en/technology/nil-2023.html https://www.tomshardware.com/tech-industry/canons-nanoimprint-litho-tool-could-disrupt-wafer-fab-equipment-market I don't think NIL can enter logic chip foundary market any soon, though it seems like for flash and RAM, there's a real chance that...
  13. Ekrub

    Japanese Heavy Bombs WW2

    Are there any Japanese WW2 projects for bombs in the 2000+ kilogram range? The British, Americans, Germans, and Soviets all had various large conventional bombs in the 2000 - 20000 kilogram range, but I have not come across anything (in my limited research) of a similar weight class for Japan...
  14. Tzoli

    JMSDF 2500-ton Escort Ship

    I've founds this interesting design on the Shipbucket forums and I've thought I share it here as well. http://www.shipbucket.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=10014 During the Fourth Defense Force Development Plan (years 1972 – 1976), the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) planned to introduce...
  15. TomTom

    Komatsu B78 & Komatsu 105GSR

    Here's a consolidation of the information I've found so far. Komatsu B78 IFV Built by Komatsu, the JSDF in the late ’70s started a project to design an Infantry Fighting Vehicle that would aid troops in the field while also providing armored fire support. Mitsubishi and Komatsu both built...
  16. C

    Ironhorse Artificial Harbor | Operation Coronet, circa March 1946 | U.S. Planned Invasion of Honshu

    SOURCE: Giangreco, D. M. (2009). Hell to Pay: Operation Downfall and the Invasion of Japan, 1945-1947. Naval Institute Press.
  17. M

    Major Japanese doctrinal shift : less manned, more unmanned and stand-off

    https://www.yomiuri.co.jp/politics/20221209-OYT1T50038/ Yomiuri Shinbun reported that there's a major shift of JSDF force mix incoming. This is following a major increase in defense spending by the Japanese. In short, they will replace a major share of their manned aerial assets in favor of...
  18. Deltafan

    UK-Japan-Italy Global Combat Air Programme (GCAP) News & Analysis

    As the Tempest II and F-X programs merged into the GCAP, I think that it's better to create a specific topic. https://www.secretprojects.co.uk/threads/tempest-uk-future-fighter-programme.30547/ https://www.secretprojects.co.uk/threads/japanese-next-generation-fighter-studies-aka-i3-f-3.11566/...
  19. Flyaway

    Amazing 3D Billboards

    The fact these things still look impressive even on a 2D screen means they must look truly incredible in real life. View: https://youtu.be/GqDBWIu3k7E View: https://youtu.be/kA5uf2_9ixY View: https://youtu.be/j6OFS3DCmmA
  20. E

    Mitsubishi ZF and ZG military engines

    Hi everyone, I have uncovered a few documents on the development of the Mtsubishi ZF and ZG series engines. The 10ZF was used on the Type 74 tank, the 6ZF on the Type 75 SPH and the 4ZF on Type 73 APC and derivatives. The 8ZG mentionned in the related document is a predecessor to the 10ZG...
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