fleet air arm

  1. TinWing

    Naval Eurofighter Typhoon projects

    http://www.pprune.org/military-aircrew/285968-aircraft-carriers-may-use-typhoon.html#post3445721 The last drawing showing a Eurofighter with a bridle type catapult, which certainly circumvents more than a few forward fusealage structural issues associate with the tow-bar, although it does look...
  2. Z

    Sea Vixen avionics

    Searched a lot have'nt found much, and nothing here on this. So since I'm interested thought I'd start a thread and see what people know. Seems from testimonials on the SeaVixen site the AI.18 set had a average detection range of just 20nm. Apparently has a lock on feature. The dish is 28...
  3. uk 75

    RN 1962: Escort Cruiser versus Type 82 with helo

    In Friedman's book on British Destroyers and Frigates there is an interesting account of how the Royal Navy looked at the competing virtues of two ships which are described but never illustrated. The first is a 10,000 ton escort cruiser armed with Seadart launchers front and aft and with a...
  4. Apophenia

    Hawker P.1035 Hawk

    Hawker P.1035 Hawk with F.2/43 Fury undercarriage. Source grade 1. While searching for P.1035 images I came across the beginnings of a model by Paul Bradley (attached). Until seeing it, I hadn't considered the possibility that the P.1035 retained the tail-wheel undercarriage (a la Attacker)...
  5. Apophenia

    Hawker P.1035 (Jet Fury)

    Hawker P.1035 Hawk. Source grade 1. I came across some unattributed notes and sketches of mine from long ago. The description of Hawker's P.1035 match those widely spread -- based on the F.2/43 Fury but B.41-powered with a long jet pipe and the Fury cockpit moved forward. Questions 1 - Has...
  6. J

    Naval Spitfire variants

    here some stuff with "W" wing and with Sabre engine
  7. W

    British WW2 Turret Fighter Projects

    Hello, Can't find a source for this, but I think I've seen a profile of a proposed Spitfire variant with a second crew-position for a gunner and a remotely-aimed gun turret/barbette. Can anyone direct me to more info.? Likewise, does anyone know of other proposed turret-modifications of...
  8. uk 75

    BAC Brochure on Mirage VSTOL

    In his book on attack aircraft of the West Bill Gunston refers to a British Aircraft Corporation brochure published in the early 60s showing the Mirage III vstol in RAF and RN colours in the process of being delivered to the UK forces, the final page of which is described as being the first...
  9. P

    Stretched Type 82

    In Rebuilding the RN Brown notes 'In 1967 consideration was given to a stretched Type 82 to replace the Tiger class as helicopter ships' (DEFE 16/617 (PRO)) Were any drawings made?
  10. C

    Avro 730 hand carved.

    I saw this site looking for future projects. Here is an Avro 730 I carved about 18" long plus a Supermarine Scimatar that I fancied having a model of. When I was last in the science museum in London I saw these sorts of models and wanted ones like them, the 730 is my first attempt the Scimatar...
  11. M

    Blackburn B.44

    Does anyone have any information, pictures etc... of the Blackburn B.44 float fighter. I have British Secret Projects, and there is limited information in the back. Does anyone have anything further? Thank you, DJM
  12. Mike Pryce

    Sea Harrier with a nuke

    A few years ago I recall seeing a picture of a Sea Harrier with a WE.177 nuclear weapon in a book. I think it was: Keeping the Peace - The Aldermaston Story by David J Hawkings Can anyone confirm this? I'd like to trace the pic. As I understand it they would have used the WE.177 both for...
  13. A

    Vought two-seat F-8 for the UK

    Hello! According to Joe Baugher, it seems that Great Britain had interest in the Crusader before chosing the Phantom F-4K. What I don't understand is why they were interested in the two seater variant ? ??? The plane was to be powered by a spey engine, as the F-4K. Any 3-view of the...
  14. Mike Pryce

    Harrier Carriers

    Over the years the STOVL ability of the Harrier has led to various proposals for ships for it to operate from. First was the VT Harrier Carrier concept of the mid-1970s. 8,000 tons, c. 400ft length at WL, 420 ft flight deck with ski-jump. Electric propulsion powered by 9x5000 hp gas turbine...
  15. overscan (PaulMM)

    UK Requirements: SR(A) 1244

    Contenders Aerospatiale ASLP Boeing SRAM-T (SRAM-2 derivative) Martin Marietta/BAeD/Hunting TASM-UK Source: John Fricker "RAF Operational Requirements" Air International May 1993
  16. Mike Pryce

    Ferranti radars - Blue Falcon / Blue Hawk / Blue Vixen

    Does anyone have any details of the Blue Vixen radar? I have some old Jane's/Flight articles, and the 1994 GEC Review one, but I am curious as to its modes of operation as well as any updates it received in service. As it is the basis for Captor, similar to PS-05, and now out of service, it is...
  17. GTX

    British Carriers Commando Ships and Escort Cruisers 1963 to 1968

    Hi Folks, I am interested in information on the cancelled British CVA-01 carrier design. Any assistance would be appreciated. Thankyou in advance. Regards, Greg
  18. W

    Blackburn Buccaneer developments

    which could tell me something about the supersonic buccaneer?
  19. hesham

    British Spec. S.24/37: naval torpedo/dive bomber reconnaissance aircraft

    from Great Britain: in S24/37 specification, for naval torpedo/dive bomber reconnaissance aircraft which led to develope Fairey Barracuda,anther six companies competed in this competition, Shorts S-24 and Percival P-25 were from the rivals. do anyone have a 3-View to them ?.
  20. Longshaor

    Blackburn B-48 Firecrest

    Can anyone help me, I'm having no luck finding a 3-view drawing of this plane. TIA Longshoar
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