
  1. bercr

    Famous British Aircraft (Crecy): James Jackson - Jaguar: A Development and Operational History

    https://www.amazon.com/Jaguar-Development-Operational-James-Jackson/dp/1800353294 Publisher ‎Crecy Publishing Ltd (April 30, 2025) Language ‎English ISBN-10 ‎1800353294 ISBN-13 ‎978-1800353299
  2. M

    Kharkiv Design Bureau Turretless tank

  3. Dilandu

    Sukarno stays in power - what would Asutralia do?

    So let's assume that Indonesian socialist leader Sukarno was more competent in terms of economic (or at least listened to better advisor) and managed to avoid the economy crisis that led to his downfall in OTL 1966. He remained relatively popular and in power; Indonesia remained socialistic and...
  4. flateric

    Electric Boat MBI-1

  5. R

    WI Medway Trident and VC10 Super 200?

    Both of these airliners were shrunk at the request of their initial customer, the Trident from 111(130?) seat Medway sized to 97 seat Spey sized and the Super 200 from a 212 seat 28' fuselage stretch to a 174 seat 13' stretch for the Super VC10. The Super VC10 was then embroiled in a public...
  6. R

    Different British nuclear reactors?

    I keep bumping into this from different angles, its technically very interesting to me so I'll ask the question here and see what happens. In the late 50s Britain was looking for a more commercially oriented nuclear power reactor type to follow on from it's operationally successful but not very...
  7. uk 75

    Seacat performance

    We have discussed Seaslug performance in some detail and speculated about what Seacat 2 might have been like, but original Seacat has not received attention. Widely fitted on British warships during the 1960s and 1970s its only combat use was during the Falklands war in 1982 where 40mm guns...
  8. L

    MiG-21 countermeasures

    Trying to find the earliest year the MiG-21 received the SPS-141 ECM pod, and ASO-2 chaff/flare dispensers. First, for the SPS-141 there is the only the vague 1970s period usually mentioned online. But is there info as to what year exactly did the SPS-141 (SM-1 or SPS-141-100?) became...
  9. uk 75

    Royal Navy frigates in the 70s

    The saga of the Royal Navy's carriers after 1966 has been the main focus of interest here, but the workhorse of the RN then as now was the frigate. By the 1970s the RN had plans to replace its Type 12 Leander class frigates with the larger all missile armed Type 22. Leanders were designed...
  10. Grey Havoc

    Development of the Fast Mine Warfare Ship 343 (West Germany, 1970s / 1980s)

    The rest of the article can be found reproduced in the JPRS / West Europe Report (15th June, 1983) linked below, pdf pages 7 - 14: https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/ADA373042.pdf A bit more of the history, in particular the post-Cold war part of it, can be found in the archived Forecast...
  11. Grey Havoc

    History of Hughes Missile Systems Company

  12. Grey Havoc

    Swiss army Type 68 tank simulator (1970s/1980s)

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AcQifPHcMLE https://www.festungsmuseum.ch/fasip/ (In German) https://magpi.raspberrypi.com/articles/tank-driving-simulator
  13. uk 75

    NATO helicopter gunship for the 70s

    Although the excellent AH1 Cobra was deployed to Europe in the 1970s and received TOW missiles to help it kill Soviet armour, noone else in NATO could afford it. That left W Germany sticking six HOT missile launchers on its Bo 105 light observation helicopter and the British Army SS11 missiles...
  14. sferrin

    Lockheed Loopwheel

    Didn't see anything else here about this already. View: https://www.reddit.com/r/EngineeringPorn/comments/1dtur18/lockheed_loopwheel_testbed_compared_to_a_vehicle/ https://ntrs.nasa.gov/api/citations/19780016310/downloads/19780016310.pdf
  15. C

    China's Project 891 aircraft carrier

    https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1xC411J7m9 Model of concept
  16. M

    Antonov An-24 bomber

    Can the Soviets in the 1970s convert a version of An-24 as a night bomber to be used by third world countries. Whose opponents had little or no night fighting capabilities back then
  17. axlzed3301

    Postwar Soviet Experimental Tanks

    On 20.5.1952, Ministry of Defense industry of USSR organized a meeting with tank constructors and with the marshal of tank forces, I.S.Bogdanov, to discuss the future of armored forces development. The result of this meeting was a set of tank requirements from 18.6.1952. The resulting tank was...
  18. C

    SCB.100 class CVs

    I was curious to see if there had been any drawings of this paper ship plan. Basically a anti sub/ trade lane protector ship for th usn, 20 s-3 in 2 squadrons plus 4-8 small anti snuper aircraft (presumably a-4 but no design specified) and 16 sea kings, to be biult in the 70's to replace the...
  19. Tzoli

    JMSDF 2500-ton Escort Ship

    I've founds this interesting design on the Shipbucket forums and I've thought I share it here as well. http://www.shipbucket.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=10014 During the Fourth Defense Force Development Plan (years 1972 – 1976), the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) planned to introduce...
  20. Tzoli

    CVAN-67 the Nuclear Kennedy

    It is known that originally the 4th member of the Kitty Hawk class carriers the USS John F. Kennedy were to be nuclear powered variant of that class and would had been the 2nd nuclear carrier in the USN and in the world using a new Westinghouse A3W reactor design though there were plans to build...
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