early 1960s

  1. M

    Rolls-Royce Griffith Supersonic VTO Airliner

    I'm new here, so forgive me if this is in the wrong place or anything, or if I transgress any rules! A few weeks ago, I bought a secondhand book called 'Rolls Royce Leader of the Skies' by Michael Donne. I bought it mainly for one illustration in the last chapter, of an extraordinary dart-like...
  2. uk 75

    What happened to Seacat 2?

    In an old edition (about 1962-3) of the excellent annual Flight International missiles guide published in those days with drawings and photos I found a missile called Seacat 2, which looked similar to Roland, Rapier etc and was supposed to be a simple mount on the existing Seacat/Tigercat...
  3. uk 75

    Canadian FFG 1960 design

    I am at it again. Looking through some old books I found an artist's impression of a 1960 Canadian design for a frigate carrying a Tartar system aft. It was described as a Tribal class frigate, so presumably was an early design for the Iroquois ships. It is a smart looking ship and very...
  4. Skybolt

    US Navy 1960-1963 VAX supersonic A-4 replacement program

    Searching infos on the losers competitors in the VAL contest (1963-64) I stumbled in AW&ST issue Aug 12 1963 on a notice regarding the VAX competition, then just cancelled. VAX was started in 1962 and asked for a supersonic all-weather replacement of the A-4. I asked for photocopies and I'll...
  5. R

    The Fairey Rotodyne

    Hi all.Im brand new here and enjoying the site 100%. So can anyone provide any info on Rotodyne projects please?? ??? ??? Remember seeing an article in an old Flight mag about a Naval Variant but have seen nothing since!! Help please.
  6. overscan (PaulMM)

    AN/ASG-18 radar

    This radar formed the basis of the AWG-9, and was the first lookdown/shootdown weapons system. Originally developed for the North American F-108 interceptor, the origins of AN/ASG-18 lie in 1954, when alongside a new interceptor competition a competition was held to design a radar with a 100nm...
  7. hesham

    Aerotécnica Helicopters

    From spain, Aerotecnica AC-15 :that project was developed from AC-14 with a 260 hp Lycoming O-435-V engine. Aerotecnica AC-21 :12/14 seat larger helicopter in Aerotecnica series with Turbomeca Turmo III turbines and a massive ducted-air tailboom,project only.
  8. TsrJoe

    Folland Gnat - Development & Derivatives

    DELETED POST (please remove from the thread)
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