
  1. Grey Havoc

    How China Broke the World's Recycling

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXRtNwUju5g https://e360.yale.edu/features/piling-up-how-chinas-ban-on-importing-waste-has-stalled-global-recycling
  2. dark sidius

    Aevum Ravn X

    https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20201203005732/en/Aevum-Rolls-Out-Ravn-X-The-World%E2%80%99s-First-Autonomous-Launch-Vehicle-and-the-Largest-Unmanned-Aircraft-System-UAS Soon a new tool for USSF
  3. Grey Havoc

    Exosonic low-boom SSBJ project

    There appears to be a 'merely' supersonic rival, from a company called Exosonic, though I suspect that it may be being funded as more of a back-up option. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/sep/2/pentagon-takes-first-step-toward-building-superson/ (This thread originally began as part...
  4. Mr London 24/7

    ‘Mad Max’ (US/RUS) Road Wars in Syria

    Only noticed these recently, ‘Mad Max’ style road wars have broken out in the last few months between US and Russian forces in Syria. Pretty harmless so far, bumping these massive armoured vehicles against one another. I’m sure others here will also find them interesting and (with a proper...
  5. Grey Havoc


    https://thetakeout.com/sturddlefish-scientists-accidentally-create-new-specie-1844466716 https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4425/11/7/753/htm
  6. Apophenia

    Chinese VN50 Heavy IFV Project?

    Under the Chinese tank designations thread, I've mentioned the VN50 project: https://www.secretprojects.co.uk/threads/chinese-tank-designations.34040/#post-399542 The thing is, I don't even known for sure that this was a real project. For the record, the VN50 was reputed to be a heavy IFV...
  7. VTOLicious

    US Army Future Tactical UAS (FTUAS)

    In the spring of 2019, the Army awarded a contract to four industry partners to provide non-developmental tactical systems, also known as "off the shelf" technology. The Army will provide the tactical UAS to units so Soldiers in U.S. Army Forces Command can evaluate the system under field...
  8. Grey Havoc

    Project Aura

    https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/29/business/coronavirus-us-ventilator-shortage.html On a side note, there are growing calls for FEMA to be restored as an independent Cabinet-level agency and for the Strategic National Stockpile to be permanently placed under it in the future.
  9. Flyaway

    Europa Clipper

    Time this has its own thread. https://spacenews.com/europa-clipper-seeking-savings-as-cost-reserves-plummet/
  10. J

    German Mehrzweckeinsatzschiff (MZES) (multi mission ship)

    In 2009, Germany was a plan to build the fleet of 2025 (Flotte 2025 +), according to which envisages the construction of 2-UDC Joint Support Ship (JSS) and 2-multi-purpose ships, docks Mehrzweckeinsatzschiffs (MZES) — the last to play the role of amphibious transports, mother ships and supply...
  11. Flyaway

    Space 19 + ESA Council Meeting

  12. Michel Van

    SKYRORA - UK return to Space - This time it's Private

    SKYRORA is new British/Ukraine Company for Small Satellite launcher Based in Edinburgh, Scottland. They continue were Black Arrow was Stop, using rocket power on Kerosine/HTP to launch Small Satellite. For moment they have 3 models Skyrora Nano II a small sounding rocket with 10kg Payload...
  13. F

    NASA Hercules Landing Vehicle

    From NASA Systems Analysis And Concepts Division https://sacd.larc.nasa.gov/vab/vab-projects/hercules/ So let’s see, we got: -an escape capsule -an escape module within the escape capsule -a ballute decelerator -parachutes -deployable crush absorber -and retro rockets And the abandoned...
  14. Grey Havoc

    Medium Unmanned Surface Vehicle (MUSV), U.S. Navy

  15. S

    Dornier Seawings - Seastar and Orca hydroplanes

    Dornier Seastar all-composite amphibian evolved from 1984, more then 3 decades. For certain years, Dornier teamed Chinese company, Wuxi for further developement. Official site. Seastar initially offered as aircraft, that could be used in many application - from passenger and VIP-transportation...
  16. TomS

    Hermeus hypersonic aircraft project

    https://arstechnica.com/science/2019/05/hermeus-announces-plan-to-build-the-fastest-aircraft-in-the-world/ Pretty nebulous right now, which is why I didn't post this in Projects. The usual insanely ambitious timeline that they will fail to meet, while blowing through multiple rounds of VC funding.
  17. Grey Havoc

    USN 'Ghost Fleet' Large Unmanned Surface Vessel (LUSV)

    First directly mentioned on SPF back in 2017: Most recent development: https://news.usni.org/2019/03/13/navy-wants-ten-ship-3b-unmanned-experimental-ghost-fleet Likely related in some way to the CARACaS program.
  18. FighterJock

    Space Harpoon

    A British built space harpoon has been demonstrated attaching itself to a orbital debris target in space. Hopfully one day this will be used to clean up old space junk. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-47252304
  19. A

    Russia MLD reusable M=7 hypersonic space drone

    Hi, This spacedrone thinggy project looks new to me: https://sputniknews.com/science/201902041072104452-images-hypersonic-space-drone/ Images kept "as is". A.
  20. Pirate Pete

    New Drydock for Portsmouth Dockyard!?

    The following article appears in the Portsmouth News 28/01/19: Unfortunately, think it may be more wishful thinking than reality..... Link to article: https://www.portsmouth.co.uk/news/defence/royal-navy-drawing-up-plans-for-new-mega-dry-dock-in-portsmouth-for-hms-queen-elizabeth-1-8786406 The...
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