
  1. Stargazer

    Hurel-Dubois designations

    Work in progress. Please add! HD.31 HD.32 HD.321 HD.332 assault transport project HD.34 HD.35 adaptation of the HD.321, powered by Wright 982 engines HD.353 additional Marboré jet engines proposed HD.355 twin-engined ASM aircraft HD.37 turboprop-powered flying car-ferry variation based on...
  2. S

    Silo costs 1960s.

    Silo costs 1960s. What were the Titan 2 silo costs (1960$)? What were the 1960 Blue Streak silo cost estimates? How did they compare? How did they compare with Polaris costs?
  3. Graham1973

    Surveyor Lunar Roving Vehicle (Bendix)

    NASAs pre-Apollo program underwent a number of changes as the need to reach the moon before the Russians came to dominate the program. One concept, that was studied and not proceeded with was mounting a small (100lb) rover to a modified Surveyor. It was to be fitted with small scientific...
  4. Triton

    Westinghouse Moon Shelter concept 1965

    Westinghouse Moon Shelter concept drawing circa 1965 found on eBay. URL: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Press-Photo-1965-Concept-Drawing-Moon-Shelter-Astronauts-Moon-Stay-/160738182426?pt=Art_Photo_Images&hash=item256cbe051a
  5. Michel Van

    Darwin Launch Site in Australia

    During ELDO Europa 2 project, it became clear that Woomera launch site was not able to launch payload with Europa 2 to GEO One Proposal was to build (or move) a Launch site near of the equator, at Darwin in Northern Territory. http://www.spaceuk.org/bstreak/eldo/darwin.jpg But the French had...
  6. Graham1973

    Bendix Dual Mode LRV

    During the 1960's one proposal for the Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV) was make it so that after the manned mission was over it could be used as an unmanned rover for further exploration. Here is the final presentation report for the Bendix Version...
  7. uk 75

    British long range shipborne anti ship and surface missiles 1962-70

    In the 60s the RN looked at using missiles possibly derived from Blue Water or similar as a replacement for carrier aircraft. Nothing came of it and Exocet was bought in 1970. Was any serious work ever done?
  8. Stargazer

    McDonnell Models 146 SIDEKICK and 189 anti-tank missiles

    In 1959, the U.S. Army Ordnance Missile Command (AOMC) suggested the development of a medium-range heavy assault weapon. The Office, Chief of Research and Development indicated that no firm requirement existed for the weapon. In February, McDonnell Douglas Corporation began work on the BRAT...
  9. M

    Douglas VTOL/VSTOL/STOL Projects

    There was an article in the Spring, 1962 issue of Air Progress by George Gerhardt called "Soldier's in the Sky" and it was through the courtesy of "Douglas Progess". Anyone know where I can find a copy "Douglas Progress"? Here are the artist drawings that went with the article. Any ideas if...
  10. DamienB

    Blackburn B.114 light communications aircraft

    Not one I'd heard of before. A light transport design with hints of Buccaneer: [link no longer active]
  11. Triton

    North American Rockwell Mars Excursion Module (MEM) model

    North American Rockwell Mars Excursion Module (MEM) model found on eBay. URL: http://cgi.ebay.com/1967-ROCKWELL-NASA-MARS-PROTOTYPE-MODEL-SPACESHIP-RARE-/350404751800?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item5195c031b8 Seller's description:
  12. F

    US destroyer/frigate designs of the 60s & 70s

    I have finished some simple drawings of US destroyer designs from the 1960s and 1970s. The drawings are based on sketches and artist renderings found in Norman Friedman's book "US Destroyers An Illustrated Design History". I find the nuclear frigate design (Typhoon) very interesting. Fishjay
  13. Triton

    Fairchild ESV (Experimental Safety Vehicle)

    Photographs of Fairchild ESV (Experimental Safety Vehicle). Source: From the Archives at Grumman Memorial Park Calverton, Long Island, New York or The Cradle of Aviation Museum, Garden City, Long Island via Warbird Information Exchange forum...
  14. Z

    RN post war carrier conundrums

    November 1945 Deputy Controller indicates that nine CVs would be needed for 1950. This being at that time the three Ark Royal Class and the other six being Illustriouses. At wars end HMS Eagle is 23% completed. Fifth Sea Lord considered the Illustriouses not worth modernising, the money better...
  15. flateric

    Marquardt/GASL/Lockheed-California 1967 Scramjet

    old AWST article found at eBay
  16. Richard N

    Douglas Aircraft Matson Cruise Ship--Jet Powered Cruise Ship Catamaran

    This model auction ended April 19, 2010 on EBay here: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=330423502234&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT There are a dozen images on the listing so you might grab them while they are still up. From the listing: Douglas Aircraft Matson Cruise Ship Line...
  17. uk 75

    Drawings of unbuilt 1960s RN ships

    I will try this thread and hope I do not unleash any speculative arguments about whether these designs should have been built or not. My sole interest is in finding out what they would have looked like based either on anyone's experience, sources or shipbucket. Escort Cruiser In July 1962 the...
  18. uk 75

    Royal Navy Amphibious shipping in the 1960s

    As is well known the Royal Navy built up a decent force of new and converted amphibious ships in the 1960s based on the converted carriers Bulwark and Albion, the two Fearless class LPDs and the Sir Lancelot class LSTs. Mention, however, is made in some sources of proposals to build additional...
  19. flateric

    Early Maneuverable Reentry Vehicle studies

    from The Common Aero Vehicle: Space Delivery System Of The Future George Richie, ANSER AIAA Space Technology Conference & Exposition 28-30 Sept. 1999 Albuquerque, NM from A Common Aero Vehicle (CAV) - Model, Description, and Employment Guide Terry H Phillips, Schafer Corporation
  20. fightingirish

    "The Plane Makers"

    "The Plane Makers" is a British television series between 1963 and 1965. More info about the series at Wikipedia. The "Scott Furlong Predator" is a fictional prototype of a VTOL fighter, built for that TV series. It looks very like the real French VTOL fighters e.g Dassault Balzac V or Mirage...
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