1. Grey Havoc

    Rosy Saxifrage reintroduced into the wild in Britain

    https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cjkkm4re518o https://www.plantlife.org.uk/plants-and-fungi/rosy-irish-saxifrage/
  2. Grey Havoc

    Spitfire Crash May 2024

    https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/05/25/spitfire-crashes-battle-of-britain-event/ RIP :(
  3. uk 75

    1984 vs 2024 how bad are things?

    Back in 1984 the Reagan administration had faced up to the Soviet threat and produced a report for the public called "Soviet Military Power" which set out the Soviet arsenal and the US forces lined up against it. In 2024 the Biden administration has produced nothing similar setting out the...
  4. Flyaway

    Vigil Solar Observatory - ESA

    NASA’s Heliophysics Experiment to Study Sun on European Mission
  5. L

    Harrier Kingston P1214-3 Xwing Fighter Interceptor

    The British B.A.E. Kingston P1214-3 Xwing Fighter Interceptor is the only aircraftdesign that was really an X-Wing version. It was designed by Hawker Design Team at Kingston in the late 70's for RAF as Advanced-Short-Tak-Off / Vertical Landing Fighter.. The aircraft had 3 adjustable thrusters...
  6. T

    Bud Anderson, legendary fighter ace of the 357th FG, dies at 102

    https://www.airforcetimes.com/veterans/military-history/2024/05/20/bud-anderson-americas-last-world-war-ii-triple-ace-dies-at-102/?utm_source=sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=air-dnr Bud´s Old Crow aircraft https://toflyandfight.com/the-p-51-mustang/the-old-crow/ RiP
  7. Grey Havoc

    Iranian President missing, feared dead, in helicopter crash

  8. E

    New wingless hydrogen powered jet - Sky OV

  9. J

    Marriage of synthetic biology and 3D printing produces programmable living materials by American Chemical Society

  10. A

    Sierra Nevada Survivable Airborne Operations Center - E-4B replacement

    I don’t think anyone was too aware of this until news that Boeing was eliminated from the competition,(https://www.reuters.com/business/aerospace-defense/boeing-eliminated-us-air-forces-doomsday-plane-competition-2023-12-01/) so who will make this next “doomsday” plane? Northrop Grumman building...
  11. Spey_Phantom

    D-Motor DKT-07, Belgian ultralight helicopter

    revealed today, this is the D-Motor DKT-07, a new Belgian indigenously designed and built helicopter. whats so special about it is that it not only flies on traditional aviation fuels, but its also the first helicopter in the world to fly 100% on non-fossil fuels...
  12. overscan (PaulMM)

    Chris Farara (Brooklands Museum Hawker archivist) has died

    Tony Buttler has informed me that Chris Farara, former Hawker Aircraft employee, compiler of the Hawker Association newsletter, occasional writer, and diligent archivist of the Brooklands Hawker archive, has passed away. I can only speak from my own experience - Chris was a really nice man, who...
  13. Grey Havoc

    Veteran PC Game 'Sopwith' Celebrates 40th Anniversary

  14. Forest Green

    First Graphene Semiconductor

    Researchers have created the world's first graphene semiconductor. The joke goes that graphene can do everything but leave the lab, but in the last few years, this is no longer true. In this episode we'll see how scientists turned the best conductor known to man into a semiconductor, opening the...
  15. E

    BAR Technologies' WindWings for surface ships

  16. W

    Undergraduate Jet Training System (UJTS)

    In its effort to replace the aging T-45 trainers, the Navy put out a Request for Information last August for what’s officially dubbed the “Undergraduate Jet Training System (UJTS).” It indicated a minimum buy of 145 aircraft and a contract award in 2026. That means a Request for Proposal could...
  17. Grey Havoc

    Inside the military’s response to the Baltimore bridge collapse (The Hill)

  18. Grey Havoc

    San Francisco sues Oakland over plans to rename airport (The Hill)

  19. Grey Havoc

    911 Outage in four states (US)

    Possible cyber attack: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68844879 Switching over to VOIP for emergency and other critical telecommunications seems to have been rather short-sighted, at best.
  20. M

    Japan's new net-zero airliner programme

    https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20240327/k10014404261000.html https://asia.nikkei.com/Business/Aerospace-Defense-Industries/Japan-to-take-another-shot-at-a-homegrown-airliner-eyeing-hydrogen Just one year after the official end to the failure that was MRJ, Japan is trying to start another...
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