federal republic of germany

  1. overscan (PaulMM)

    1960s Focke-Wulf FW 260 and FW 300 VTOL jet airliners

    Fw 260 medium range and Fw 300 short range transports Source: Flying Review International Vol 18, Issue 11
  2. hesham

    MBB HST-230 Hypersonic Civil Transport

    Hi, I aware that my dear Boxkite mentioned this aircraft before here; http://www.secretprojects.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=2924.msg23631 and here is its model from Flightglobal; http://www.flightglobal.com/PDFArchive/View/1987/1987%20-%200980.html
  3. sferrin

    ANS French/German supersonic antiship missile.

    A picture from an 80's military advertisement lead to these other two images. Interesting similiarities between the 25 year old ANS test vehicle and Taiwan's recent supersonic cruise missile. ;) (The ad is aerospatiale.)
  4. hesham

    Dornier LSK (Leichtes Schwebefähiges Kampfflugzeug) (Lightweight Hoverable Fighter) (1972)

    Hi, the Dornier sutdied in 1972 to develope an aircraft which was based on or looks like the SAAB-37 Viggen,and also designed a very beautiful lightweight V/STOL fighter,I never heard about them before. http://www.flightglobal.com/FlightPDFArchive/1972/1972%20-%202852.pdf
  5. S

    Hades IRBM (France)

    Would anyone possibly possess illustrations of the TEL for this missile, which was supposed to replace Pluton? Thanks.
  6. richard

    Dornier Project Designations

    The DORNIER P 346 was a 1960 tri-motors ,three fins ,fixed tricycle undercarriage, 10-12 passengers transport . I never saw any picture of it . Who could help ? Thanks a lot Richard
  7. boxkite

    ERNO LB 21 Bumerang

    A few years ago I saw a poster(?) of the West German space shuttle (or lifting body proposal?) ERNO (= Entwicklungsring Nord) LB 21 Bumerang inside the Peenemünde museum. After this 'meeting' I never saw it again, neither in books nor in magazines. Who can help with details (illustrations...
  8. P

    Ground or Sea Launched Meteor missile

    Have there been any suggestions of a ground or sea launched version of Meteor?
  9. hesham

    German stealth - TDEFS and FTTU

    Hi, The Daimler-Benz Aerospace designed a new project in 1997 for European combat aircraft,and its concept was known as FTT (Flying Technology Platform). http://www.flightglobal.com/FlightPDFArchive/1997/1997%20-%201652.pdf
  10. hesham

    Bölkow Helicopter Projects

    And what was that project for Bolkow ? from; http://www.flightglobal.com/FlightPDFArchive/1964/1964%20-%202966.pdf
  11. hesham

    Heinkel He 212 / VFW VC-400 tandem tiltwing

    My dear Jemiba, Did you hear about the Heinkel He 212 army reconnaissance tilt propeller aircraft project ? thanks in advance.
  12. hesham

    Hamburger HFB-209 & HFB-314 Projects

    Hi, Does anyone hear about HFB-209 twin turboprop transport aircraft which developed from CASA C-209 and HFB-314 airliner which intended to compete the Caravelle ?.
  13. Petrus

    Indien Panzer from DB-Porsche

    In a German forum (http://www.network54.com/Forum/240281/message/1090833080/) I have just found a very intersting drawing showing what is allegedly a tank designed in Germany by Daimler-Benz/Porsche in the mid-1950s for India. Here is the drawing: Has anybody here ever heard of such a...
  14. JAZZ

    German Short Range SAMs

    seems to have been a number of german short range SAM programmes in the late 1990's Perhaps for our german memebrs - BGT version of HFK/KV a two stage missile, with boster and coast to target second stage at mach-3 to a range of 12km. Photo below (JSWS-issue 30) others were DASA HKK/L2 missile...
  15. A

    Leopard 1 variants

    Can someone provide me with some facts on the Leo 1A6 program. I know that it entailed fitting a 120mm gun and somekind of armour upgrade but what else?
  16. richard

    Heinkel Postwar Fighters

    Who could post a picture of the 1957 Heinkel He 012 ( or 021 ? ) fighter project ? Thanks a lot for the help ! Richard
  17. boxkite

    Messerschmitt designations (post-war and pre-MBB)

    Sorry for the delay, I was busy with non-aviation things :( . Here are the P xxxx numbers of unbuilt Messerschmitt/MBB projects (mainly source is “Willy Messerschmitt – Pionier der Luftfahrt und des Leichtbaues” by Ebert, Kaiser and Peters/ISBN 3-7637-6103-9): · P 1118 – four-seat touring...
  18. GTX

    Panther Anti-Tank/Anti-Helicopter

    This was a project of the (then) West German Army during the late '80s/early'90s. It was designed for anti-tank and anti-helicopter warfare roles and was based on the hull of the Leopard 1 chassis converted by removing the turret and fitting an elevating arm with weapons/sensors that could reach...
  19. P

    West German Leopard 3 MBT

    In the late 1980's I remember the West Germans talking about their plans for their next gen of MBT that was going to replace the Leopard 1. It was called the Leopard 3. Does anyone have anything in the way of how far this project got - i.e prototype? is there any art work or drawings or...
  20. E

    Messerschmitt Me-P-308 "Jet Taifun"

    Okay, does anyone have three-views of post-war business jets developed on paper by Messerschmitt? I'm referring to the HA230/Me230 and Me308 projects.
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