
  1. uk 75

    Seacat performance

    We have discussed Seaslug performance in some detail and speculated about what Seacat 2 might have been like, but original Seacat has not received attention. Widely fitted on British warships during the 1960s and 1970s its only combat use was during the Falklands war in 1982 where 40mm guns...
  2. Grey Havoc

    Development of the Fast Mine Warfare Ship 343 (West Germany, 1970s / 1980s)

    The rest of the article can be found reproduced in the JPRS / West Europe Report (15th June, 1983) linked below, pdf pages 7 - 14: https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/ADA373042.pdf A bit more of the history, in particular the post-Cold war part of it, can be found in the archived Forecast...
  3. Grey Havoc

    History of Hughes Missile Systems Company

  4. Grey Havoc

    The extinct Olympic sport of 'Plunging for Distance'

    Otherwise known as Distance Plunging. https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20240720-the-extinct-olympic-sport-that-was-the-dullest-of-all-time
  5. Grey Havoc

    Swiss army Type 68 tank simulator (1970s/1980s)

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AcQifPHcMLE https://www.festungsmuseum.ch/fasip/ (In German) https://magpi.raspberrypi.com/articles/tank-driving-simulator
  6. X

    ATM-05 Black Widow

    Hi Chaps. In the '80ies there was a ATGW development in Canada from E.S. Mantis Research Corporation. Someone here who knows more about this project?
  7. L

    Harrier Kingston P1214-3 Xwing Fighter Interceptor

    The British B.A.E. Kingston P1214-3 Xwing Fighter Interceptor is the only aircraftdesign that was really an X-Wing version. It was designed by Hawker Design Team at Kingston in the late 70's for RAF as Advanced-Short-Tak-Off / Vertical Landing Fighter.. The aircraft had 3 adjustable thrusters...
  8. M

    Alternate aircraft in Iran Iraq war

    Let’s say Iran and Iraq are BOTH heavily sanctioned and cannot operate existing types or unable to procure sophisticated aircraft and have to rely on inferior types as parts for existing modern fleet are used up. By 1983 Iran has primarily mirage V , F-5A , A-4 and F-8 operational Iraq has to...
  9. newsdeskdan

    HOTOL: Britain's Spaceplane by Dan Sharp

    HOTOL: Britain’s Spaceplane by Dan Sharp Now available for pre-order here: HOTOL: Britain's Spaceplane Tempest Books ISBN: 9781911704294 Format: Hardback Pages: 300 The start of Space Shuttle operations in 1981 marked a new era in spaceflight – with the five orbiters launching numerous...
  10. axlzed3301

    Postwar Soviet Experimental Tanks

    On 20.5.1952, Ministry of Defense industry of USSR organized a meeting with tank constructors and with the marshal of tank forces, I.S.Bogdanov, to discuss the future of armored forces development. The result of this meeting was a set of tank requirements from 18.6.1952. The resulting tank was...
  11. Temeraire

    Modernise Vanguard and the KGV’s for the 1980s

    In a perfect world for the British armed forces how would you modernise HMS Vanguard and the King George V class to serve in the 1980s? (Before anyone asks Yes CVA-01 through 04 are built in this timeline, so no yapping about building carriers instead, this is a perfect world for the RN, so the...
  12. C

    Proposed 1980 Update of FRAM Gearing class Destroyers

    From 1979 to 1980, the United States Navy proposed updating their remaining obsolete FRAM Gearing class destroyers in the Naval Reserve Force as escorts to protect trans-Atlantic convoys against Soviet submarines. Some of the proposed modernization included replacing the WWII-era 5"/38 twin-gun...
  13. O

    A-7 'Stealth Pod'

    Does anybody remember the A-7/stealth pod cover stories from the mid 80's. I remember some pics and the basic cover story but can't find anything about it anywhere now.
  14. F.L.

    First INS Vikrant (R11)

    Does anyone have any clear overall photos or drawings of the deck markings worn by the Vikrant in the 80s ? When it operated both the Sea Harrier STOVL and the Alizé CATOBAR. At that time she had markings for the Shar similar to those on the Hermes or Illustrious and markings for the Alizés...
  15. Dilandu

    Albany-class Aegis refit

    Yes, yes, I fully understood that it's impractical and unrealistic, but I just like "Albany"-class cruisers, and just before New Year I hit the idea "what if Albany-class cruiser would be refitted in 80s to carry Aegis?" Oh, and a Happy New Year) So yes, it's CG-18 "Fall River" missile...
  16. uk 75

    Could NATO Frigate 90 have been made to work?

    Perhaps the most ambitious NATO programme of the 1980s was an attempt to design a common escort ship platform for NATO navies: NATO Frigate 90. https://www.secretprojects.co.uk/threads/nfr-90-and-other-pre-horizon-aaw-projects.923/ The project foundered as it became too expensive and failed to...
  17. Voltzz

    Thyssen Submarine Family

    NAVAL FORCES 1985 had a special supplement about Thyssen Nordseewerke including this depiction of the 'Thyssen Submarine Family' (image source) Of the submarines shown, only MSV 130 and TR 1000 are unbuilt projects. The supplement has articles on both of these, but i can only find it for sale in...
  18. K

    Char AMХ-30 with Garrett GT601 gas-turbine engine

    There is information that in the 80s the Garrett GT601 gas turbine was tested on the AMX 30 tank. Does anyone have any more information about this vehicle or any pictures?
  19. TomTom

    Komatsu B78 & Komatsu 105GSR

    Here's a consolidation of the information I've found so far. Komatsu B78 IFV Built by Komatsu, the JSDF in the late ’70s started a project to design an Infantry Fighting Vehicle that would aid troops in the field while also providing armored fire support. Mitsubishi and Komatsu both built...
  20. Deltafan

    Book on the Dassault Super Mirage 4000.

    Alexis Rocher (aka MIRAGE 4000 on SPF), current editor-in-chief of the French monthly Le fana de l'aviation, informed us a few days ago of the forthcoming release of his book on the Dassault Super Mirage 4000. He also informed us that the book will exist in an English version...
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