
  1. uk 75

    Royal Navy in the Strategic Defence Review

    I thought it was about time for a bit of bar thumping. Now that we have a new Government the MOD will be doing a Strategic Review. It seems to me that the Royal Navy will have an opportunity to shape its escort fleet for the next 20 to 30 years. Some things seem to be given already...
  2. S

    DARPA to develop microscale navigational gyro for guided munitions and hand-held

    DARPA to develop microscale navigational gyro for guided munitions and hand-held devices Posted by John Keller ARLINGTON, Va., 29 April 2010. Navigation and guidance experts at the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in Arlington, Va., are asking industry to develop a...
  3. O

    Taiwanese "carrier killer" concept

    There was some rumbling recently about a new "carrier killer" ship concept from Taiwan, supposed leaked recently, though it isn't a full up project yet from what I understand. Visually similar to the chinese wave piercing catamaran that is operating now.
  4. bobbymike

    Raytheon AGM-181 Long Range Stand Off Weapon (LRSO)

    Pentagon Eyes More Than $800 Million for New Nuclear Cruise Missile Tuesday, March 9, 2010 By Elaine M. Grossman WASHINGTON -- The U.S. Air Force plans to spend more than $800 million to build a new nuclear-armed cruise missile for its bomber aircraft, according to little-noticed details...
  5. Mercurius Cantabrigiensis

    New launch facilities in Iran

    Iran has embarked on an extensive upgrading of its Semnan space centre, building a launch pad and tower similar in configuration to those used by North Korea. This is located 4-5 km northeast of the existing launch pad used by the Safir satellite launch vehicle GoogleEarth imagery of the new...
  6. Triton

    Commercial Crew Development (CCDev) initiative

    Artist's impression of Boeing capsule concept for NASA's $50 million Commercial Crew Development (CCDev) initiative. The seven-person craft is larger than an Apollo capsule. It can be launched by different rockets and has a cargo variant. Boeing has teamed with Bigelow Aerospace to develop the...
  7. Matej

    Republic of Korea UCAV programs

  8. Triton

    Lockheed Martin Gibbs amphibious vehicle concepts

    Model of Lockheed Martin and Gibbs Technologies Ltd. Amphibious Combat Craft/Expeditionary (ACC/E) vehicle on display at the Association of the United States Army (AUSA) Winter Symposium and Exhibition 2007. NOTE: Original images reduced in size. Source...
  9. bobbymike

    DARPA Long Range Anti-ship Missile (LRASM)

    Long Range Anti-Ship Missile (LRASM) Program Manager: Mr. Rob McHenry In response to emerging threats, DARPA is building on the technology advances developed under the Hypersonics Flight (HyFly) program to develop and demonstrate standoff anti-ship strike technologies to reverse the...
  10. Sundog

    Boeing 787 Dreamliner

    ...for 10am Dec. 15 (Edited for correct month :) ), although I have no idea which time zone that 10am is for, I'm assuming it's Pacific Time Zone. It will be broadcast live on the web, you can pick it up at www.boeing.com or www.newairplane.com Of course, I'll have to miss it, because I will be...
  11. Triton

    US Navy Transformation Craft (T-Craft)

    Transformation Craft (T-Craft) Concept Study by Cynthia Marks et al., NAVAL SURFACE WARFARE CENTER CARDEROCK DIV BETHESDA MD SHIP SYSTEMS INTEGRATION AND DESIGN DEPARTMENT (Aug 2007) Abstract: Handle / proxy Url: http://handle.dtic.mil/100.2/ADA488102
  12. D

    DD(X) DDG-1000 Zumwalt-class destroyers

    I've been reading up on the DDG-1000 for a project I'm doing for Shipbucket and throughout everything, I keep getting a quote that says the Zumwalt-Class can't operate the SM series missiles. Can someone please explain to me how that's possible? The primary anti-defense missiles of the USN can't...
  13. Michel Van

    Interplanetary Expeditionary Complex, MEK

    on this year The 2009 Moscow Aviation and Space Show they presents the Interplanetary Expeditionary Complex (MEK) is a plant for manned programs next 30 years (2010 to 2040 ) a major role plays new Generation manned spacecraft PTK NT better know in English as "Prospective Piloted Transport...
  14. Triton

    "2010: The Year We Make Contact" (1984)

    Production design from the MGM motion picture 2010: The Year We Make Contact by Syd Mead. The film, written and directed by Peter Hyams, is based on the novel 2010: Odyssey Two by Arthur C Clarke.
  15. Skybolt

    A peek on future american SLBMs and ICBMs

    A couple of interesting documents emerged recently on DTIC regarding some hints of what near future long range US ballistic missile could look like. Dates are late 90's ealrly 2000's. Here: http://handle.dtic.mil/100.2/ADA318768 non-nuclear, manouvering SLBM warhead...
  16. A

    India's 5th generation fighter programme - from MCA to AMCA

  17. Triton

    Littoral Combat Ship - Freedom/Independence

    Is the Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) dead after Lockheed-Martin's USS Freedom (LCS-1) and General Dynamics/Austal USS Independence (LCS-2). The last I heard the US Navy was going to re-open bidding. Has the Navy decided to not resurrect this program or has it just not gotten around to sending its...
  18. Michel Van

    MPP-T6 mobile bunker - real or fake ?

    i found this in internet http://www.armada.ch/02-3/digest.cfm Internet fake or real stuff ?
  19. TinWing

    Air Defense Ship (ADS)/Indigenous Aircraft Carrier (IAC)/Vikrant-class Carrier

    Shortly after the recommissioning of the ex-Hermes as the the INS Viraat in 1987, there were reports from India of long term plans for a 4 carrier fleet,with two new construction hulls and both ex-Hermes/Viraat and ex-Leviathan/Vikrant being retained in service until the late 1990s. A contract...
  20. GTX

    BAE Systems Submarine Concept

    Hi folks, At this year's DSEi Exhibition, BAE Systems had this advanced submarine concept on display - note the fully ducted propulsion (Sorry for the poor image quality - the photos were taken using my phone): Regards, Greg
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