
  1. Dronescapes

    U.S. Giant Bombers

    U.S. Giant Bombers
  2. B

    Boeing 2707 / United Wall Art - Thrift Store Find

    Hello everyone, new here, created an account to post this since I don't see many other places discussing the 2707. I was at the local thrift store(Cleveland, OH, USA) the other day and came across this pretty cool wall art. It's about 5 feet wide and features a blueprint of the 2707 along with a...
  3. aim9xray

    Superstar engineer John Hart-Smith skewered Boeing’s strategy | Obituary

    embedded links: Hart-Smith paper on Boeing Outsourcing 2003 reaction to Hart-Smith Paper
  4. W

    Crash of Jeju Air 737 at Muan International Airport, 29/12/2024

    A 737-800 flying from Thailand to Korea has run off the runway and hit a wall during a belly landing at Muan International Airport. Reported to be 173 Korean, 2 Thai passengers and 6 crew. 47 confirmed dead so far with 2 confirmed survivors (a passenger and a flight attendant). Early reports...
  5. Dronescapes

    Boeing: The Golden Age of Aviation Before Corporate Ruined It [DOCUMENTARY]

    Boeing: The Golden Age of Aviation Before Corporate Ruined It [DOCUMENTARY]
  6. TinWing

    Boeing “High Speed” Cruise Missile Patent
  7. E

    Boeing to cut 17,000 jobs as losses deepen during factory strike
  8. A

    Boeing MH-6/AH-6 Little Bird

  9. E

    Latest talks between Boeing and its striking machinists break off without progress, union says
  10. GTX

    KC-10 tanker

    Starting thread at the end...
  11. isayyo2

    Longer B-47 Service Life?

    Greatly inspired by the "Longer B-58 Hustler service?" thread by @Rule of cool How could the B-47 have had a more impactful service life? Improved engines and aerodynamics? Exports to friendly nations? As a total What-if thought, I would consider a four-engine B-47 evolution as seen with...
  12. Dronescapes

    A rare video about the B-47 Stratojet and some programs surrounding it [VIDEO]

    A rare video about the B-47 Stratojet and some programs surrounding it
  13. hesham

    Very Early Helicopter ?

    From Boeing magazine 1953, here is a strange helicopter with Mr. Herbert Munter
  14. hesham

    Boeing Two Small Aircraft to ID

    From Boeing magazine 1950, what was these two Boeing designs ?,maybe a generic or ?.
  15. hesham

    Boeing Incredible Aircraft Design of 1961 ?

    From Boeing magazine 1961, can anyone ID this beast ?,may the number 733 was for its model,because we know that designation had been used for different concepts !.
  16. Flyaway

    Boeing sued by Wilson Aerospace

  17. TomS

    PXM -- A modern subchaser for the USN

    A few months ago, I posted a thread on a briefing with several more or less obscure frigate concepts for the USN. One of the designs included in that brief is the PXM, which I described at the time as a rabbit hole. This thread is my attempt to chase that rabbit as far as I can go, starting from...
  18. uk 75

    Hound Dogs and BUFFs

    I used to nurse the fond belief that only the B52G and H versions carried Hound Dog missiles and that they were only loaded in the "silver era". Thanks to the Internet it turned out that the Dog served well into the 70s and so was carried by SIOP scheme B52s. An example is shown here...
  19. Flyaway

    Potential sale of ULA

    Looks like ULA could be up for sale this year. Blue Origin would seem the natural purchasers but I am not sure that would be such a good thing. View:
  20. E

    Boeing to hire 10,000 workers in 2023 as it ramps up production
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