
  1. AN/AWW-14(V)

    C-17 Modernization
  2. Jason Dykstra (Wyvern)

    Boeing 757 "Nose Circle" (British Airways)

    Hello Everyone, This might sound like a silly question but, why did British Airways' Boeing 757s have that black circle round their nose? It was the only type of aircraft in the fleet to have something like that. Was it there for aesthetic purposes or was it there for a reason? It is clearly...
  3. Grey Havoc

    Powered JDAM
  4. J

    Boeing FARA

    Alone among the FARA contenders, Boeing have yet to fully reveal details of their submission, apparently designed by the company's 'Phantom Works'. They did release a teaser video - some screenshots of which are shown at
  5. Jason Dykstra (Wyvern)

    Air Malta's Boeing 707s, 720s, 727s and BAC 1-11s

    Hello Everybody, I've been doing some research regarding the fleet development of Malta's national airline, Air Malta, and I've run into a bit of a road-block when it comes to the early and leased Boeing fleets. The airline leased Boeing 707s and 727s and some BAC 1-11s, and their first...
  6. Orionblamblam

    B-52 & Navaho

    Last few days I've been tearing my hair out looking for a collection of images I *know* I saw some time ago: art and diagrams depicting various aircraft including the B-52 carrying the Navaho missile. If this sounds at all familiar to anyone, please let me know. Here's an image from another...
  7. galgot

    Monogram 2707-200 sst

    Might be of some interest cause this one is much rarer than the 1:200 Revell kit. Today got a Monogram 2707-200 sst 1:400 kit, for 9€ (!). Ok it suffered from time and mist, but still i'm quite happy having this one for only 9€... And surface details are much better on this 1:400 kit than on the...
  8. AN/AWW-14(V)

    FOG-M, EFOGM and LongFOG

    FOG-M vs QUH-1 :cool: lucky shooter Jane's Land-Based Air Defence 1992-93
  9. V

    Favorite post-WW2 giant airplane project

    If anyone had a favorite giant airlifter, spanloader, or airliner project of the post-WW2 period, what would it be?
  10. V

    Favorite giant airplane project

    This is a poll intended to gauge what your favorite giant airplane project of the pre-1945 period is. The ANT-26 is often seen as the largest Soviet warplane project of the pre-1945 era, but the Germans in WW1 envisaged a monster bomber with a 479 foot span and we now know that Consolidated and...
  11. V

    Boeing Model 404 flying wing bomber project

    Does anyone have drawings or specs of the Boeing Model 404 flying wing bomber? I just wanted to ask because I saw the designation in the Boeing model numbers list and the Model 404 had the same number of engines as the XB-35 and Consolidated Flying wing design.
  12. Sundog

    Boeing Airpower Teaming System (ATS) - MQ-28 Ghost Bat

    The Boeing "Drone" developed for the RAAF. It makes me wonder what the USAF may already have in operation.
  13. Flyaway

    Boeing Orca Extra-Large Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (XLUUV)
  14. Dynoman

    GAX Ground Attack Experimental (1920-1923) Program

    Following WWI, Air Corps planners saw the need for a ground attack aircraft, which was armored and carried a 37 mm cannon and eight .30 caliber machine guns. This resulted in the GA-1. Six aircraft were built: 1. Boeing GA-1 (1920) 2. Orenco IL-1 (1921) (Also known as a Model E) 3. Junkers...
  15. hesham

    Boeing School of Aeronautics

    Hi, The Boeing School of Aeronautics was started by Boeing to compete against the Wright brothers' Wright Flying School and Curtiss Flying School in San Diego, California. Founded in 1929 at Oakland Municipal airport, the school started with a staff of 19 and 100 students. It was licensed by...
  16. flateric

    US & German Harassment Drone / LOCUST / DAR Designs
  17. Mike Pryce

    Joe Sutter - Father of 747 - RIP

    Sad news: I was just watching him in this BBC documentary a few days ago: A great loss - the designer of an iconic aircraft.
  18. G

    The Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker: More Than a Tanker

    An enlarged update of Robert Hopkins' 1998 Aerofax book, already a pretty good tome:
  19. Grey Havoc

    Last Boeing C-17 built in Long Beach
  20. RAP

    Boeing-Lockheed Space Shuttle Concept?
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