empire of japan

  1. Grey Havoc

    Japanese 1944 Differential analyser

    Built by Osaka Imperial University and Syowa Kookuu-keiki Co.Ltd., likely on a Imperial Japanese Navy contract. Note that postwar the Japanese use the American spelling for analyser, i.e. analyzer. There are a couple of pictures at the original article. It had an older (completed in 1942)...
  2. blackkite

    Japanese Ministry of Communication Civil Transport Aircraft Competition 1925

    Hi! Aichi AB-1(Aichi Biplane-1)civil transport and her competitor Mitsubishi MC-1, Nakajima N-36. The Ministry of Communications Civil Aviation Bureau invited the prize design of the pure domestic transport plane which will convey cargo with a passenger in 1925. This was a transport plane...
  3. Stargazer

    Hiro Type 95 Land-based Medium Attack, Twin Engine (G2H1)

    In 1932, the Imperial Japanese Navy issued a specification for its 7-Shi Land-based Attack. The only known contender (and winner) of that competition was the Hiro G2H1, or Type 95 Land-based Medium Attack, Twin Engine, also commonly known as the "Dai-ko" or "Big Attack." It was a remarkably...
  4. blackkite

    IJN Specification 10-Shi (F1, Reconnaissance Seaplane, 1934)

    Hi Aichi F1A. Competitor of Mitsubishi F1M. There was a sea plane version and a land base plane version of F1A.
  5. blackkite

    IJN Specification 12-Shi (E12/E13, Reconnaissance Seaplane, 1937)

    Hi! Kawanishi E13K. http://www.airwar.ru/enc/sww2/e13k.html Auto translation. In 1937, the Imperial Japanese Navy decided to change the old Scout Kawanishi E7K seaplanes (Navy Type 94 Reconnaissance Seaplane) to more advanced aircraft. For this purpose, contracts were signed with companies...
  6. blackkite

    Aichi 16-Shi Navy Reconnaissance Seaplane (E16A Zuiun) (AM-22)

    Hi! Aichi E16A1 Zuiun.
  7. Grey Havoc

    « Kaze Tachinu » ("The Wind Rises"): Miyazaki's new anime movie

    Going o/t but on a tangent: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=E5dB_9dW2SQ
  8. Grey Havoc

    Wartime archive lists secret codes disguised as weather forecasts[Asahi Shimbun]

  9. blackkite

    Mitsubishi Shusui and Shusui-kai

    Hi! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1K5R2wBpWw
  10. blackkite

    Japanese aircraft pioneer Chuhachi Ninomiya

    Hi! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ch%C5%ABhachi_Ninomiya http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WsPnusghwc
  11. Stargazer

    Some mysterious Japanese projects...

    While going through some Japanese sources I came across these seemingly undocumented projects: 7-Shi Special Bomber (one Nakajima prototype built — program cancelled) 7-Shi Reconnaissance Seaplane [E7N] (unbuilt Nakajima contender of the E7K "Alf" and E7A) 8-Shi Fighter (Nakajima proposal —...
  12. J

    Yokosuka (Kugisho) MXY6 motor glider (proof-of-concept for Kyushu Shinden)

    Hi! :)
  13. airman

    Nakajima Ki-49 and Ki-58 « Donryu » ("Helen")

    Nakajima Ki-49 III with Nakajima Ha-117 of 2 420 hp: anyone have images and more info about it ?
  14. Stargazer

    Japanese Navy competition programs

    7試 7-Shi Twin-Engined Carrier Aircraft (1932) Mitsubishi 3MT5 and 3MT5A > Type 93 Land-Based Attack [first G1M] 7試 艦上戦闘機 7-Shi Carrier Fighter (1932) Mitsubishi 1MF10 Nakajima NC? NK1F? 7試 艦上攻撃機 7-Shi Carrier Attack (1932) Aichi AB-8 Mitsubishi 3MT10 / Ka-5 Nakajima [B3N]...
  15. redstar72

    Mitsubishi 1MT1 - help request

    Hi all! Maybe somebody can help with better, or at least bigger, drawing of this triplane monster? The only one which I could find is this (see attachment). I found it here: http://www.straggleresearch.com/2010/10/navy-type-10-carrier-torpedo-aircraft.html.
  16. G

    Tokushu Choban Re-Go and early Japanese helicopter experiments

    Hi Guys Here is very interesting. I was not aware of the fact that the Japanese were experimenting with helicopters. Check out this link. http://www.warandgame.info/2007/10/japanese-vtol.html Regards Gerhard
  17. Jemiba

    Aichi M6A1 « Seiran »

    Reading the chapter about the Aichi M6A1 Seiran/I-400 submarine in "Strike From Beneath The Sea" by Terry C. Treadwell, I wondered, why this aircraft actually were fitted with floats ? In the mentioned book and in other sources, too, it's said, that they should be catapulted from the submarine...
  18. Abraham Gubler

    WWII Assault Tanks

    During WWII the British Army came up with the idea of an Assault Tank to defeat German emplaced anti tank guns (PAK) via artillery suppression. Trialled with Churchills the idea was that the assault tank unit would advance into a friendly artillery bombardment that would suppress the anti tank...
  19. blackkite

    Tachikawa Ki-94-Ⅱ

    Hi Ki-94! Enjoy. http://www.webmodelers.com/ki94.html http://ksa.axisz.jp/OM64Ki94.htm
  20. blackkite

    Aichi Navy Experimental Night Reconnaissance Seaplane (AM-16)

    Hi! Aichi AM-16 experimental night reconnaissance seaplane. This flying boat was not completed. Only fuselage was completed. Engine:aircooling in-line inverse 6 cylinder Menasco Super Buccaneer, max power 300HP Wing span:15m, Overall length:11.8m. Height:4m, Wing Area:38.6m2, MTOW:3,300kg, Self...
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