empire of japan

  1. hesham

    Fake Japanese World War II aircraft

    Was those projects real or fake ?. http://www.ww2incolor.com/forum/showthread.php?t=4101
  2. M

    WW2 Japanese Tank Projects

    Hi everybody Here the ultra-heavy O-I tank http://mailer.fsu.edu/~akirk/tanks/japan/japan-exp.html There was also another japanese giant ? The 100 ton tank "Mi-To" ? http://uk.geocities.com/sadakichi09/army/IJAV.htm Maybe someone knows more ? Here the Type 5 Chi-Ri...
  3. Pelzig

    Japanese Secret Projects:Experimental Aircraft of the IJA & IJN 1939-1945

    This book, to be released this coming Fall from Ian Allan Publishing, will continue their x-plane series, taking it into the realm of Japanese experimental aircraft. Page count will be over 144 pages, hard cover. Content in the book include: Kawasaki Ki-64 Kawasaki Ki-88 Kawasaki Ki-91...
  4. Pelzig

    Japanese Rammer Project

    Also in the Maru Special book on the Reppu (which, if you love the Reppu, this book is for you. Hobby Link Japan has it on backorder right now) was this little bit in the back. It is a sketch of a rocket powered rammer. Another piece of art elsewhere in the book shows two of them in action, one...
  5. Michel Van

    Nakajima Ki-201 Karyu and "J9N/J9Y" Kikka

    that are interesting Aircrafts mostly called the Japanese version of the Me-262 because there Origin are from Germany in some form the Nippon-German Technical Exchange Agreement from 1944 germans ship to Japan with U-Boats Parts and Plans of Me 163, Me 262, V-1 & V-2 and other Technology...
  6. airman

    Kawanishi K-90/KX-2 "Jinpu" (J3K, J6K & carrier-based A8K)

    During last year of war with Usa, Japan had projected also an airplane named kawanishi a8k , for this plane exist technical data : engine : Nakajima Homare 21 with 1990 hp speed : 688 km/h max quote of altitude : 13000 m armament : 4 gun with 30 mm The projected production was stopped by end of...
  7. Maveric

    Japanese Gliders and Assault Gliders

    Hi all, found this pics from japanese gliders of the WW2. Can you give a identification?
  8. M

    SHINYO Demolition Boats

    Hello everybody There were several Shinyo types built ! Are there any projects? I have heard about a OHKA towed by a SHINYO BOAT ? Many greetings
  9. hesham

    Kyushu J7W1 Shinden/J7W2 Shinden-kai

    Hi, The Kyushu J7W2 single seat jet interceptor project.
  10. hesham

    Yokosuka P1Y Ginga ("Frances") Variants and Projects

    My dear lark, for the Yokosuka Tenga it was a really project to japanese,see also; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_World_War_II_jet_aircraft
  11. Skybolt

    Axis 1940 airliner dreams/projects

    Ok, in 1940 the war as just started or was about to start (for Italy and Japan) and things were going fairly well. In Germany and Italy airlines and governments started to plan for the expected post-war increase in air traffic, expecially on the Atlantic routes (sound familiar?). Diffrently...
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