
  1. T

    AH-64 Apache Orders, Sales & Incidents

    This is great. I'm not a fan of the Eurocopter Tiger, and I wished that Germany had picked the Apache or Cobra.
  2. E

    Boeing posts $3.3B loss on costs tied to defense programs

    How is this possible? The Department of Defense is always asking for more money. I think I'd fall over dead if I ever heard a DoD official say, "We're asking for less money this year."
  3. isayyo2

    MDD/Boeing MA-31 Target Drone

    Hi all, I have a short presentation from 2004 about Boeing's MA-31 target drone program. These were Kh-31 missile bodies bought from Russia and modified to replace the Navy's MQM-8 Vandal supersonic targets. Attached below is the PDF file.
  4. F

    About the Harpoon Block 1D

    White there is information about the missile itself: There are mentions that, one of the reason it wasn't produced, was that the missiles were too big for...
  5. RavenOne

    Poland Attack Helicopter competition between Bell and Boeing

    Battle begins between Bell and Boeing for Polish attack helicopter requirement. Cheers
  6. isayyo2

    Skybolt enters service, now what?

    I'd love to hear everyones thoughts on the topic; if Skybolt enters service, what differences if any does it make? For SAC and USAF, it gives them an airborne deterrence rivaled only by the equally impressive Polaris program. But Vietnam still occurs, and conventional capabilities are still a...
  7. helmutkohl

    Alternate history: Boeing won JSF

    Boeing and Lockheed beat out McDs, GD, and some other companies to become the two finalists for JSF. Boeing went with a somewhat more conventional engine arrangement, but an unconventional shape Lockheed was opposite and chose a more novel engine arrangement, but had a shape more similar to the...
  8. Flyaway

    Boeing Starliner

    This really should have its own thread, so I have started one. View: View: View: View...
  9. overscan (PaulMM)

    Boeing B-47 Stratojet & B-52 Stratofortress; Origins & Evolution by Scott Lowther

    The famous B-52 Stratofortress has been in service with the USAF for more than 65 years and its iconic shape is known and recognised all over the world. Yet the B-52 and its predecessor, the B-47 Stratojet, started out looking very different indeed. Each aircraft was the end product of a lengthy...
  10. Grey Havoc

    Kenworth-Boeing gas-powered turbine truck

    Apparently the gas turbine in question (Model 502) was originally developed in response to a USN requirement, presumably on behalf of the USMC. I wonder what the intended vehicle was?
  11. Bill S

    Boeing Model 468

    From Boeing Report D-8172 [NARA II] The Model 468 informal proposal was based on conversations between Boeing and BuAero in January 1947. The proposed airplane was a semi-expendable antiaircraft gunnery target. It was to operated at 450mph at altitudes between sea level and 20,000 ft. Two...
  12. Grey Havoc

    H.M.S. Speedy (P296, Speedy-class Hydrofoil)

    Ladies and Gentlemen, HMS Speedy: View:
  13. Grey Havoc

    Iridium satellite system
  14. RavenOne

    Royal Air Force Chinook 40 Years

    On this day 4 decades ago, the Royal Air Force receives its first Chinook helicopter (Photo courtesy of Boeing) And the rest is history serving Falklands, Beirut, Kuwait...
  15. Flyaway


    It looks like the KC-Y is back on the table & likely will be contested between the KC-46 & A330.
  16. flateric

    McDonnell Douglas & Boeing BWB projects - several streaming QuickTime videos of LARC WT tests - several hi-res photos...
  17. sferrin


    Is there a SAM today that can kill a target at 446 miles and over 100,000 feet? (It's a rhetorical question. There isn't.)
  18. 7

    Boeing / North American Rockwell Windjammer SSTO

    The other day I was looking at some space proposals from the past and I stumbled upon this beautiful SSTO. I have only been able to find one source that gave some details about it and I'm very much hoping that you guys can help get more details/drawings on this proposal. "The ”Windjammer”...
  19. uk 75

    Ireland's SST that never was

    Back in the 1960s Boeing was telling everyone that its Supersonic 2707 transport would be the must-have airliner for the 1970s. Some 26 airlines took out options on the plane. There is a comprehensive thread about the US designs on this site, but no illustrations of the artwork Boeing must have...
  20. AN/AWW-14(V)

    Boeing AGM-130 air-to-ground guided missile

    disposal AGM-130s by USAF personnel, circa 2012 More:
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