fleet air arm

  1. overscan (PaulMM)

    Ferranti Blue Fox / Red Fox radar

    Jane's Avionics 1987-1988
  2. P

    Spitfire alternative history: what happens if everything "goes to plan"?

    As any deeply invested Spitfire fan knows, the intended major developments never eventuated and the history of the Spitfire was one of interim variants that did very well. The dead ends are as follows: SPITFIRE III: Merlin 20 development with four cannon and major airframe revisions; abandoned...
  3. uk 75

    Tiger class cruisers opinions

    The three Tiger class cruisers arouse strong opinions. As the only major non-carrier RN warships built after WW2 they mark the transition of the RN from a force built round its battleships' big guns to a missile dominated navy. The 6" and 3" guns fitted to them were supposed to be a new approach...
  4. Pirate Pete

    Different thought process for Post WW2 British Navy

    I an sure I will call down a whole host of ‘trouble’ on my head for raising this, but, Here we go… We all know that the Royal Navy post WW2 was in an invidious position regards available finance and the shifting sands of changing priorities. One thing I think was the (in retrospect at least)...
  5. R

    Pinnacle of Piston fighter: Last US piston fighters vs Spiteful Mk XVI?

    Due to the jet age, various super props never go to production despite their high performance. Among those, it can be said that XP-72 and Spiteful F.16 were the most high capable design. So let say if these prototype got to production stage, which would be the ultimate piston fighter? XP-72...
  6. A

    Hawker-PAC Sea Fury FB.61 "Turbo Fury"

    Excerpt from i need to get pictures, real pictures of this beauty
  7. S

    British hybrid battleships: projects and proposals

    the richelieu hybrid: https://www.laroyale-modelisme.net/t20387-jean-bart-hybride-1-400 (in french)
  8. Y

    Rest of the World without the UK's 1965 cancellations

    The possibility of the UK avoiding the 1965 aircraft cancellations has been discussed ad nauseam. I don't propose to get into it here - assume a collective delusion of the UK government, the discovery of a massive gold deposit, or intervention from extra-terrestrial intelligences, as you see...
  9. Z

    Cdr N D 'Sharkey' Ward DSC, AFC - Mr SHAR RIP.

    Sad to hear Cdr N D 'Sharkey' Ward DSC, AFC has done one last transition. https://www.pprune.org/military-aviation/659317-cdr-n-d-sharkey-ward-dsc-afc-rip.html Only met him once during a close session briefing in approx. 84. He owned the audience, we were just in awe, the energy in the room...
  10. F.L.

    Besson MB.35 and MB.411 observation floatplanes.

    The Besson MB.35 "Passe-Partout" and its derivatives MB.41 and MB.411 are French observation seaplanes designed to operate from the submarine cruiser Surcouf. Two MB.35 prototypes were produced, one of which was lost by accident, and the second was converted into the MB.410 prototype was...
  11. PreMars

    Why Argentina A-4Qs didn't attack British carrier when they found British fleet on May 1st, 1982?

    Is it because the A-4Q has a shorter combat radius and the British aircraft carrier has not yet entered the strike range? Or is it because there has been no wind on the sea since the afternoon of May 1st? Or is it because the time is in the afternoon and close to evening, so it is difficult to...
  12. R

    MOTS Phantom for the RN?

    I'm putting this here because the premise is alternate reality. Its a world where the RN focuses on its big carriers, Eagle rebuilt as per normal, Ark Royal getting its 'Phantom' refit starting in 1964 and CVA01 & 02 getting started as soon as the Fearless class are off their slips at JB and...
  13. airman

    What if De Havilland Mosquito had hydro version..

    Model posted by Bob Gibson in What if and alternate history Facebook Group it's a speculative model reconstruction of fictional hydro version of Mosquito.
  14. A

    Harrier in place of Super Etendard: 1973

    This is a rough TL sketch. POD is October 20, 1971. http://www.ffaa.net/projects/jaguar/jaguar_fr.htm That day, off Marseille, the Foch is flight testing Jaguar M05, that is: the navalized fifth prototype. As the aircraft is returned to the hangar for maintenance, one mechanic raise alarm...
  15. uk 75

    Britain in Vietnam

    One of Harold Wilson's achievements as Prime Minister was to resist President Johnson's pressure for Britain to make some visible military contribution to the Vietnam War. Wilson had only narrowly beaten a Conservative Government in 1964. The Conservatives may well have resisted Johnson too on...
  16. robinbird

    Albacore floatplane photo

    Re previous posts, has anyone a photo of Albacore floatplane? It is for a good home, Helensburgh Heritage Trust a charitable website recording the story of MAEE.RAF Helensburgh. Any such photograph will not be copyright now and a credit of source will be given. The Trust pays tribute to the...
  17. T

    FAA flying hardware, 1937-45?

    Or, in other words, lets give to the FAA some attractive hardware that gets the job done and then some. Whether something later to be made earlier, or something that never flew, or a substantial mod to an existing design. Limitations of availability of engines, armament and electronics remain -...
  18. T

    Make Supermarine great again

    ... that is after the Spitfire is established both in production and service. If it becomes the 'British Dassault', commercial-vise, I'm more than okay with that.
  19. CJGibson

    Britain's Military Helicopters

    Just published by Key https://shop.keypublishing.com/product/View/productCode/KB0091/Britain's%20Military%20Helicopters Helicopters in British forces service. Includes photos of some not very well camouflaged Agusta A109s.... Chris
  20. Grey Havoc

    HMS Flat Iron

    It is unclear if she was still in service post-World War II, but if she was still around in 1948 it is debatable whether or not she would have been technically entitled to the HMAFV (His Majesty's Air Force Vessel) prefix, given that she wasn't a powered vessel.
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