early 1960s

  1. Y

    US IRST devices: AN/AAA-4, AN/AAS-15, AN/ALR-23

    Does anyone have any good references on the AN/AAA-4 and AN/AAS-15 Infra-Red Search & Track sets, as used by USAF and USN in late 1950s/early 1960s ? I believe the AAA-4 (Hughes 71N) was fitted on the F-4B; AAS-15 on the F-8D/E, F-101B and F-102A. Both used to assist with target...
  2. uk 75

    Canadian Heller Rocket launcher for British Army in 1962? Info needed

    An old book of mine about the British Army mentions that the Army in 1962 were looking at the Canadian Heller Rocket launcher and the Carl Gustav 84mm from Sweden to replace its bazookas. The UK chose the Carl Gustav. Does anyone have any info and pictures of the Canadian contender? UK 75
  3. X

    Krafft Ehricke Space designs

    Hi All, I'm looking for infos (technical drawings) about Krafft Ehricke Spacecraft designed and projected for Convair in the early 60's see : http://www.fantastic-plastic.com/CONVAIR%20MANNED%20LUNAR%20RECON%20VEHICLE%20PAGE.htm...
  4. M

    Rolls-Royce Griffith Supersonic VTO Airliner

    I'm new here, so forgive me if this is in the wrong place or anything, or if I transgress any rules! A few weeks ago, I bought a secondhand book called 'Rolls Royce Leader of the Skies' by Michael Donne. I bought it mainly for one illustration in the last chapter, of an extraordinary dart-like...
  5. uk 75

    Canadian FFG 1960 design

    I am at it again. Looking through some old books I found an artist's impression of a 1960 Canadian design for a frigate carrying a Tartar system aft. It was described as a Tribal class frigate, so presumably was an early design for the Iroquois ships. It is a smart looking ship and very...
  6. R

    Fairey Rotodyne

    Hi all.Im brand new here and enjoying the site 100%. So can anyone provide any info on Rotodyne projects please?? ??? ??? Remember seeing an article in an old Flight mag about a Naval Variant but have seen nothing since!! Help please.
  7. overscan (PaulMM)

    AN/ASG-18 radar

    This radar formed the basis of the AWG-9, and was the first lookdown/shootdown weapons system. Originally developed for the North American F-108 interceptor, the origins of AN/ASG-18 lie in 1954, when alongside a new interceptor competition a competition was held to design a radar with a 100nm...
  8. hesham

    Aerotécnica Helicopters

    From spain, Aerotecnica AC-15 :that project was developed from AC-14 with a 260 hp Lycoming O-435-V engine. Aerotecnica AC-21 :12/14 seat larger helicopter in Aerotecnica series with Turbomeca Turmo III turbines and a massive ducted-air tailboom,project only.
  9. TsrJoe

    Folland Gnat - Development & Derivatives

    DELETED POST (please remove from the thread)
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