1. A

    Radia WindRunner

    https://interestingengineering.com/transportation/radias-windrunner-to-be-the-worlds-largest-aircraft-ever-built Radias Windrunner, designed to carry windmill blades
  2. snne

    Turkish Aircraft Carrier concept

    From another source: https://www.turdef.com/article/design-of-the-turkish-aircraft-carrier-unveiled
  3. A

    GA-ASI XQ-67A Off-Board Sensing Station (OBSS)

  4. Forest Green

    MACE (Multi-Mission Affordable Capacity Effector)

    View: https://twitter.com/AirPowerNEW1/status/1753822277152407914?s=20 View: https://twitter.com/AirPowerNEW1/status/1753472788839403705?s=20
  5. Forest Green

    Classified US Lockheed Missile Program

    View: https://twitter.com/AirPowerNEW1/status/1749831289018945792?s=20
  6. W

    End of an era - Last Mig-21 Lancer flights

    https://www.defenseromania.ro/ultimele-zboruri-ale-mig-21-lancer-ale-romaniei-toate-drumurile-duc-la-bacau-zboruri-simultane-catre-bacau-ultima-misiune-a-mig-21_622607.html It was suposed at the end of the nineties to be an interim solution. Still, 20 years later, they still serve. View...
  7. Michel Van

    ESA European Heavy Lift Launcher “PROTEIN”

  8. Orionblamblam

    "Space Perspective" tourist balloons

    Space Perspective to launch balloon-borne tourist flights from 'marine spaceport' I'm dubious: a ship-launched balloon will carry passengers who paid $125,000 each up to 100,000 feet. They will subsequently splash down... and be picked up by the same ship. That had better be a *fast* ship.
  9. Michel Van

    The Exploration Company and Nyx Spacecraft

    The Exploration Company A Europeans team want to build Nyx Spacecraft a 12 ton space Capsule, that later to be Manned launch by Ariane 6 or Falcon 9 main as Cargo provider for ISS, Lunar Gateway or private Space Station or bringen Crew to them. Also to use as Lunar lander (with Lox/Methane...
  10. Grey Havoc

    Automatic Implementation of Secure Silicon (DARPA)

  11. Flyaway

    NASA Curiosity (Mars Rover)

    With Mars Methane Mystery Unsolved, Curiosity Serves Scientists a New One: Oxygen For the first time in the history of space exploration, scientists have measured the seasonal changes in the gases that fill the air directly above the surface of Gale Crater on Mars. As a result, they noticed...
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